
NC West Virginia News

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

“NATIONAL APPRENTICESHIP ACT OF 2021.....” published by Congressional Record in the House of Representatives section on Feb. 5, 2021

Politics 8 edited

David B. McKinley was mentioned in NATIONAL APPRENTICESHIP ACT OF 2021..... on pages H393-H440 covering the 1st Session of the 117th Congress published on Feb. 5, 2021 in the Congressional Record.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, pursuant to House Resolution 85, I call up the bill (H.R. 447) to amend the Act of August 16, 1937

(commonly referred to as the ``National Apprenticeship Act'') and expand the national apprenticeship system to include apprenticeships, youth apprenticeships, and pre-apprenticeship registered under such Act, to promote the furtherance of labor standards necessary to safeguard the welfare of apprentices, and for other purposes, and ask for its immediate consideration.

The Clerk read the title of the bill.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to House Resolution 85, the amendment printed in part A of House Report 117-3, is adopted and the bill, as amended, is considered read.

The text of the bill, as amended, is as follows:

H.R. 447

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the ``National Apprenticeship Act of 2021''.


This Act, and the amendments made by this Act, shall take effect beginning on October 1, 2021.


The Act of August 16, 1937 (commonly referred to as the

``National Apprenticeship Act''; 50 Stat. 664, chapter 663; 29 U.S.C. 50 et seq.), is amended to read as follows:


``(a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the `National Apprenticeship Act'.

``(b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as follows:

``Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.

``Sec. 2. Definitions.

``Sec. 3. Programs under the national apprenticeship system.

``Sec. 4. Transition provisions.

``Sec. 5. Disaggregation of data.

``Sec. 6. Relation to other laws.


``Subtitle A--The Office of Apprenticeship, State Registration Agency

Approval Process, and Interagency Agreement

``Sec. 111. The Office of Apprenticeship.

``Sec. 112. National Advisory Committee on Apprenticeships.

``Sec. 113. State apprenticeship agencies and State Offices of


``Sec. 114. Interagency agreement with Department of Education.

``Subtitle B--Process and Standards for the National Apprenticeship


``Sec. 121. Apprenticeable occupations standards.

``Sec. 122. Quality standards of programs under the national apprenticeship system.

``Sec. 123. Apprenticeship agreements.

``Sec. 124. Registration of programs under the national apprenticeship system.

``Subtitle C--Evaluations and Research

``Sec. 131. Program evaluations.

``Sec. 132. National apprenticeship system research.

``Subtitle D--General Provisions

``Sec. 141. Authorization of appropriations.



``Sec. 201. Grant requirements.

``Sec. 202. Uses of Funds.

``Sec. 203. Grant evaluations.

``Sec. 204. Grant appropriations.


``In this Act:

``(1) Administrator.--The term `Administrator' means the Administrator of the Office of Apprenticeship established under section 111(a).

``(2) Advisory committee.--The term `Advisory Committee' means the National Advisory Committee on Apprenticeships established under section 112.

``(3) Apprentice.--The term `apprentice' means a program participant in an apprenticeship program.

``(4) Apprenticeship agreement.--The term `apprenticeship agreement' means a written agreement under section 123 between--

``(A) an apprentice, a youth apprentice, or a pre-apprentice; and

``(B) a sponsor.

``(5) Apprenticeship hub.--The term `apprenticeship hub' means a regional or sectoral qualified intermediary recognized by a State apprenticeship agency or a State Office of Apprenticeship as organizing and providing activities and services related to the development of programs under the national apprenticeship system.

``(6) Apprenticeable occupation.--The term `apprenticeable occupation' means an occupation that the Administrator has determined meets the requirements of section 121.

``(7) Apprenticeship program.--The term `apprenticeship program' means a program that meets the standards described in section 122(b) and is registered under this Act.

``(8) Competency.--The term `competency' means the attainment of knowledge, skills, and abilities in a subject area, as specified by an occupational skill standard and demonstrated by an appropriate written or hands-on proficiency measurement.

``(9) Department.--The term `Department' means the Department of Labor.

``(10) Education and training provider.--The term

`education and training provider' means--

``(A) an area career and technical education school;

``(B) an early college high school;

``(C) an educational service agency;

``(D) a high school;

``(E) a local educational agency or State educational agency;

``(F) a Tribal educational agency, Tribally controlled college or university, or Tribally controlled postsecondary career and technical institution;

``(G) a postsecondary educational institution;

``(H) a minority-serving institution;

``(I) a provider of adult education and literacy activities under the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (29 U.S.C. 3271 et seq.);

``(J) a local agency administering plans under title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 720 et seq.), other than section 112 or part C of that title (29 U.S.C. 732, 741);

``(K) a related instruction provider, including a qualified intermediary acting as a related instruction provider as approved by a registration agency; or

``(L) a consortium of entities described in any of subparagraphs (A) through (K).

``(11) Eligible entity.--

``(A) In general.--The term `eligible entity' means--

``(i) a program sponsor;

``(ii) a State workforce development board or State workforce agency, or a local workforce development board or local workforce development agency;

``(iii) an education and training provider, or a consortium thereof;

``(iv) if the applicant is in a State with a State apprenticeship agency, such State apprenticeship agency;

``(v) an Indian Tribe or Tribal organization;

``(vi) an industry or sector partnership, a group of employers, a trade association, or a professional association that sponsors or participates in a program under the national apprenticeship system;

``(vii) a Governor of a State;

``(viii) a labor organization or joint labor-management organization; or

``(ix) a qualified intermediary.

``(B) Sponsor requirement.--Not fewer than one entity under subparagraph (A) shall be the sponsor of a program under the national apprenticeship system.

``(12) Indian tribe; tribal organization.--The terms

`Indian Tribe' and `Tribal organization' have the meaning given the terms (without regard to capitalization) in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5304).

``(13) Interim credential.--The term `interim credential' means a credential issued by a registration agency, upon request of the appropriate sponsor, as certification of competency attainment by a program participant during participation in a program under the national apprenticeship system.

``(14) Journeyworker.--The term `journeyworker' means a worker who has attained a level of skill, abilities, and competencies recognized within an industry as having mastered the skills and competencies required for the occupation.

``(15) Minority-serving institution.--The term `minority-serving institution' means an institution defined in any of paragraphs (1) through (7) of section 371(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1067q(a))).

``(16) National apprenticeship system.--The term `national apprenticeship system' means the apprenticeship programs, youth apprenticeship programs, and pre-apprenticeship programs that meet the requirements of this Act.

``(17) Nontraditional apprenticeship population.--The term

`nontraditional apprenticeship population' means a group of individuals (such as a group of individuals from the same gender or race), the members of which comprise fewer than 25 percent of the program participants in an apprenticeable occupation under the national apprenticeship system.

``(18) Nontraditional apprenticeship industry or occupation.--The term `nontraditional apprenticeship industry or occupation' refers to an industry sector or occupation that represents fewer than 10 percent of apprenticeable occupations or the programs under the national apprenticeship system.

``(19) Outlying area.--The term `outlying area' means American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the United States Virgin Islands.

``(20) Pre-apprentice.--The term `pre-apprentice' means a program participant in a pre-apprenticeship program.

``(21) Pre-apprenticeship program.--The term `pre-apprenticeship program' means a training model or program that--

``(A) prepares individuals for acceptance into an apprenticeship program;

``(B) meets the standards described in section 122(c); and

``(C) is registered under this Act.

``(22) Program participant.--The term `program participant' means an apprentice, a pre-apprentice, or a youth apprentice.

``(23) Qualified intermediary.--

``(A) In general.--The term `qualified intermediary' means an entity that demonstrates expertise in building, connecting, sustaining, and measuring the performance of partnerships described in subparagraph (B) and serves program participants and employers by--

``(i) connecting employers to programs under the national apprenticeship system;

``(ii) assisting in the design and implementation of such programs, including curriculum development and delivery for related instruction;

``(iii) supporting entities, sponsors, or program administrators in meeting the registration and reporting requirements of this Act;

``(iv) providing professional development activities such as training to mentors;

``(v) supporting the recruitment, retention, and completion of potential program participants, including nontraditional apprenticeship populations and individuals with barriers to employment;

``(vi) developing and providing personalized program participant supports, including by partnering with organizations to provide access to or referrals for supportive services and financial advising;

``(vii) providing services, resources, and supports for development, delivery, expansion, or improvement of programs under the national apprenticeship system; or

``(viii) serving as a program sponsor.

``(B) Partnerships.--The term `partnerships described in subparagraph (B)' means partnerships among entities involved in, or applying to participate in, programs under the national apprenticeship system, including--

``(i) industry or sector partnerships;

``(ii) partnerships among employers, joint labor-management organizations, labor organizations, community-based organizations, industry associations, State or local workforce development boards, education and training providers, social service organizations, economic development organizations, Indian Tribes or Tribal organizations, one-stop operators, or one-stop partners in the State workforce development system; or

``(iii) partnerships among one or more of the entities described in clauses (i) and (ii).

``(24) Recognized postsecondary credential.--The term

`recognized postsecondary credential' has the meaning given the term in section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102), except that such term does not include a certificate of completion of an apprenticeship.

``(25) Registration agency.--The term `registration agency' means the State Office of Apprenticeship or State apprenticeship agency in a State that is responsible for--

``(A) approving or denying applications from sponsors for registration of programs under the national apprenticeship system in the State or area covered by the registration agency; and

``(B) carrying out the responsibilities of supporting the youth apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, or apprenticeship programs registered by the registration agency.

``(26) Related instruction.--The term `related instruction' means an organized and systematic form of instruction that meets the requirements of section 122(b)(1)(C).

``(27) Related federal programs.--The term `related Federal programs' means programs or activities under the following:

``(A) The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.), including adult education and literacy activities under such Act.

``(B) The Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49 et seq.).

``(C) The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

(20 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.).

``(D) The Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.).

``(E) The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.).

``(F) Title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 720 et seq.).

``(G) Title V of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 3056 et seq.).

``(H) The postsecondary level under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2302).

``(I) Chapter 2 of title II of the Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2271 et seq.).

``(J) Chapter 41 of title 38, United States Code.

``(K) Employment and training activities carried out under the Community Services Block Grant Act (42 U.S.C. 9901 et seq.).

``(L) State unemployment compensation laws (in accordance with applicable Federal law).

``(M) Section 231 of the Second Chance Act of 2007 (34 U.S.C. 60541).

``(N) Part A of title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.).

``(O) Employment and training activities carried out by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Defense, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Energy, the Department of Transportation, and the Small Business Administration.

``(P) Section 6(d)(4) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008

(7 U.S.C. 2015(d)(4)).

``(Q) Educational assistance programs under chapters 30 through 36 of title 38, United States Code.

``(28) Secretary.--The term `Secretary' means the Secretary of Labor.

``(29) Sponsor.--The term `sponsor' means an employer, joint labor-management organization, trade association, professional association, labor organization, education and training provider, or qualified intermediary that is applying to administer and operate a program under the national apprenticeship system.

``(30) State.--The term `State'--

``(A) has the meaning given such term in section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102); and

``(B) includes each of the outlying areas.

``(31) State apprenticeship agency.--The term `State apprenticeship agency' means a State agency recognized as a State apprenticeship agency under section 113.

``(32) State apprenticeship council.--The term `State apprenticeship council' means an entity established under section 113(b)(3) to assist the State apprenticeship agency.

``(33) State office of apprenticeship.--The term `State office of apprenticeship' means the office designated by the Administrator to administer programs under the national apprenticeship system in such State and meets the requirements of section 111(b)(3).

``(34) State or local workforce development boards.--The terms `State workforce development board' and `local workforce development board' have the meanings given the terms `State board' and `local board', respectively, in section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102).

``(35) State workforce agency.--The term `State workforce agency' means the State agency with responsibility for workforce investment activities under chapters 2 and 3 of subtitle B of title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3121 et seq., 3131 et seq.).

``(36) CTE terms.--The terms `area career and technical education school', `articulation agreement', `credit transfer agreement', `postsecondary educational institution',

`Tribally controlled college or university', `Tribally controlled postsecondary career and technical institution', and `work-based learning' have the meanings given in section 3 of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2302).

``(37) ESEA terms.--The terms `dual or concurrent enrollment program', `early college high school', `education service agency', `high school', `local educational agency',

`paraprofessional', and `State educational agency' have the meanings given in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801).

``(38) Tribal educational agency.--The term `Tribal educational agency' has the meaning given the term in section 6132 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

(20 U.S.C. 7452).

``(39) WIOA terms.--The terms `career pathway', `in-demand industry sector or occupation', `individual with a barrier to employment', `industry or sector partnership', `labor market area', `local area', `one-stop center', `one-stop operator',

`one-stop partner', `supportive services' and `workforce development system' have the meanings given in section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102).

``(40) Youth apprentice.--The term `youth apprentice' means a participant in a youth apprenticeship program.

``(41) Youth apprenticeship program.--The term `youth apprenticeship program' means a model or program that meets the standards described in section 122(d) and is registered under this Act.


``Any funds appropriated under this Act shall only be used for, or provided to, programs under the national apprenticeship system, including any funds awarded for the purposes of grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements, or the development, implementation, or administration, of program under the national apprenticeship system.


``The Secretary shall take such steps as are necessary to provide for the orderly transition to the authority of this Act (as amended by the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021) from any authority under this Act as in effect on the day before the date of enactment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.


``The disaggregation of data under this Act shall not be required when the number of program participants in a category is insufficient to yield statistically reliable information or when the results would reveal personally identifiable information about a program participant or would reveal such information when combined with other released information.


``Nothing in this Act shall invalidate or limit the remedies, rights, and procedures under any Federal law or the law of any State or political subdivision of any State or jurisdiction that provides greater or equal protection for individuals based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, genetic information, or disability than are afforded by this Act.


``Subtitle A--The Office of Apprenticeship, State Registration Agency

Approval Process, and Interagency Agreement


``(a) Establishment of the Office of Apprenticeship.--There is established, in the Employment and Training Administration of the Department of Labor, an Office of Apprenticeship

(referred to in this section as the `Office'), which shall be directed by an Administrator who has demonstrated knowledge of the national apprenticeship system necessary to head the Office.

``(b) Responsibilities.--The Administrator shall be responsible for the administration of this Act, including:

``(1) Promotion and awareness activities.--The Administrator shall carry out promotion and awareness activities, including the following:

``(A) Supporting the development or scaling of apprenticeship models nationally, promoting the effectiveness of youth apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, and apprenticeship programs, and providing promotional materials to State apprenticeship agencies, State workforce development systems or local workforce development systems, State educational agencies or local educational agencies, employers, trade associations, professional associations, industry groups, labor organizations, joint labor-management organizations, education and training providers, Federal and State correctional facilities, and prospective apprentices in such programs.

``(B) Promoting greater diversity in the national apprenticeship system including by--

``(i)(I) promoting outreach to nontraditional apprenticeship populations;

``(II) engaging minority-serving institutions and employers from nontraditional apprenticeship industries or occupations; and

``(III) engaging small, medium-size, women-owned, and minority-owned businesses, and employers in high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand industry sectors and occupations that are nontraditional apprenticeship industries or occupations; and

``(ii) supporting the participation and retention of apprentices and employers described in clause (i) in the national apprenticeship system.

``(2) Technical assistance activities.--The Administrator shall carry out technical assistance activities, including the following:

``(A) Providing technical assistance to--

``(i) assist State apprenticeship agencies and sponsors in complying with the requirements of this Act, including the process and standards described in subtitle B and the evaluation and research requirements described in subtitle C;

``(ii) receive and resolve comments or complaints from youth apprentices, pre-apprentices, or apprentices, sponsors, employers, State apprenticeship agencies, State local workforce agencies or local workforce agencies, State educational agencies or local educational agencies, qualified intermediaries, labor organizations, joint labor-management organizations, or other stakeholders;

``(iii) assist sponsors, employers, qualified intermediaries, and education and training or related instruction providers, or other entities interested in becoming sponsors, or seeking support for developing programs under the national apprenticeship system or effectively carrying out such programs, including providing assistance for remote or virtual learning or training, as necessary;

``(iv) assist those applying for or carrying out grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements under title II; and

``(v) share, through a national apprenticeship system clearinghouse, high-quality materials for programs under the national apprenticeship system, such as related instruction or training materials.

``(B) Cooperating with the--

``(i) Secretary of Education in--

``(I) providing technical assistance for the development and implementation of related instruction under the national apprenticeship system that is aligned with State education systems and education and training providers; and

``(II) supporting the stackability and portability of academic credit and credentials earned as part of such programs, including through articulation agreements and career pathways; and

``(ii) State workforce development systems to promote awareness of opportunities under the national apprenticeship system.

``(3) State offices of apprenticeship.--

``(A) Establishment of offices.--

``(i) In general.--The Administrator shall establish and operate a State Office of Apprenticeship in a State described in clause (ii) to serve as the registration agency for such State.

``(ii) Applicable states.--A State described in this clause is a State--

``(I) in which, as of the day before the date of enactment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, there is no State Office of Apprenticeship; and

``(II) that has not applied for recognition as a State apprenticeship agency under section 113, or for which such recognition has not provided or has been withdrawn by the Administrator under such section.

``(B) State plan requirement.--Each State Office of Apprenticeship shall be administered by a State Director who shall prepare and submit a State plan that meets the requirements of section 113(c).

``(C) Vacancies.--Subject to the availability of appropriations, in the case of a State Office of Apprenticeship with a vacant position, the Administrator shall--

``(i) make information on such vacancy available on a publicly accessible website; and

``(ii) report to the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate, on the status and length of such vacancy if such vacancy is not filled not later than 90 days after such position has become vacant.

``(D) Rule of construction.--Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prohibit any State described in subparagraph (A)(ii) from establishing an agency or entity to promote programs under the national apprenticeship system in such State, in coordination with the State Office of Apprenticeship operating in the State, so long as such agency or entity does not act as the registration agency in such State.

``(4) Quality standards, apprenticeship agreement, and registration review.--In order for the Secretary, acting through the Administrator, to support the formulation and furtherance of labor standards necessary to safeguard the welfare of program participants, and to extend the application of such standards in apprenticeship agreements, not later than 1 year after the effective date of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, and at least every 3 years thereafter, the Administrator shall review, and where appropriate, update the process for meeting the requirements of subtitle B, including applicable regulations and subregulatory guidance to ensure that such process is easily accessible and efficient to bring together employers and labor as sponsors or potential sponsors of programs under the national apprenticeship system.

``(5) Apprenticeable occupations.--

``(A) Existing apprenticeable occupations.--The Administrator shall regularly review and update the requirements for each apprenticeable occupation to ensure that such requirements are in compliance with requirements under this Act.

``(B) New apprenticeable occupation.--

``(i) In general.--The Administrator shall review and make a determination on whether to approve an occupation as an apprenticeable occupation not later than 45 days after receiving an application from a person seeking such approval from the Administrator.

``(ii) Estimated timeline.--If such determination is not made within 45 days, the Administrator shall provide the applicant with a written explanation for the delay and offer an estimated timeline for a determination that does not to exceed 90 days after the date of such written explanation.

``(C) Industry recognized occupational standards.--

``(i) In general.--From the funds appropriated under section 141(a), the Administrator shall convene, on an ongoing basis and taking into consideration recommendations of the Advisory Committee under section 112(d)(4), the industry sector leaders and experts described in clause (ii) for the purposes of establishing or updating specific frameworks of industry recognized occupational standards for apprenticeable occupations (including potential apprenticeable occupations) that--

``(I) meet the requirements of this Act; and

``(II) describe program scope and length, related instruction, on-the-job training, recognized postsecondary credentials, and competencies, and relevant timelines for review of such frameworks.

``(ii) Industry sector leaders and experts.--The industry sector leaders and experts are employers, industry associations, joint labor-management organizations, labor organizations, education and training providers, credential providers, program participants, national qualified intermediaries, including those supporting increased participation of nontraditional apprenticeship populations and nontraditional apprenticeship industries or occupations, and other stakeholders relevant to the sector or occupation for which the frameworks are being established or updated, as determined by the Administrator.

``(iii) Priority industry recognized apprenticeable occupations.--In establishing frameworks under clause (i) for the first time after the effective date of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, the Administrator shall prioritize the establishment of such standards in high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors and occupations.

``(D) Regulations.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, the Secretary shall issue regulations that outline a process for proactively establishing and approving standards and requirements for apprenticeable occupations in consultation with the industry sector leaders and experts described in subparagraph (C)(ii).

``(6) Program oversight and evaluation.--The Administrator shall--

``(A) monitor State apprenticeship agencies, State Offices of Apprenticeship, grantees, and sponsors of programs under the national apprenticeship system to ensure compliance with the requirements of this Act;

``(B) provide technical assistance to assist such entities with such compliance or program performance; and

``(C) conduct research and evaluation in accordance with subtitle C.

``(7) Promoting diversity in the national apprenticeship system.--The Administrator shall promote diversity and ensure equal opportunity to participate in programs for apprentices, youth apprentices, and pre-apprentices, including--

``(A) taking steps necessary to promote diversity in apprenticeable occupations under the national apprenticeship system, especially in high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors and occupations in areas with high percentages of low-income individuals;

``(B) ensuring programs under the national apprenticeship system--

``(i) adopt and implement policies to provide for equal opportunity in such programs, as described in section 30.3 of title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on January 31, 2020);

``(ii) do not engage in intimidation or retaliation as prohibited under section 30.17 of title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on January 31, 2020); and

``(iii) are subject, for any violation of clauses (i) or

(ii), to enforcement action under this Act; and

``(C) supporting the recruitment, employment, and retention of nontraditional apprenticeship populations in programs under the national apprenticeship system in high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand industry sectors and occupations, including women, people of color, individuals with disabilities, individuals impacted by the criminal and juvenile justice system, and individuals with barriers to employment, as applicable.

``(8) Grant awards.--The Administrator shall award grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements under title II.

``(9) National advisory committee.--The Administrator shall--

``(A) regularly consult with the National Advisory Committee on Apprenticeships under section 112; and

``(B) ensure that the required recommendations and other reports of the Advisory Committee are submitted to the Secretary and transmitted to the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate.

``(10) Coordination.--The Administrator shall coordinate and align programs under the national apprenticeship system with related Federal programs.

``(c) Information Collection and Dissemination.--The Administrator shall provide for data collection and dissemination of information regarding programs under the national apprenticeship system, including--

``(1) not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, establishing and supporting a single information technology infrastructure to support data collection and reporting from State apprenticeship agencies, State Offices of Apprenticeship, grantees under title II, program sponsors, and program administrators under the national apprenticeship system by providing for a data infrastructure that--

``(A) is developed and maintained by the Administrator, with input from national data and privacy experts, is informed by best practices on public provision of credential information, and to the extent practicable, aligns with the technology infrastructure for related Federal programs, such as the technology infrastructure used under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.);

``(B) best meets the needs of the national apprenticeship system stakeholders reporting data to the Administrator or State apprenticeship agencies, including through the provision of technical assistance and financial assistance as necessary to ensure reporting systems are equipped to report into a single information technology infrastructure; and

``(C) is aligned with data from the performance reviews under section 131(b)(1)(A);

``(2) providing for data sharing that includes making nonpersonally identifiable apprenticeship data available on a publicly accessible website that is searchable and comparable, through the use of common, linked, open-data description language, such as the credential transparency description language or a substantially similar resource, so that interested parties can become aware of apprenticeship opportunities and of program outcomes that best meets the needs of youth apprentices, pre-apprentices, and apprentices, employers, education and training providers, program sponsors, and relevant stakeholders, including--

``(A) information on program offerings under the national apprenticeship system based on geographical location and apprenticeable occupation;

``(B) information on education and training providers providing opportunities under such system, including whether programs under such system offer dual or concurrent enrollment programs, articulation agreements, and recognized postsecondary credentials as part of the program offerings;

``(C) information about the educational and occupational credentials and related competencies of programs under such system; and

``(D) information based on the most recent data available to the Office that is consistent with national standards and practices.


``(a) Establishment.--

``(1) In general.--There is established, in the Department of Labor, a National Advisory Committee on Apprenticeships.

``(2) Composition.--

``(A) Appointments.--The Advisory Committee shall consist of 27 voting members described in subparagraph (B) appointed by the Secretary.

``(B) List of individuals.--The individuals described in this subparagraph are--

``(i) 9 representatives of employers or industry associations who participate in an apprenticeship program (at least 1 of which represents a women, minority, or veteran-owned business), including representatives of employers representing nontraditional apprenticeship industries or occupations, and other high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors or occupations, as applicable;

``(ii) 9 representatives of labor organizations or joint labor-management organizations who have responsibility for the administration of an apprenticeship program (including those sponsored by a joint labor-management organization and from nontraditional apprenticeship industries or occupations), at least 1 of which represent employees primarily in the building trades and construction industry;

``(iii) 1 representative of each from--

``(I) a State apprenticeship agency;

``(II) a State or local workforce development board with significant expertise in supporting a program under the national apprenticeship system;

``(III) a community organization with significant expertise supporting such a program;

``(IV) an area career and technical education school or local educational agency;

``(V) a State apprenticeship council;

``(VI) a State or local postsecondary education and training providers that administers, or has not less than 1 articulation agreement with an entity administering, a program under the national apprenticeship system;

``(VII) a provider of an industry-recognized credential;

``(VIII) a national qualified intermediary, including a national qualified intermediary that supports increased participation of nontraditional apprenticeship populations and nontraditional apprenticeship industries or occupations; and

``(IX) a program participant.

``(C) Ex officio nonvoting members.--The Advisory Committee shall consist of ex officio nonvoting members from each of the following departments, selected by the applicable Secretary--

``(i) the Department of Labor;

``(ii) the Department of Commerce;

``(iii) the Department of Education;

``(iv) the Department of Energy;

``(v) the Department of Housing and Urban Development;

``(vi) the Department of Transportation;

``(vii) the Department of Veterans Affairs;

``(viii) the Department of Health and Human Services;

``(ix) the Department of Justice; and

``(x) the Department of Defense.

``(D) Recommendations.--The Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, the Majority Leader of the Senate, and the Minority Leader of the Senate may each recommend to the Secretary an individual described in clause (i) or (ii) of subparagraph (B) for appointment under subparagraph (A) who shall be subject to the requirements of paragraph (3).

``(3) Qualifications.--An individual shall be selected under paragraph (1) on the basis of the experience and competence of such individual with respect to programs under the national apprenticeship system.

``(4) Terms.--

``(A) In general.--Each voting member of the Advisory Committee shall be appointed for a term of 4 years, except as provided in subparagraphs (B) through (D).

``(B) Terms of initial appointees.--

``(i) In general.--The appointments of the initial members of the Advisory Committee shall be made not later than 90 days after the effective date of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

``(ii) Staggering of terms.--As designated by the Secretary at the time of the appointment, of the members first appointed--

``(I) half of such members shall serve a 2-year term; and

``(II) half of such members shall serve a 4-year term.

``(C) Vacancies.--Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall be appointed only for the remainder of that term. A member may serve after the expiration of that member's term until a successor has taken office. A vacancy in the Advisory Committee shall be filled in the manner in which the original appointment was made, except that such appointment shall be made not later than 90 days after the date of the vacancy. A member who fulfilled a partial term as the result of a vacancy may, at the end that term, be appointed to a full term.

``(D) Multiple terms.--A voting member of the Advisory Committee may serve not more than 2 full terms on the Advisory Committee.

``(b) Chairperson.--The Advisory Committee members shall designate by vote one of the voting members described in subsection (a)(2)(A) of the Advisory Committee to serve as Chairperson of the Advisory Committee.

``(c) Meetings.--

``(1) In general.--The Advisory Committee shall meet at the call of the Chairperson and hold not fewer than 4 meetings during each calendar year.

``(2) Open access.--All meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be open to the public. A transcript shall be kept of each meeting and made available for public inspection within 30 days of the meeting.

``(d) Duties.--The Advisory Committee shall, at a minimum--

``(1) advise, consult with, and make recommendations to the Administrator on matters relating to the administration of this Act, including recommendations on regulations and policies related to the administration of this Act;

``(2) annually prepare a set of recommendations for the Administrator, to be shared with the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions of the Senate, to improve the registration process under subtitle B to make the process easily accessible and efficient for use by sponsors while maintaining the requirements under subtitle B;

``(3) make recommendations on expanding participation of nontraditional apprenticeship populations in programs under the national apprenticeship system; and

``(4) review apprenticeable occupations and, based on reviews of labor market trends and changes, make recommendations to the Administrator on whether to--

``(A) make updates to apprenticeable occupations under section 111(b)(5)(A); or

``(B) convene sector leaders and experts under section 111(b)(5)(C) for the establishing specific frameworks of industry recognized occupational standards.

``(e) Personnel.--

``(1) Compensation of members.--

``(A) In general.--A member of the Advisory Committee who is not an officer or employee of the Federal Government shall be compensated at a rate equal to the daily equivalent of the annual rate of basic pay prescribed for level IV of the Executive Schedule under section 5315 of title 5, United States Code, for each day (including travel time) during which the member is engaged in the performance of the duties of the Advisory Committee.

``(B) Officers or employees of the united states.--Members of the Advisory Committee who are officers or employees of the United States may not receive additional pay, allowances, or benefits by reason of their service on the Advisory Committee.

``(2) Staff.--The Secretary shall supply the Advisory Committee with an executive Secretary and provide such secretarial, clerical, and other services as the Secretary determines to be necessary to enable the Advisory Committee to carry out the duties described in subsection (d).

``(3) Data requests.--The Advisory Committee through its Chairperson may request data from the Secretary as determined necessary by the Advisory Committee to carry out its functions as described in this section.

``(f) Permanent Committee.--The Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) (other than section 14 of such Act) shall apply to the Advisory Committee.



``(a) Recognition of State Apprenticeship Agencies.--

``(1) In general.--The Administrator shall recognize a State agency as a State apprenticeship agency in accordance with this section and cooperate with such State apprenticeship agency regarding the formulation and promotion of standards of apprenticeship under subtitle B.

``(2) Application.--A State desiring to have a State agency recognized as a State apprenticeship agency under this section shall submit an application at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Administrator may require, including--

``(A) the initial State plan described in subsection


``(B) a description of how the State apprenticeship agency will meet the State plan requirements of subsection (c); and

``(C) a description of the linkages and coordination of the State's proposed standards, criteria, and requirements with the State's economic development strategies and workforce development system and the State's secondary, postsecondary, and adult education systems.

``(3) Review and recognition.--

``(A) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date on which a State submits an application under paragraph (2), the Secretary shall notify the State regarding whether the agency of the State is recognized as a State apprenticeship agency under this section.

``(B) Duration of recognition.--

``(i) Duration.--The recognition of a State apprenticeship agency shall be for a 4-year period beginning on the date the State apprenticeship agency is notified under subparagraph


``(ii) Notification.--

``(I) In general.--The Secretary shall notify a State apprenticeship agency not later than 180 days before the last day of the 4-year period regarding whether the State apprenticeship agency is in compliance with this section.

``(II) Compliance.--In the case of a State apprenticeship agency that is in compliance with this section, the agency's recognition under this section shall be renewed for an additional 4-year period and the notification under subclause

(I) shall include notification of such renewal.

``(III) Noncompliance.--In the case of a State apprenticeship agency that is not in compliance with this section, the notification shall--

``(aa) specify the areas of noncompliance;

``(bb) require corrective action; and

``(cc) offer technical assistance.

``(iii) Renewal after correction.--If the Administrator determines that a State apprenticeship agency has corrected the identified areas of noncompliance under this subparagraph not later than 180 days of notification of noncompliance, the State apprenticeship agency's recognition under this section shall be renewed for an additional 4-year period.

``(C) Transition period for state agencies.--

``(i) In general.--Not later than 1 year after the effective date of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, a State agency that, as of the day before the date of enactment of such Act, was recognized by the Secretary for purposes of registering apprenticeship programs in accordance with this Act shall submit an application under paragraph (2).

``(ii) Transition period.--A State agency described in clause (i) shall be recognized as a State apprenticeship agency under this section for a 4-year period beginning on the date on which the Secretary approves the application submitted by the State agency under paragraph (2).

``(b) Authority of a State Apprenticeship Agency.--

``(1) In general.--For the period during which a State apprenticeship agency is recognized under subsection (a) and to maintain such recognition, the State apprenticeship agency shall carry out the requirements of this Act.

``(2) Program recognition.--With respect to a State with a State apprenticeship agency, the State apprenticeship agency shall have sole authority to recognize and register a pre-apprenticeship, youth apprenticeship, or apprenticeship program in such State, which shall include--

``(A) determining whether such program is in compliance with the standards for such program under section 122;

``(B) in the case of such a program that is in compliance with such standards, recognizing the program and providing a certificate of recognition for such program;

``(C) providing technical assistance to current or potential sponsors; and

``(D) in the case of such a program that fails to meet the requirements of this Act, providing for the withdrawal of recognition of the program in accordance with section 131(b).

``(3) State apprenticeship council.--

``(A) In general.--A State apprenticeship agency shall establish and continue to use a State apprenticeship council, which shall operate in compliance with the requirements of this Act under the direction of the State apprenticeship agency.

``(B) Composition.--A State apprenticeship council may be regulatory or advisory in nature, and shall--

``(i) be composed of persons familiar with apprenticeable occupations; and

``(ii) be fairly balanced, with an equal number of--

``(I) representatives of employer organizations, including from nontraditional apprenticeship industries or occupations;

``(II) representatives of labor organizations or joint labor-management organizations, including from nontraditional apprenticeship industries or occupations; and

``(III) public members; and

``(iii) to the extent practicable, have not less than 1 member who is a member of the State workforce board.

``(C) Special rule.--A State apprenticeship council shall not be eligible for recognition as a State apprenticeship agency.

``(c) State Plan.--

``(1) In general.--For a State apprenticeship agency to be eligible to receive allotments under subsection (f) and to be recognized under this section, the State apprenticeship agency shall submit to the Secretary a State plan that meets the requirements of this subsection.

``(2) Approval of state plan.--

``(A) Submission.--

``(i) Initial plan.--The first State plan of a State apprenticeship agency shall be submitted to the Administrator not later than 120 days prior to the commencement of the first full program year of the State apprenticeship agency, which shall include--

``(I) a description of any State laws, policies, or operational procedures relating to the process of recognizing programs under the national apprenticeship system that is inconsistent with, or imposes requirements in addition to, the requirements of this Act;

``(II) an assurance that the State will notify the Administrator if there are any changes to the State laws

(including regulations), policies, or procedures described in subclause (I) that occur after the date of submission of such plan; and

``(III) an assurance that the State will make available on a publicly available website a description of any laws

(including regulations), policies, and operational procedures relating to the process of recognizing programs under the national apprenticeship system that are inconsistent with, or impose requirements in addition to, the requirements of this Act.

``(ii) Subsequent plans.--Except as provided in clause (i), a State plan shall be submitted to the Administrator not later than 120 days prior to the end of the 4-year period covered by the preceding State plan.

``(B) Approval.--A State plan shall be subject to the approval of the Administrator and shall be considered to be approved at the end of the 90-day period beginning on the date that the plan is submitted under this paragraph, unless the Administrator, during the 90-day period, provides the State apprenticeship agency, in writing--

``(i) an explanation for why the State plan is inconsistent with the requirements of this Act; and

``(ii) an opportunity for an appeal of such determination to an Administrative Law Judge for the Department of Labor not later than 30 days after receipt of the notice of denial from the Administrator.

``(C) Modifications.--

``(i) Modifications.--At the end of the first 2-year period of any 4-year State plan, the State may submit modifications to the State plan to reflect changes in labor market and economic conditions or other factors affecting the implementation of the State plan.

``(ii) Approval.--A modified State plan submitted for review under clause (i) shall be subject to the approval requirements described in subparagraph (B).

``(3) Technical assistance.--Each State Plan shall describe how the State apprenticeship agency will provide technical assistance for--

``(A) potential sponsors, employers, labor organizations, joint labor-management organizations, qualified intermediaries, apprentices, education and training providers, credentialing bodies, eligible entities, industry associations, or any potential program participant in the national apprenticeship system in the State for the purposes of recruitment, retention, program development, expansion, or implementation, including supporting remote or virtual learning or training, as necessary;

``(B) sponsors of programs registered in the State, including sponsors that are not meeting performance goals under subtitle C, for purposes of assisting sponsors in meeting or exceeding such goals; and

``(C) sponsors of programs registered in that State for purposes of assisting such sponsors in achieving State goals in diversity and equal opportunity in apprenticeships in accordance with paragraph (5).

``(4) Reciprocity.--Each State plan shall describe how the State apprenticeship agency, in the case of a program recognized by a registration agency in another State, shall recognize such program in the State of such agency for purposes of this Act by not later than 30 days after receipt of an application for such recognition from a program sponsor, as long as such program meets the wage and hour provisions of the State granting reciprocity.

``(5) Promoting diversity in the national apprenticeship system.--Each State plan shall include a plan for how the State apprenticeship agency will--

``(A) promote diversity in apprenticeable occupations offered throughout the State, and a description of how such agency will promote the addition of apprenticeable occupations in high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors and occupations, and in nontraditional apprenticeship occupations and sectors; and

``(B) promote diversity and equal opportunity in programs under the national apprenticeship system by uniformly adopting and implementing the requirements of subparagraphs

(B) and (C) of section 111(b)(7).

``(6) Complaints.--

``(A) In general.--Subject to subparagraph (B), each State plan shall include a description of the system for the State apprenticeship agency to receive and resolve complaints submitted by program participants, the program participant's authorized representative, sponsors, employers, or nonprofit compliance organizations, such as complaints concerning equal employment opportunity or discrimination, violations of the apprenticeship agreement, or violations of requirements under this Act.

``(B) Collective bargaining agreements.--Any controversy arising under an apprenticeship agreement which is covered by a collective bargaining agreement shall not be subject to the system described in subparagraph (A), except that complaints concerning discrimination or any matters described in subparagraph (5)(B) shall be subject to such system.

``(7) State apprenticeship hubs.--Each State plan shall describe how the State will support, in a manner that takes into consideration geographic diversity, the creation and implementation of apprenticeship hubs throughout the State that shall work with industry and sector partnerships to expand programs under the national apprenticeship system, and apprenticeable occupations, in the State.

``(8) State apprenticeship performance outcomes.--Each State plan shall--

``(A) in coordination with the Administrator, establish annual State performance goals for the programs registered by the State apprenticeship agency for the indicators described--

``(i) in subparagraph (A) of section 131(b)(1); and

``(ii) in subparagraph (B)(ii) of section 131(b)(1); and

``(B) describe how the State apprenticeship agency will collect performance data from programs registered by the agency; and

``(C) annually report on the outcomes of each such program in relation to the State established goals under subparagraph


``(9) Uses of funds.--Each State plan shall include a description of the uses described in subsection (d) of the allotment received by the State apprenticeship agency under subsection (f).

``(10) Alignment of workforce activities.--Each State plan shall include a summary of State-supported workforce development activities (including education and training) in the State, including--

``(A) a summary of the apprenticeship programs on the list of eligible providers of training services under section 122(d) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3152(d));

``(B) the degree to which the programs under the national apprenticeship system in the State are aligned with and address the skill needs of the employers in the State identified by the State workforce development board; and

``(C) a description of how apprenticeship programs will receive expedited consideration to be included on the list of eligible providers of training services under section 122(d) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3152(d)).

``(11) State strategic vision.--Each State plan shall include a summary of the State's strategic vision and set of goals for preparing an educated and skilled workforce and for meeting the skilled workforce needs of employers, including in existing and emerging in-demand industry sectors and occupations as identified by the State, and how the programs registered by the State apprenticeship agency in the State will help to meet such goals.

``(12) Strategy for any joint planning, alignment, coordination, and leveraging of funds.--Each State plan shall provide a description of the State apprenticeship agency's strategy for joint planning, alignment, coordination, and leveraging of funds--

``(A) with the State's workforce development system, to achieve the strategic vision and goals described in paragraph

(11), including the core programs defined in section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102) and the elements related to system alignment under section 102(b)(2)(B) of such Act (29 U.S.C. 3112(b)(2)(B));

``(B) for programs under the national apprenticeship system in the State with other Federal education programs, including programs under--

``(i) the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965;

``(ii) the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act;

``(iii) the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006; and

``(iv) the Higher Education Act of 1965; and

``(C) to provide information about access to available State assistance or assistance under related Federal programs, including such assistance under--

``(i) section 6(d) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008;

``(ii) subsection (c)(1) of section 3672 of title 38, United States Code;

``(iii) section 231 of the Second Chance Act of 2007 (34 U.S.C. 60541); and

``(iv) the State Temporary Assistance for Needy Families programs under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act.

``(13) State apprenticeship council.--Each State plan shall provide for a description of the composition, roles, and responsibility of the State apprenticeship council, and how the Council will comply with the requirements of subsection


``(d) State Apprenticeship Agency Funding.--A State apprenticeship agency shall use funds received under clauses

(i) and (ii) of subsection (f)(1)(A) according to the following requirements:

``(1) Program administration.--The State apprenticeship agency shall use such funds to support the administration of programs under the national apprenticeship system across the State, including for--

``(A) staff and resources;

``(B) oversight and evaluation as required under this Act;

``(C) technical assistance to program sponsors, program participants, employers, labor organizations, joint labor-management organizations, education and training providers, and qualified intermediaries;

``(D) pre-apprenticeship, youth, and apprenticeship program recruitment and development, including for--

``(i) engaging potential providers of such programs such as employers, qualified intermediaries, related instruction providers, and potential program participants;

``(ii) publicizing apprenticeship opportunities and benefits; and

``(iii) engaging State workforce and education systems for collaboration and alignment across systems;

``(E) supporting the enrollment and apprenticeship certification requirements to allow veterans and other individuals eligible for the educational assistance programs under chapters 30 through 36 of title 38, United States Code, and any related educational assistance programs under laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, to use such assistance for the apprenticeship program, including the requirement of designating a certifying official; and

``(F) supporting the retention and completion of program participants in such programs, such as by assisting with the costs--

``(i) related to enrolling in such programs; or

``(ii) of assessments related to obtaining a recognized postsecondary credential.

``(2) Educational alignment.--The State apprenticeship agency shall use not less than 10 percent of such funds to engage with the State education system to provide technical assistance and best practices regarding--

``(A) alignment of youth apprenticeship programs with the secondary education programs in the State, including support for career exploration, career pathways, education and career planning, and engagement with youth apprenticeship programs for teachers, career guidance and academic counselors, school leaders, administrators, and specialized instructional support personnel and paraprofessionals;

``(B) alignment of related instruction provided under the national apprenticeship system in the State with academic credit granting postsecondary programs (including developing career pathways, articulation agreements, and prior learning assessments); and

``(C) the joint planning, alignment, coordination, and leveraging of funds described in subparagraphs (B) and (C) of subsection (c)(12).

``(3) Workforce alignment.--The State apprenticeship agency shall use not less than 10 percent of such funds to engage with the State workforce development system to provide technical assistance and best practices regarding--

``(A) alignment with the State's workforce activities and strategic vision in accordance with paragraphs (10), (11), and subparagraphs (A) and (C) of paragraph (12) of subsection


``(B) guidance for training staff of the workforce development system, including the vocational rehabilitation agencies, within the State on the value of programs under the national apprenticeship system as a work-based learning option for participants, including participants of programs authorized under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

(29 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.) such as Job Corps under subtitle C of title I of such Act and YouthBuild under section 171 of such Act;

``(C) providing a list of programs under the national apprenticeship system that are offered in the State, including in the State's high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors or occupations;

``(D) alignment of funding received and reporting required under this Act, including relevant placement, retention, and earnings information, with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.), and technical assistance in how individual training accounts under section 134(c)(3) of such Act could be used to pay for the costs of enrolling and participating in programs under the national apprenticeship system;

``(E) partnerships with State or local workforce development boards, State workforce agencies, and one-stop centers and one-stop operators that assist program participants in accessing supportive services to support--

``(i) the recruitment, retention, and completion of programs under the national apprenticeship system;

``(ii) transitions from youth apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeships to apprenticeship programs; and

``(iii) the placement into employment or further education upon program completion; and

``(F) expanding the list of eligible providers of training services under section 122(d) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to include programs under the national apprenticeship system in the State (29 U.S.C. 3152(d)).

``(4) Leadership activities.--

``(A) In general.--A State apprenticeship agency may reserve not more than 15 percent of the funds received under subsection (f) in support of State apprenticeship initiatives described in this paragraph.

``(B) Diversity.--Not less than 5 percent of the amount reserved under subparagraph (A) shall be used by the State apprenticeship agency for supporting and expanding diversity in apprenticeable occupations under the national apprenticeship system in the State and program participant populations in the State.

``(C) Incentives for employers.--A State apprenticeship agency may use funds reserved under subparagraph (A) to incentivize employers to participate in programs under the national apprenticeship system, such as costs related to program development, staffing for mentors and supervisors, related instruction, or the creation of industry or sector partnerships to support employer participation.

``(D) State-specific initiatives.--A State apprenticeship agency may use funds reserved under subparagraph (A) for State-specific initiatives, such as the development or expansion of youth apprenticeship programs or apprenticeship programs in high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors and occupations.

``(5) State match for federal investment.--

``(A) In general.--Except in the case of exceptional circumstances, as determined by the Administrator, in order to receive a full allotment under subsection (f), a State apprenticeship agency shall use matching funds from non-Federal resources to carry out the activities of the agency under this Act in an amount not less than 25 percent of such allotment.

``(B) Transition period.--The requirement under this paragraph shall take effect with respect to a State apprenticeship agency on the date that is 1 day after the date on which the transition period for such agency under subsection (a)(3)(C)(ii) ends.

``(e) Derecognition of State Apprenticeship Agencies.--

``(1) In general.--The Secretary may withdraw recognition of a State apprenticeship agency before the end of the agency's 4-year recognition period under subsection (a)(2)(B) if the Secretary determines, after notice and an opportunity for a hearing, that the State apprenticeship agency has failed for one of the reasons described in paragraph (2), and has not been in compliance with the performance improvement plan under paragraph (3) to remedy such failure.

``(2) Derecognition criteria.--The recognition of a State apprenticeship agency under this section may be withdrawn under paragraph (1) in a case in which the State apprenticeship agency fails to--

``(A) adopt or properly enforce a State plan;

``(B) properly carry out its role as the sole registration agency in the State;

``(C) submit a report under section 131(b)(1)(B) for any program year;

``(D) meet the State levels of performance as described in subsection (c)(8)(A) or demonstrate improvements in performance for 3 consecutive program years; or

``(E) otherwise fulfill or operate in compliance with the requirements of this Act.

``(3) Derecognition process.--

``(A) In general.--If a State apprenticeship agency fails for any of the reasons described in paragraph (2), the Secretary shall provide technical assistance to such agency for corrective action to remedy such failure, including assistance in the development of a performance improvement plan.

``(B) Reduction of funds.--Except in the case of exceptional circumstances as determined by the Administrator, in a case in which such a State apprenticeship agency continues such failure after the provision of the technical assistance under subparagraph (A)--

``(i) the percentage of the funds to be allotted to the State apprenticeship agency under subsection (f) for each fiscal year following the fiscal year in which such failure has been identified shall be reduced by 5 percentage points; and

``(ii) the Administrator shall provide notice to the State apprenticeship agency that the agency's recognition under this section may be withdrawn if the agency fails to remedy the failure.

``(C) Termination of proceedings.--If the Administrator determines that the State apprenticeship agency's corrective action under subparagraph (A) has addressed the agency's failure identified under paragraph (2), the Administrator shall--

``(i) restore the agency's full funding allocation under this title for the next full fiscal year; and

``(ii) notify the State apprenticeship agency that the agency's recognition will not be withdrawn under this section for the reason for which the agency's funding under this title was most recently reduced.

``(D) Opportunity for hearing.--

``(i) In general.--In a case in which a State apprenticeship agency fails to remedy a failure identified under paragraph (2), the Administrator shall--

``(I) notify, in writing, the State apprenticeship agency of the failure of the State apprenticeship agency, including a description of such failure and an explanation that the agency's recognition under this section may be withdrawn as a result of such failure; and

``(II) offer the State apprenticeship agency an opportunity to request a hearing not later than 30 days after the date of such notice.

``(ii) Referral to office of administrative law judges.--In a case in which the State apprenticeship agency requests a hearing under clause (i)(II), the Administrator shall refer the matter to the Office of Administrative Law Judges for a recommended decision by the Administrative Review Board for final agency action.

``(4) Requirements regarding withdrawal of recognition.--

``(A) Office of apprenticeship.--

``(i) Prior to order.--Prior to the withdrawal of the recognition of a State apprenticeship agency under this section, the Administrator shall--

``(I) provide to the State apprenticeship agency an order withdrawing recognition of such agency under this section; and

``(II) establish a State Office of Apprenticeship; and

``(ii) After order.--Not later than 30 days after the date of such order, provide notification of the withdrawal to the sponsors of the programs under the national apprenticeship system in such State that were registered with the State apprenticeship agency to enable each such sponsor to be registered with the Administrator (acting through the State Office of Apprenticeship established under clause (i)(II)).

``(B) State apprenticeship agency requirements.--A State agency whose recognition as a State apprenticeship agency under this section has been withdrawn under paragraph (3) shall--

``(i) provide to the Administrator program standards, apprenticeship agreements, completion records, cancellation and suspension records, performance metrics, and any other documents relating to the State's programs under the national apprenticeship system in the State;

``(ii) cooperate fully during the transition period beginning on the date of the order withdrawing such recognition and ending on the date on which the Administrator establishes a State Office of Apprenticeship in the State; and

``(iii) return any unused funds received under this Act.

``(5) Reinstatement of recognition.--A State apprenticeship agency that has had its recognition withdrawn under this section may have such recognition reinstated upon presentation of adequate evidence that the State apprenticeship agency has--

``(A) submitted an application under subsection (a)(2); and

``(B) demonstrated the ability to operate in compliance with the requirements of this Act.

``(f) Reservation and State Allotments.--

``(1) State allotments.--

``(A) In general.--Of the amount appropriated under subsection (g) for a fiscal year--

``(i) 33 \1/3\ percent shall be equally distributed among each State Office of Apprenticeship, outlying area, and eligible State; and

``(ii) 66 \2/3\ percent shall be allotted to eligible States on the basis described in subparagraph (B).

``(B) Formula.--

``(i) In general.--Of the amount available under subparagraph (A)(ii)--

``(I) 25 percent shall be allotted on the basis of the relative share of program participants in each eligible State, as determined on the basis of the most recent satisfactory data available from the Administrator, compared to the total number of program participants in all eligible States, as determined on such basis;

``(II) 25 percent shall be allotted on the basis of the relative share of program participants who have completed a program under the national apprenticeship system in each eligible State during the most recent 5-year period, as determined on the basis of the most recent satisfactory data available from the Administrator, compared to the total 5-year average of program participants who have completed a program in all eligible States, as determined on such basis; and

``(III) 50 percent shall be allotted on the basis described in clause (ii).

``(ii) Allotments based on bls and acs data.--Of the amount available under clause (i)(III)--

``(I) 33\1/3\ percent shall be allotted on the basis of the relative share of individuals in the civilian labor force in each eligible State, compared to the total number of individuals in the civilian labor force in all eligible States;

``(II) 33\1/3\ percent shall be allotted on the basis of the relative share of individuals living below the poverty line in each eligible State, compared to the total number of individuals living below the poverty line in all eligible States; and

``(III) 33\1/3\ percent shall be allotted on the basis of the relative number of unemployed individuals in each eligible State, compared to the total number of unemployed individuals in all eligible States.

``(2) Definitions.--In this subsection--

``(A) Eligible state.--The term `eligible State' means a State (as defined in section 2) that has a State apprenticeship agency.

``(B) Poverty line.--The term `poverty line' has the meaning given such term in section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102).

``(C) Unemployed individual.--The term `unemployed individual' has the meaning given such term in section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102).

``(g) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section--

``(1) $75,000,000 for fiscal year 2022;

``(2) $85,000,000 for fiscal year 2023;

``(3) $95,000,000 for fiscal year 2024;

``(4) $105,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; and

``(5) $115,000,000 for fiscal year 2026.



``(a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the effective date of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, in order to cooperate with the Secretary of Education and promote awareness and adoption of apprenticeship programs, the Secretary (acting through the Administrator) shall--

``(1) enter into an interagency agreement with the Secretary of Education to promote and support integration and alignment of programs under the national apprenticeship system with secondary, postsecondary, and adult education, through the activities described in this section; and

``(2) submit to the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of Senate, such agreement and any modifications to such agreement.

``(b) Alignment for Youth Apprenticeships.--In order to promote alignment between youth apprenticeship programs and high school graduation requirements, the interagency agreement under subsection (a) shall describe how the Secretaries will work to provide--

``(1) information and resources to--

``(A) parents and students to promote a better understanding of programs under the national apprenticeship system and their value in secondary and postsecondary education and career pathways by not later than middle school; and

``(B) school leaders (working with academic counselors, teachers, and faculty) about the value of such programs and information on how to effectively align youth apprenticeship programs with secondary and career and technical education programs; and

``(2) technical assistance on how to--

``(A) align related instruction and apprenticeable occupation skills and competencies to high school graduation requirements;

``(B) offer related instruction through dual and concurrent enrollment programs and other accelerated learning programs, as described in section 4104(b)(3)(A)(i)(IV) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7114(b)(3)(A)(i)(IV));

``(C) facilitate transitions for youth apprentices who have completed their youth apprenticeships into further education, including an associate, baccalaureate, or advanced degree, and related apprenticeship opportunities; and

``(D) align activities carried out under this Act with eligible funding from, and planning processes for, the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2301 et seq.), the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.), the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.).

``(c) Apprenticeship College Consortium.--In order to support the establishment of a college consortium of postsecondary educational institutions, including minority serving institutions, related instruction providers, sponsors, qualified intermediaries, employers, labor organizations, and joint labor-management organizations for the purposes of promoting stronger connections between programs under the national apprenticeship system and participating 2- and 4-year postsecondary educational institutions, the interagency agreement under subsection (a) shall include a description of how the Secretaries will--

``(1) support data sharing systems that align education records and records of programs under the national apprenticeship system regarding whether program participants who receive financial aid under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 enroll in, or complete, postsecondary coursework while participating in a program under such system;

``(2) provide guidance on how to align eligible funding from, planning processes for, and the requirements of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006

(20 U.S.C. 2301 et seq.), the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.) with this Act;

``(3) require all participants of the apprenticeship college consortium to enter into agreements to--

``(A) have an articulation agreement with a participating sponsor of an apprenticeship program, which may include a 2- or 4-year postsecondary educational institution;

``(B) create or expand the awarding and articulation of academic credit for related instruction completed and credentials awarded to program participants as part of a program under the national apprenticeship system; and

``(C) support the creation or expansion of electronic transcripts for apprenticeship programs and all academic content, including related instruction and on-the-job training;

``(4) provide technical assistance on eligible uses of financial aid, including the Federal work study program under part C of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1087-51 et seq.), for related instruction for programs under the national apprenticeship system;

``(5) provide to consortium participants or potential participants information regarding--

``(A) a list of apprenticeship programs in related occupations offered in the State or available under the Office of Apprenticeship that may become part of the consortium;

``(B) information on how to develop an apprenticeship program;

``(C) information on Federal, State, and local financial resources available to assist with the establishment and implementation of apprenticeship programs; and

``(D) information on related qualified intermediaries or industry or sector partnerships supporting apprenticeship programs, as applicable; and

``(6) support information regarding the apprenticeship consortium being made available on a publicly accessible website, including--

``(A) a list of participating members of the consortium, apprenticeship programs provided, credentials awarded with each program, and available apprenticeable occupations; and

``(B) models of articulation agreements, prior learning assessments, and competency-based curriculum for related instruction for illustrative purposes.

``(d) Best Practice Development and Sharing.--

``(1) Dissemination.--Such interagency agreement shall require that the Secretaries disseminate information on the value of programs under the national apprenticeship system, including relevant placement, retention, and earnings information, labor market data from the local area, and sector forecasts to determine high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors or occupations of such programs, to local education and training providers, labor organizations, or joint labor-management organizations (including those representing teachers).

``(2) Clearinghouse.--Such agreement shall require the Secretaries to create a clearinghouse of best practices--

``(A) for improving performance and increasing alignment of education and programs under the national apprenticeship system, including career pathways; and

``(B) publicly disseminate information and resources on--

``(i) replicable related instruction and on-the-job learning; and

``(ii) how to build an understanding of apprenticeship opportunities available to students.

``(e) Data Sharing Agreement.--The Secretaries shall disseminate best practices for the alignment of education records and records of programs under the national apprenticeship system, including information on program participants who enroll in, complete, and receive academic credit for postsecondary coursework while participating in such a program.

``(f) Secretaries Defined.--In this section, the term

`Secretaries' means the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Education.

``Subtitle B--Process and Standards for the National Apprenticeship



``For an occupation to be an apprenticeable occupation under this Act, a person seeking approval for such occupation to be an apprenticeable occupation shall submit an application to the Administrator that demonstrates that such apprenticeable occupation is in-demand and will prepare individuals for the full range of skills and competencies needed for such occupation by describing how such apprenticeable occupation shall--

``(1) meet the industry-recognized occupational standards under section 111(b)(5)(C); or

``(2) involve the progressive attainment of skills, competencies, and knowledge that are--

``(A) clearly identified and commonly recognized throughout the relevant industry or occupation;

``(B) customarily learned or enhanced in a practical way through a structured, systematic program of on-the-job supervised learning and related instruction to supplement such learning; and

``(C) offered through a time-based, competency-based, or hybrid model as described in section 122(b)(1)(E).



``(a) In General.--The Secretary, acting through the Administrator, shall formulate and promote the furtherance of quality standards necessary to safeguard the welfare of apprentices, pre-apprentices, and youth apprentices.

``(b) Apprenticeship Program Standards.--In addition to the standards described in subsection (e), an apprenticeship program shall meet the following standards:

``(1) The program has an organized and clearly written plan, developed by the sponsor, that includes, at a minimum, the following information:

``(A) The employment and training to be received by each apprentice participating in the program, including--

``(i) an outline of the work processes or the plan in which the apprentice will receive supervised work experience, on-the-job training, and on-the-job learning;

``(ii) the allocation of the approximate amount of time that will be spent in each major work process by the apprentice;

``(iii) a description of the mentoring that will be provided to the apprentice; and

``(iv) a description or timeline explaining the periodic reviews and evaluations of the apprentice's performance on the job and in related instruction.

``(B) A process for maintaining appropriate progress records, including the reviews and evaluations described in subparagraph (A)(iv).

``(C) A description of the organized related instruction the apprentice will receive in technical subjects related to the occupation, which--

``(i) for time-based or hybrid apprenticeship programs as described in paragraph (E), shall include not less than 144 hours for each year of apprenticeship, unless an alternative requirement is put forth by the employer and sponsor that reflects industry standards and is accepted by the registration agency;

``(ii) may be accomplished through classroom instruction, occupational or industry courses, instruction provided through electronic media, or other instruction approved by the registration agency;

``(iii) shall be provided by one or more qualified instructors that--

``(I)(aa) meet technical instructor requirements of the applicable education agency in the State of registration; or

``(bb) are subject matter experts, defined for purposes of this subparagraph as individuals recognized within an industry as having expertise in a specific occupation; and

``(II) have training in teaching techniques and learning styles, or will obtain such training before providing the related technical instruction;

``(iv) where appropriate and to the extent practicable, shall be aligned to a career pathway; and

``(v) where appropriate and to the extent practicable, incorporate the principles of universal design for learning under section 103 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1003).

``(D) A progressively increasing, clearly defined schedule of wages to be paid to the apprentice that is--

``(i) consistent with measurable skill gains; and

``(ii) ensures the entry wage is not less than the greater of--

``(I) the minimum wage required under section 6(a) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 206(a)); or

``(II) the applicable wage required by other applicable Federal or State laws (including regulations) or collective bargaining agreements.

``(E) The term of the apprenticeship program, which may be measured using--

``(i) a time-based model, which requires the completion of the industry standard for on-the-job learning hours, which in no case shall be less than a cumulative 2,000 hours, unless an alternative requirement is put forth by the employer and sponsor from a nontraditional apprenticeship industry or occupation as of the date of the enactment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 that reflects industry standards and the relative hazards of the occupation, and is accepted by the Secretary and registration agency;

``(ii) a competency-based model, which requires the attainment of competency in the occupation; or

``(iii) a hybrid model, which blends the time-based and competency-based approaches.

``(F) The methods used to measure an apprentice's skills and competencies, which may include an initial diagnostic assessment or assessment of credentials that verify an individual's foundational knowledge and skills that would be needed to succeed in an apprenticeship program, and which shall include--

``(i) in the case of a time-based apprenticeship described in subparagraph (E)(i), the individual apprentice's completion of the required hours of on-the-job learning as described in a work process schedule; or

``(ii) in the case of a competency-based model described in subparagraph (E)(ii), the individual apprentice's successful demonstration of acquired skills and knowledge through appropriate means of testing and evaluation for such competencies, and by requiring apprentices to complete a paid on-the-job learning component of the apprenticeship;

``(iii) in the case of a hybrid apprenticeship described in subparagraph (E)(iii), a combination of a specified minimum number of hours of on-the-job learning and the successful demonstration of competency, as described in subparagraph

(E)(i) and a work process schedule.

``(2) The program equally grants advanced standing or credit to all individuals applying for the apprenticeship with demonstrated competency or acquired experience, training, or skills, and provides commensurate wages for any progression in standing or credit so granted, including for veterans' service-acquired skills and experiences.

``(3) The program has minimum qualifications for individuals desiring to enter the apprenticeship program, with an eligible starting age for an apprentice of not less than 16 years.

``(4) In the case of a program that chooses to issue an interim credential, the program--

``(A) clearly identifies each interim credential;

``(B) only issues an interim credential for recognized components of an apprenticeable occupation and demonstrates how each interim credential specifically links to the knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with such components; and

``(C) establishes the process for assessing an individual apprentice's demonstration of competency and measurable skill gains associated with the particular interim credential.

``(c) Pre-Apprenticeship Program Standards.--In addition to the standards described in subsection (e), a pre-apprenticeship program shall meet the following standards:

``(1) The program is designed to assist individuals who do not meet minimum qualifications for an apprenticeship program as described in subsection (b) and prepare them to enter and succeed in such an apprenticeship programs, including by providing the skills and competency attainment needed to enter the apprenticeship program.

``(2) The program--

``(A) is carried out by a sponsor that has a written agreement with at least one sponsor of an apprenticeship program;

``(B) demonstrates the existence of an active, advisory partnership with an industry or sector partnership to inform the training and education services necessary for a pre-apprenticeship program;

``(C) demonstrates evidence of sufficient demand in an apprenticeship program at the completion of a pre-apprenticeship program to support a transition from a pre-apprenticeship to an apprenticeship; and

``(D) demonstrates partnerships with qualified intermediaries, community-based organizations, labor organizations, or joint labor-management organizations.

``(3) The program includes a written plan developed by the sponsor of the pre-apprenticeship program that is developed in consultation with the sponsor of the apprenticeship program described in paragraph (2)(A), that--

``(A) provides for work-based learning, and paid work-based learning to the extent practicable, in which an industry or sector partnership and a related instruction provider collaborate to provide training that will introduce participants to the skills, competencies, and materials used in one or more apprenticeable occupations;

``(B) is based on and aligned with national, State, regional, or local industry standards for high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors and occupations, and the requirements of the related apprenticeship program;

``(C) to the extent appropriate and practicable, meets the related instruction requirements as described in clauses (ii) through (iv) of subsection (b)(1)(C) that includes enabling an individual to attain a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent that enables a pre-apprentice to enter into an apprenticeship program; and

``(D) includes mentoring, career exposure, career planning, and career awareness activities.

``(d) Youth Apprenticeship Program Standards.--In addition to the standards described in subsection (e), a youth apprenticeship program shall meet the following standards:

``(1) The program is designed for youth apprentices who at the start of the program are enrolled in high school.

``(2) The program includes each of the following core elements:

``(A) The employment and training to be received by each youth apprentice participating in the program, including--

``(i) an outline of the work processes or the plan in which the youth apprentice will receive supervised work experience and on-the-job training or in an experiential setting;

``(ii) the allocation of the approximate amount of time that will be spent in each major work process by the youth apprentice;

``(iii) a description of the mentoring that will be provided to the youth apprentice; and

``(iv) a description or timeline explaining the periodic reviews and evaluations of the youth apprentice's performance on the job and in related instruction.

``(B) A process for maintaining appropriate progress records, including the reviews and evaluations described in subparagraph (A)(iv).

``(C) Related classroom-based instruction, which may be fulfilled through dual or concurrent enrollment, and--

``(i) is, to the extent practicable, aligned with high school diploma requirements and career clusters; and

``(ii) meets the additional requirements as described in subsection (b)(1)(C).

``(D) A progressively increasing, clearly defined schedule of wages to be paid to the youth apprentice.

``(E) The term of the youth apprenticeship program, as described in subsection (b)(1)(E).

``(F) For a competency-based or hybrid youth apprenticeship program, the methods used to measure skill acquisition for a youth apprentice, including ongoing assessment against established skill and competency standards as described in subsection (b)(1)(F).

``(G) Prepares the youth apprentice for placement in further education, employment, or an apprenticeship program.

``(3) The program equally grants advanced standing or credit to all individuals applying for the youth apprenticeship with demonstrated competency or acquired experience, training, or skills.

``(4) In the case of a youth apprenticeship program that chooses to issue an interim credential, the program meets the requirements of subsection (b)(4).

``(e) General Requirements.--Each program under the national apprenticeship system shall meet the following standards:

``(1) The program--

``(A) has adequate and safe equipment, environments, and facilities for training and supervision;

``(B) provides safety training on-the-job and in related instruction as applicable by the apprenticeable occupation; and

``(C) provides adequate training for mentors and qualified instructors on providing a safe work and training environment.

``(2) The program records and maintains all records concerning the program as may be required by the Secretary, the registration agency of the program, or any other applicable law, including records required under title 38, United States Code, in order for veterans and other individuals eligible for educational assistance under such title to use such assistance for enrollment in the program.

``(3) The program provides--

``(A) all individuals with an equal opportunity to participate in the program as described in subparagraphs (B) and (C) of section 111(b)(7); and

``(B) materials that conform with accessibility standards under section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794d), such as materials that conform with the most recent Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

``(4) The program awards a certificate of completion in recognition of successful completion of the program, evidenced by an appropriate certificate issued by the registration agency, and in the case of apprenticeships and youth apprenticeships, prepares a program participant to obtain a recognized postsecondary credential.

``(5) The program provides that an individual who is to become a program participant under the program enters into a written apprenticeship agreement described in section 123 with the sponsor of the program.

``(6) The numeric ratio of program participants to supervisors (such as journeyworkers, mentors, or on-the-job learning instructors, as applicable) for the apprenticeable occupation, that are based on evidence-based and evidence-informed best practices for supervision, training, safety, and continuity of employment, throughout the work processes of the program, job site, department, or plant, appropriate for the degree of hazard in different occupations, and consistent with provisions in collective bargaining agreements, as applicable, except if such ratios are expressly prohibited by the collective bargaining agreements.


``(a) In General.--To ensure the standards described in section 122 are applied to programs under the national apprenticeship system, the Administrator shall require a sponsor to develop an apprenticeship agreement that shall--

``(1) be the same for each program participant;

``(2) contain the names and signatures of the program participant and the sponsor;

``(3) meet the requirements of subsection (b); and

``(4) be submitted to the registration agency in accordance with section 124 by the program sponsor.

``(b) Standards.--Each agreement under subsection (a) shall contain, explicitly or by reference, program standards under section 122, including--

``(1) in the case of an apprenticeship program--

``(A) that is time-based, a statement of the number of hours to be spent by the program participant in on-the-job learning and on-the-job training in order to complete the program;

``(B) that is competency-based, a description of the skill sets to be attained by completion of the program, including the on-the-job learning and work components; or

``(C) that is a hybrid model, the minimum number of hours to be spent by the program participant in on-the-job learning and work components and in related instruction, and a description of the skill sets and competencies to be attained by completion of the program;

``(2) the number of hours and form of related instruction, including how related instruction will be compensated

(whether through academic credit, wages, or both), the costs the program participant will incur for participating in the program (such as for equipment, related instruction, or assessment or licensure fees), and the recognized postsecondary credentials the program participants will be eligible to receive upon program completion;

``(3) a schedule of the work processes in the occupation or industry divisions in which the program participant is to be trained and the approximate time to be spent at each process;

``(4) for apprenticeships or youth apprenticeships, the graduated wage scale to be paid to the apprentices, benefits offered to the apprentices, and how the wages and benefits compare to State, local, or regional wages in the related occupation; and

``(5) demonstration of commitment to and compliance with subparagraphs (B) and (C) of section 111(b)(7).



``(a) Program Registration Application.--In order to bring together employers and labor for the formulation of programs under the national apprenticeship system, the Administrator shall provide for the registration of programs in which a sponsor applying to register a program under the national apprenticeship system shall request registration of such program from a registration agency by submitting the information required by the registration agency, including--

``(1) information demonstrating that each of the requirements of section 122 will be met for the program;

``(2) a copy of the apprenticeship agreement described in section 123 used by the sponsor;

``(3) a written assurance that, if the program is registered under this Act, the sponsor will administer the program in accordance with the requirements of this Act and comply with the requirements of the apprenticeship agreement for each apprentice; and

``(4) methods the program sponsor will use to report performance data describing outcomes associated with the program as required by the registration agency--

``(A) on an annual basis for any program sponsor with fewer than 5 program participants; or

``(B) on a quarterly basis for any program sponsor with 5 or more program participants.

``(b) Recognition and Registration Process.--

``(1) Review and approval process.--

``(A) Provisional approval review.--An application submitted under subsection (a) that the registration agency determines meets the requirements described in such subsection shall be registered for a provisional 1-year period beginning not later than 30 days after such application is submitted. During such period, the registration agency shall accept and record the apprenticeship agreement as evidence of the program's compliance and registration to operate such program.

``(B) Full approval or extended provisional approval.--By the end of a provisional registration period for a program, the registration agency providing provisional approval under subparagraph (A) shall review the program for quality and for compliance with the applicable standards under this subtitle and all other applicable program requirements under this Act, and--

``(i) if a registration agency conducting a provisional review determines that the program complies with the standards and requirements under this Act, the registration agency shall fully approve the registration of the program; or

``(ii) if a registration agency conducting a provisional review determines that the program is not conforming to the requirements or standards under this Act, the registration agency may continue the provisional registration of the program through the first full training cycle for program participants, and conduct an additional provisional review at the conclusion of the training cycle.

``(C) Failure to meet requirements.--If, after an initial provisional review under subparagraph (A), a registration agency conducting such provisional review determines that the program is not in operation or does not conform to the requirements under this Act, the registration agency shall recommend technical assistance and corrective action for the program, or deregistration, in accordance with procedures established under subsections (b) and (c) of section 131.

``(2) Certificate of registration.--

``(A) In general.--A registration agency that registers a program under paragraph (1) shall--

``(i) provide the sponsor of the program with a certificate of registration or other written evidence of registration; and

``(ii) provide a copy of the certificate of registration to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs or the applicable State veterans agency for the purpose of aligning the registration process with the process for approving such program for eligible veterans' use of supplemental educational assistance benefits.

``(B) Registration name.--A program shall be registered in the name of the sponsor, or if a sponsor enters into a partnership with an employer who registers the program, in the name of the employer.

``(3) Program participant registration.--A sponsor providing a program that is registered in accordance with paragraph (2) shall provide to an individual seeking to be a program participant the opportunity to apply through the sponsor, and shall--

``(A) enter into a written individual apprenticeship agreement described in section 123 with each such individual before the commencement of the program; and

``(B) individually register each program participant with the registration agency by filing a copy of the individual apprenticeship agreement with the registration agency or as otherwise required by the registration agency, and sharing a copy with the Administrator as appropriate, as described under section 123(a)(4).

``(4) Transition process for previously approved programs.--With respect to a program that was registered under this Act as of the day before the date of enactment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, the registration agency shall take such steps as necessary to--

``(A) in the case of a program that meets of the requirements of this Act, maintain the status of the sponsor of the program as of the date before such date of enactment as the sponsor of such program under this Act; and

``(B) in the case of a program that does not meet the requirements of this Act, provide technical assistance to the sponsor of such program to ensure that the sponsor is in compliance with this Act not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

``(c) Modifications or Changes to Youth Apprenticeship, Pre-Apprenticeship, or Apprenticeship Programs.--

``(1) Sponsor proposal.--Any sponsor that wishes to modify a program, including the program's method of meeting the standards required under this Act, shall submit the proposal for such change or modification to the registration agency for the program.

``(2) Registration agency requirements.--

``(A) In general.--The registration agency shall determine whether to approve the proposal and notify the sponsor of the determination by not later than 60 days after receipt of the proposal.

``(B) Approval of proposal.--If the proposal is approved, the registration agency shall amend the record of the program to reflect the modification or change, and provide the sponsor or program administrator with an acknowledgment of the amended program, by not later than 30 days after the date of approval.

``(C) Disapproval of proposal.--If the proposal is not approved, the registration agency shall--

``(i) notify the sponsor of the reasons for the disapproval and provide the sponsor with technical assistance to maintain the program as originally registered;

``(ii) provide the sponsor with the opportunity to submit a revised modification proposal, including providing appropriate technical assistance to modify the proposal in order to meet the requirements of this Act; and

``(iii) in a case in which the sponsor submits a revised modification proposal, not later than 60 days after receipt of such proposal--

``(I) approve the proposal; or

``(II) disapprove the proposal and provide the sponsor with technical assistance to maintain the program as originally registered.

``Subtitle C--Evaluations and Research


``(a) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is to provide program performance transparency across the programs under the national apprenticeship system, assess the effectiveness of States in achieving positive outcomes for program participants served by those programs, and establish performance accountability measures related to program completion and key indicators of performance under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.).

``(b) Reviews by Registration Agencies.--

``(1) Performance reviews.--

``(A) In general.--A registration agency shall--

``(i) annually collect performance data for each program registered under section 124 by such agency to determine--

``(I) the performance of the program with respect to the indicators of performance under section 116(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3141(b)(2)(A)(i) or in the case of a youth apprenticeship program, section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii)) of such Act (29 U.S.C. 3141(b)(2)(A)(ii)), as applied to programs under the national apprenticeship system; and

``(II) the completion rates of the program; and

``(ii) provide technical assistance for the collection of the information under clause (i) of this subparagraph and subparagraph (B), as necessary.

``(B) Reports.--The registration agency for a State shall annually prepare and submit to the Administrator a State performance report that includes the following information with respect to each program registered under section 124 by such agency, including--

``(i) information specifying the levels of performance described in subparagraph (A), as compared to goals set in section 113(c)(8)(A)(i);

``(ii) the percentage of program participants by race, sex ethnicity and, to the extent practicable, by individuals with disabilities, as compared to such percentages within the working age population who are in the geographical area from which the sponsor usually seeks or reasonably could seek program participants and who meet the minimum eligibility requirements for entry into in the program;

``(iii) the percentage of program participants served by each of the programs that obtained unsubsidized employment in a field related to the apprenticeable occupation;

``(iv) the average time to completion for the program as compared to the description in the agreement under paragraphs

(1) and (2) of section 123(b);

``(v) the average cost per participant during the most recent program year and the 3 preceding program years;

``(vi) the percentage of program participants who received supportive services;

``(vii) information on the State's activities required under section 113(c), including the State's uses of funds; and

``(viii) the disaggregation of the performance data described in clauses (i) through (vi)--

``(I) by the program type (apprenticeship, youth apprenticeship, or pre-apprenticeship program) involved; and

``(II) by race, ethnicity, sex, age, and membership in a population specified in section 3(24) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102(24)).

``(C) Reports to congress.--Not later than 60 days after receiving a report under subparagraph (B), the Secretary shall transmit to the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate.

``(D) Publication.--The Administrator shall annually make available on a publicly accessible website each report received under subparagraph (B) not later than 30 days after receipt of such report.

``(2) Comprehensive program reviews.--

``(A) In general.--A registration agency shall periodically review each program registered under section 124 by such agency for quality assurance and compliance with the requirements of this Act.

``(B) Timing of reviews.--A review described in subparagraph (A) shall occur--

``(i) at the end of the first full training cycle of program participants under the program; and

``(ii) beginning after the review described in clause (i) at least once every 5 years.

``(C) Review.--The review shall be a comprehensive review regarding all aspects of the program performance, including--

``(i) determining whether the registration agency is receiving notification from the sponsor of a program regarding individuals who are registered as new youth apprentices, pre-apprentices, or apprentices under the program, or who successfully complete the program, as required under this Act;

``(ii) determining whether the sponsor of the program is complying with the requirements of this Act;

``(iii) evaluating the performance of the sponsor with respect to, at a minimum, the indicators described in paragraph (1)(A)(i), with the performance data disaggregated as described in paragraph (1)(B)(viii); and

``(iv) ensuring the sponsor's compliance with the requirement to provide equal opportunity in recruitment, training, and employment as described in subparagraphs (B) and (C) of section 111(b)(7).

``(D) Reports.--On completion of a review under this paragraph, the registration agency shall prepare and submit to the Administrator a report containing the results of the review.

``(c) Subsequent Action.--

``(1) Technical assistance.--The registration agency shall provide technical assistance to the sponsor and identify areas that require technical assistance, including--

``(A) to support the sponsor in creating a plan to meet the State goals described in section 113(c)(8)(A)(ii), as applicable; and

``(B) assistance in the development of a performance improvement plan if the registration agency determines, pursuant to any review under subsection (b), that the youth apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, or apprenticeship program--

``(i) is not in operation;

``(ii) is not in compliance with the requirements of this Act; or

``(iii) is achieving levels of performance on any indicators described in subsection (b)(1)(A)(i) that are lower than the State goals for any program year.

``(2) Corrective action and deregistration of an apprenticeship program.--The registration agency may take corrective action, and if warranted, deregister a youth apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, or apprenticeship program, after making a determination that the program demonstrates persistent and significant failure to perform successfully, which occurs when--

``(A) the sponsor of the program consistently fails to register at least 1 program participant;

``(B) the program shows a pattern of poor results on the indicators described in subsection (b)(1)(A)(i) over a period of 3 years, given the characteristics of program participants and economic conditions in the area served, or are lower than the national or State average;

``(C) the program shows no indication of improvement in the areas identified by the registration agency and in the performance improvement plan under paragraph (1); or

``(D) the sponsor has not administered the program in accordance with the program's registration, as applicable, or with the requirements of this Act.

``(3) Notification and hearing.--If the registration agency makes a determination described in paragraph (2), the registration agency shall notify the Secretary and the sponsor of the determination in writing, and permit the sponsor to request a hearing by the Office of Administrative Law Judges. The registration agency shall transmit to the Secretary a report containing all pertinent facts and circumstances concerning the determination, including findings and a recommendation for deregistration, and copies of all relevant documents and records. If the sponsor does not request the hearing not later than 15 days after receiving such notification, the registration agency shall deregister the program after the period for requesting such a hearing has expired.

``(4) Notification and treatment of apprentices.--Not later than 15 days after the registration agency deregisters a program, the sponsor or program administrator shall notify program participant--

``(A) of such deregistration and the effective date;

``(B) that such deregistration automatically deprives the program participant of individual registration as part of such youth apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, or apprenticeship program, including the ability to receive a certificate of completion from the registration agency;

``(C) that the deregistration of the program removes the program participant from eligibility for any Federal financial or other assistance, or rights, privileges, or exemptions under Federal law, that--

``(i) relates to an apprentice; and

``(ii) requires the registration agency's approval; and

``(D) that all youth apprentices, pre-apprentices, or apprentices are referred to the registration agency for information about potential transfers to other programs under the national apprenticeship system.


``(a) Research.--The Secretary shall conduct, through an independent entity, research for the purpose of improving the management and effectiveness of the programs and activities carried out under this Act and to assist in the evaluation of the programs as described in section 131.

``(b) Techniques.--The research conducted under this section shall utilize appropriate methodology and research designs.

``(c) Contents.--Such research shall address--

``(1) the general effectiveness of such programs and activities in relation to their cost, including the extent to which the programs and activities--

``(A) improve the skill and employment competencies of participants in comparison to comparably-situated individuals who did not participate in such programs and activities;

``(B) to the extent feasible, increase the levels of total employment, of attainment of recognized postsecondary credentials, and of measurable skills, above the levels that would have existed in the absence of such programs and activities;

``(C) respond to the needs reflected in labor market data in the local area and align with high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industries or occupations; and

``(D) demonstrate a return on investment of Federal, State, local, sponsor, employer, and other funding for programs under the national apprenticeship system, capturing the full level of investment in, and impact of, such programs under the national apprenticeship system;

``(2) the impact of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 on the general effectiveness of programs under the national apprenticeship system, including the implementation of policies such as dual or concurrent enrollment programs, advanced standing, or industry recognized apprenticeable occupations;

``(3) best practices in increasing participation of nontraditional apprenticeship populations and individuals with barriers to employment, including individuals with disabilities, in programs under the national apprenticeship system; and

``(4) opportunities to scale up effective models under the national apprenticeship system.

``(d) Reports.--

``(1) Independent entity.--The independent entity carrying out the research shall prepare and submit to the Secretary--

``(A) an interim report containing findings from the research; and

``(B) a final report containing the results of the research, including policy recommendations.

``(2) Reports to congress.--Not later than 60 days after receipt of the interim report and final report described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1), respectively, the Secretary shall submit each report to the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate.

``(e) Public Access.--The Secretary shall make the interim and final reports available on a publicly accessible website not later than 60 days after the receipt of the interim and final report.

``Subtitle D--General Provisions


``(a) Office of Apprenticeship.--There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out sections 111, 112, 131, and 132--

``(1) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2022;

``(2) $60,000,000 for fiscal year 2023;

``(3) $70,000,000 for fiscal year 2024;

``(4) $80,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; and

``(5) $90,000,000 for fiscal year 2026.

``(b) Interagency Agreement.--There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out section 114--

``(1) $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2022;

``(2) $12,000,000 for fiscal year 2023;

``(3) $14,000,000 for fiscal year 2024;

``(4) $16,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; and

``(5) $18,000,000 for fiscal year 2026.




``(a) Authority.--

``(1) In general.--The Administrator shall award grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements to eligible entities on a competitive basis for the following purposes:

``(A) Creation and expansion activities.--To expand the offerings of programs under the national apprenticeship system--

``(i) to create new apprenticeship programs in a nontraditional apprenticeship industry or occupation, such as for programs demonstrating demand in information technology, energy, green jobs, advanced manufacturing, health care, or cybersecurity;

``(ii) to expand existing apprenticeship programs demonstrating labor market demand;

``(iii) to create new or expand existing pre-apprenticeship programs; or

``(iv) to create new or expand existing youth apprenticeship programs.

``(B) Encouraging employer participation.--To encourage employer participation in programs under the national apprenticeship system--

``(i) that target individuals with barriers to employment in youth apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, or apprenticeship programs, prioritizing nontraditional apprenticeship populations such as women, minorities, long-term unemployed, individuals with a disability, individuals with substance abuse issues, veterans, military spouses, individuals experiencing homelessness, individuals impacted by the criminal or juvenile justice system, and foster and former foster youth;

``(ii) that are in high-need social service-related industries, sectors, or occupations, such as direct care workers and early childhood educators;

``(iii) that target individuals currently or recently incarcerated; or

``(iv) among small- and medium-sized employers.

``(C) Intermediary grants.--If the eligible entity is a qualified intermediary--

``(i) to support national industry and equity intermediaries in establishing or expanding sector-based partnerships to support the delivery or expansion of programs under the national apprenticeship system to significant scale in the United States--

``(I) in key sectors, including manufacturing, information technology, cyber security, health care, insurance and finance, energy, hospitality, retail, construction, and other sectors identified by the Administrator and the Advisory Committee as targeted for expansion under the national apprenticeship system; or

``(II) for nontraditional apprenticeship populations, women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and individuals impacted by the criminal or juvenile justice system; or

``(ii) to serve programs under the national apprenticeship system in a local or regional setting.

``(D) Educational alignment.--To strengthen alignment between programs under the national apprenticeship system and education and training providers with secondary, postsecondary, and adult education systems, including degree and credential requirements.

``(2) Duration.--

``(A) In general.--The Administrator shall award grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements under this subsection for a period of not more than 3 years.

``(B) Extension.--The eligible entity may apply for, and the Administrator may grant, an extension of the grant period for not more than 1 additional 2-year period, if the grant recipient demonstrates to the Administrator that the recipient--

``(i) has effectively implemented a project to achieve its stated purpose as described in subsections (e) and (f);

``(ii) has complied with the assurances as described in subsection (e)(9); and

``(iii) has improved applicable outcomes, as demonstrated through indicators referred to in section 203(a)(2).

``(b) Funding Requirements.--

``(1) Matching funds required.--The Administrator shall require, as a condition of receipt of funds under this section, an eligible entity to match funds awarded under this section in an amount not less than 25 percent of the funds awarded to such recipient under this section. Such eligible entity may make the matching funds available directly or through donations from non-Federal, public, or private organizations, in cash or in kind, fairly evaluated.

``(2) Waiver.--The Administrator may waive the requirement under paragraph (1) if the entity demonstrates that exceptional circumstances prevent the entity from meeting the requirement, such as demonstrating that the entity serves a high proportion of individuals with barriers to employment, or due to exceptional or uncontrollable circumstances, such as a natural disaster or a precipitous and unforeseen decline in the financial resources of the eligible entity.

``(c) Priority and Distribution.--

``(1) Priority.--In awarding grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements under this section, the Administrator shall give priority to an eligible entity--

``(A) proposing to serve a high number or high percentage of participants who are from nontraditional apprenticeship populations; and

``(B) providing opportunities in high-wage, high-skill, or in-demand sectors and occupations.

``(2) Geographic distribution.--In awarding grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements under this subsection, the Administrator shall, to the extent practicable, ensure a geographically diverse distribution of such awards, including a geographically diverse distribution among regions of the country and among urban, suburban, and rural areas.

``(d) Eligible Entity.--To be eligible to apply for grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements under this title, an eligible entity shall--

``(1) demonstrate a partnership with two or more of the following:

``(A) a State or local workforce development board or State or local workforce agency;

``(B) an education and training provider, or a consortium thereof;

``(C) a State apprenticeship agency;

``(D) an Indian Tribe or Tribal organization;

``(E) an industry or sector partnership, a group of employers, a trade association, or a professional association that sponsors or participates in a program under the national apprenticeship system;

``(F) a Governor;

``(G) a labor organization or joint labor-management organization;

``(H) community-based organizations that assist program participants in accessing supportive services; or

``(I) a qualified intermediary; and

``(2) to the extent practicable--

``(A) be part of an industry or sector partnership; and

``(B) partner with a labor or joint labor-management organization.

``(e) General Application Requirements.--An eligible entity applying for a grant under this section shall submit to the Administrator a description of each of the following:

``(1) Each purpose under subsection (a) for which the applicant intends to use such grant.

``(2) Each entity with which the eligible entity is partnered or engaged under subsection (d) and the role of each such entity in carrying out activities funded under this subsection.

``(3) The ability of the applicant, directly or through partners--

``(A) to enroll, instruct, advance, and graduate program participants served by the grant activities, and enable the participants to gain employment after program completion;

``(B) to support (including by providing technical assistance) program sponsors and employers (especially small- and medium-sized businesses) in the creation of, recruitment for, and execution of programs under the national apprenticeship system; and

``(C) to provide opportunities to rural communities, as applicable.

``(4) A labor market analysis with respect to the geographic area of service that demonstrates--

``(A) the need to create or expand the program; and

``(B) a plan to align the activities supported by the grant with the labor market needs of high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors or occupations.

``(5) A plan--

``(A) to comply with requirements for an evaluation and report under section 203;

``(B) as appropriate, to coordinate activities assisted under the grant with activities carried out under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2301 et seq.), the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.), the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.), the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.), and any related Federal programs and if appropriate, how funds provided under these programs will be leveraged in support of the programs supported by this grant;

``(C) to use funds awarded under this section in support of the programs supported by this grant, as described in section 202;

``(D) to continue the program after the grant period ends; and

``(E) to recruit and retain program participants for pre-apprenticeship, youth apprenticeship, and apprenticeship programs, including from nontraditional apprenticeship populations, such as women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, individuals impacted by the criminal or juvenile justice system, and individuals with barriers to employment;

``(F) to ensure program participants are able to access supportive services, as applicable; and

``(G) to comply with the equal opportunity requirements for diversity described in subparagraphs (B) and (C) of section 111(b)(7) and section 113(c)(5), as applicable.

``(6) For any grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements expanding existing programs under the national apprenticeship system, a description of--

``(A) a plan to coordinate the activities carried out under the grant with the existing program; and

``(B) the effectiveness of the program, including demonstrations of programmatic components such as program costs to employers and to program participants, completion and placement rates, credential attainment, diversity in populations served, the effectiveness of the program in increasing participant's wages and benefits, or services provided to employers and program participants.

``(7) A description of potential program participants and strategies to support the recruitment, retention, and completion of such participants, including nontraditional apprenticeship populations and individuals with barriers to employment, to the extent practicable.

``(8) A description of strategies to recruit and support employers involved in programs under the national apprenticeship system.

``(9) An assurance that the eligible entity will--

``(A) provide information to the Administrator, as requested, for any such evaluations as the Administrator may carry out;

``(B) make program performance outcome data available (in accordance with applicable data privacy laws, including section 444 of the General Education Provisions Act (20 U.S.C. 1232g) and section 4 of this Act) to independent evaluators to enable the evaluators to prepare the evaluations and research reports described in section 203(a)(1); and

``(C) coordinate grant activities with a State Apprenticeship Agency, if such agency exists in the State where the eligible entity is applying for a grant or carrying out activities.

``(f) Additional Application Requirements.--The Administrator shall require an eligible entity applying for a grant under this title to include as part of their application in subsection (e) the following information, as applicable:

``(1) Creation and expansion activities.--

``(A) New apprenticeship programs.--An eligible entity applying to create new apprenticeship programs and carry out activities in accordance with subsection (a)(1)(A)(i) shall include as part of their application a description of--

``(i) any plans for further expansion upon development of the program; and

``(ii) employers, and to the extent practicable, labor organizations or joint labor-management organizations, engaged in the program creation and implementation.

``(B) Expanding apprenticeship programs.--An eligible entity applying to expand existing apprenticeship programs and carry out activities in accordance with subsection

(a)(1)(A)(ii) shall include as part of their application a description of employers engaged in the program expansion.

``(C) Creating or expanding pre-apprenticeship programs.--An eligible entity applying to create or expand pre-apprenticeship programs and carry out activities in accordance with subsection (a)(1)(A)(iii) shall include as part of their application a description of--

``(i) a partnership between the eligible entity and at least one apprenticeship program; and

``(ii) existing partnerships with employers acting in either an advisory capacity or actively participating in the pre-apprenticeship program.

``(D) Creating or expanding youth apprenticeship programs.--An eligible entity applying to create or expand youth apprenticeship programs and carry out activities in accordance with subsection (a)(1)(A)(iv) shall include as part of their application a description of--

``(i) an existing partnership with at least one high school offering related instruction for the youth apprenticeship program, with existing integration into the academic content of the high school diploma requirements, or with demonstrated plans for integration of related instruction into the high school curriculum; and

``(ii) existing partnerships with employers acting in either an advisory capacity or actively participating in the youth apprenticeship program.

``(2) Encouraging employer participation.--

``(A) Individuals with barriers to employment.--An eligible entity applying to target individuals with barriers to employment for apprenticeship, youth apprenticeship, or pre-apprenticeship programs and carry out activities in accordance with subsection (a)(1)(B)(i) shall include as part of their application a description of--

``(i) specific strategies to target both individuals with barriers to employment and employers for participation in the program; and

``(ii) partnerships with organizations that assist program participants in accessing supportive services to support recruitment, retention, and completion of the program by program participants.

``(B) High-need social service-related industries.--An eligible entity applying to offer pre-apprenticeship, youth apprenticeship, or apprenticeship programs in high-need social service-related industries, sectors, or occupations and carry out activities in accordance with subsection

(a)(1)(B)(ii) shall include as part of their application a description of wages and benefits offered to program participants.

``(C) Individuals currently or recently incarcerated.--An eligible entity applying to target individuals currently or recently incarcerated and establish or carry out pre-apprenticeship programs and apprenticeship programs in accordance with subsection (a)(1)(B)(iii) shall include as part of their application a description of--

``(i) a plan to assist the program participants in obtaining the documentation and work authorization necessary to participate in such program;

``(ii) partnerships with organizations that will assist program participants in accessing activities to improve financial literacy and supportive services;

``(iii) how the assessments used to support the placement of potential program participants into a program accurately reflect the participants' skills and competencies;

``(iv) a plan to provide information about resources to program participants to address mental health or substance abuse issues;

``(v) partnerships with organizations that support--

``(I) the transition from incarceration to re-entry, such as assistance with housing, transportation, and legal services; and

``(II) successful completion of an apprenticeship or pre-apprenticeship program;

``(vi) wages and benefits offered to program participants that are commensurate with wages for similar work in the State or local area, as allowable; and

``(vii) alignment and necessary supports to comply with and receive the benefits of the Federal Bonding Program and the Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program for employers participating in apprenticeship programs.

``(D) Small- and medium-sized employers.--An eligible entity applying to engage small- and medium-sized employers and carry out activities in accordance with subsection

(a)(1)(B)(iv) shall include as part of their application a description of demonstrated success in engaging small- and medium-sized employers and the ability to recruit new employers to participate in related partnerships or programs, such as small businesses owned or controlled by women, minorities, or veterans.

``(3) Intermediary grants.--

``(A) Supporting national industry and equity intermediaries.--An eligible entity applying to carry out activities in accordance with subsection (a)(1)(C)(i) shall include as part of their application a description of the ability of such entity to convene a diverse group of industry specific stakeholders for the purposes of developing or expanding programs, including employers, workforce development organizations, industry associations, labor groups (including joint labor-management organizations), and education and training providers at a national level or with national reach.

``(B) Serving programs in a local or regional setting.--An eligible entity applying to carry out activities in accordance with subsection (a)(1)(C)(ii) shall include as part of their application a description of how such entity will--

``(i) engage employers, especially small- and medium-sized businesses, in the formation or ongoing development of industry or sector partnerships and programs in the national apprenticeship system;

``(ii) identify the industry or sector partnerships that will be served, and demonstrate alignment to high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors or occupations;

``(iii) leverage additional resources, including funding provided by Federal and non-Federal resources; and

``(iv) provide services to program sponsors and program participants.

``(4) Educational alignment.--An eligible entity applying to carry out activities in accordance with subsection

(a)(1)(D) shall include as part of their application a description of--

``(A) a demonstration of a partnership with--

``(i)(I) no less than three sponsors or employers; or

``(II) an industry or sector partnership; and

``(ii) at least 1 of the following--

``(I) an educational service agency;

``(II) a high school;

``(III) a local educational agency;

``(IV) State educational agency;

``(V) an Indian Tribe, Tribal organization, Tribal educational agency, Tribally controlled college or university, or Tribally controlled postsecondary career and technical institution, as applicable;

``(VI) a postsecondary educational institution; or

``(VII) a State higher education agency; and

``(B) a commitment to establishing or expanding the alignment of the related instruction to--

``(i) the requirements for a high school diploma, which may be fulfilled through a dual or concurrent enrollment program; or

``(ii) the requirements for a recognized postsecondary credential, including the degree requirements for an associate's or bachelor's degree.


``(a) General Activities.--An eligible entity applying for any grant activity under section 201(a)(1)--

``(1) shall use at least 5 percent of the grant funds to provide direct financial assistance to apprentices, pre-apprentices, or youth apprentices through emergency grants to support their financial needs to enter, remain enrolled in, and complete such program, such as support for the related costs of supplies and equipment, assessment or licensure fees, courses, transportation, child care, and housing; and

``(2) may use funds for any of the following activities:

``(A) To establish or expand partnerships with organizations that provide program participants access to financial planning, mentoring, and supportive services that are necessary to enable an individual to participate in and complete a program under the national apprenticeship system.

``(B) To conduct outreach and recruitment activities, including assessments of potential participants for, and enrollment of participants in, a program under the national apprenticeship system.

``(C) To conduct outreach, engagement, recruitment, and coordination of activities with employers, industry associations, labor and joint labor-management organizations, qualified intermediaries, education and training providers, State or local workforce agencies, potential sponsors, community-based organizations, communities with high numbers or percentages of nontraditional apprenticeship populations, small- and medium-sized businesses, or rural communities to establish or expand industry or sector partnerships and opportunities under the national apprenticeship system.

``(D) To carry out grant requirements, including program evaluation and reporting requirements.

``(E) To conduct any activities as described in the application that would advance the purposes of the grant.

``(F) To support the transition to virtual or remote learning or training, as necessary and as approved by the registration agency.

``(b) Additional Uses of Funds.--

``(1) Creation or expansion activities.--

``(A) Apprenticeship program creation.--An eligible entity that receives funds under section 201(a)(1)(A)(i) shall use such funding to create and implement an apprenticeship program, which may include--

``(i) creating and providing training and related instruction based on employer engagement;

``(ii) applying apprenticeship frameworks as described in section 111(b)(5)(C) to the State or local labor market and employer needs; or

``(iii) aligning the new program with existing apprenticeship programs.

``(B) Apprenticeship program expansion.--An eligible entity that receives funds under section 201(a)(1)(A)(ii) shall use such funds to expand an existing apprenticeship program, which may include--

``(i) expanding and enhancing related instruction;

``(ii) conducting outreach to and engagement with employers for the purposes of program expansion, including creation of new or expansion of existing industry or sector partnerships;

``(iii) preparing additional instructors or mentors needed for program expansion;

``(iv) building awareness of apprenticeship program opportunities for State or local workforce development, education, and economic development entities; and

``(v) providing commensurate wages to wages for on-the-job training for program participants during related instruction, as applicable.

``(C) Pre-apprenticeship programs.--An eligible entity that receives funds under section 201(a)(1)(A)(iii) shall use such funds to create a new pre-apprenticeship program or expand an existing pre-apprenticeship program, which may include--

``(i) coordinating pre-apprenticeship program activities with an apprenticeship program in a high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sector or occupation, including the creation or expansion of work-based learning opportunities, and articulation agreements for those who successfully complete a pre-apprenticeship to earn academic credit and enroll in an apprenticeship program;

``(ii) creating, expanding, or integrating related instruction and work-based learning, which may include training in the workplace and supporting partnerships to create opportunities for pre-apprentices to earn credit at a postsecondary educational institution for skills and competencies acquired during the pre-apprenticeship program;

``(iii) providing participants with career exploration and career planning activities and with exploration of postsecondary opportunities including apprenticeship programs;

``(iv) with respect to participants without a high school diploma or a generally recognized equivalent, paying the costs affiliated with acquiring such equivalent, and the costs of any related assessments of potential pre-apprentices or active pre-apprentices, including those that would verify the attainment of foundational knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in an apprenticeship program;

``(v) development or expansion of partnerships with organizations that assist program participants in accessing supportive services, which may include the 12-month period after the conclusion of a pre-apprenticeship program;

``(vi) providing commensurate wages to the linked apprenticeship program for pre-apprentices as they participate in and complete the pre-apprenticeship program, as appropriate;

``(vii) paying the cost of related instruction or assessment or licensure fees associated with the pre-apprenticeship program, as appropriate;

``(viii) creating or expanding industry or sector partnerships to support the pre-apprenticeship program and to provide additional opportunities to the pre-apprentices.

``(D) Youth apprenticeship programs.--An eligible entity that receives funds under section 201(a)(1)(A)(iv) shall use such funds to create a new youth apprenticeship program or expand an existing youth apprenticeship program, which may include--

``(i) paying for the costs associated with curriculum development and alignment of that curriculum with recognized postsecondary credentials including industry-recognized credentials, high school graduation requirements, and related instruction, including curriculum development for dual or concurrent enrollment;

``(ii) providing employers, and to the extent practicable, labor organizations and joint labor-management organizations, technical assistance to support the participation of youth apprentices under the age of 18;

``(iii) integrating work-based and academic learning, which may include training in the workplace;

``(iv) providing career exploration and career planning activities, including exploration of postsecondary opportunities such as apprenticeship programs;

``(v) providing technical assistance to support the participation of small- and medium-sized businesses in youth apprenticeship programs;

``(vi) developing or expanding partnerships with organizations that assist program participants in accessing supportive services, which may include the 12-month period after the conclusion of such a youth apprenticeship program; or

``(vii) providing teachers, career guidance and academic counselors, school leaders, administrators, specialized instructional support personnel, and paraprofessionals with professional development opportunities to build an understanding of apprenticeship opportunities available to students, including experiential opportunities like externships.

``(2) Incentive funds.--

``(A) Barriers to employment.--An eligible entity that receives funds under section 201(a)(1)(B)(i) shall use such funds to encourage employer participation in programs under the national apprenticeship system that target individuals with barriers to employment, which may include--

``(i) providing financial assistance to employers to support costs related to the programs, such as training incumbent workers for participation as mentors or employees supervising the on-the-job learning;

``(ii) supporting the cost of related instruction, assessment or licensure fees, or wages for program participants during related instruction; and

``(iii) establishing or expanding partnerships with organizations that assist program participants in accessing supportive services to support recruitment, retention, and completion, including providing supplies and equipment necessary to begin a program under the national apprenticeship system.

``(B) High-need social service-related industries.--An eligible entity that receives funds under section 201(a)(1)(B)(ii) shall use such funds to incentivize employer participation in programs under the national apprenticeship system in high need social service-related industries, sectors, or occupations, which may include--

``(i) providing financial assistance to employers to support costs related to the program, such as training incumbent workers as mentors, or employees providing on-the-job training;

``(ii) supporting the cost of related instruction, assessment or licensure fees, or wages for program participants during related instruction;

``(iii) establishing or expanding partnerships with organizations that assist program participants in accessing supportive services to support recruitment, retention, and completion, including providing supplies and equipment necessary to begin a program under the national apprenticeship system; or

``(iv) aligning such program with career pathways and opportunities for advancement along such career pathways.

``(C) Individuals impacted by the justice system.--An eligible entity that receives funds under section 201(a)(1)(B)(iii) shall use such funds to incentivize employer participation in programs under the national apprenticeship system that target individuals impacted by the criminal or juvenile justice system, which may include--

``(i) providing financial assistance to employers to support costs related to the program, such as training incumbent workers as mentors or employees supervising the on-the-job learning; or

``(ii) supporting the cost of related instruction, assessment or licensure fees, or wages for program participants during related instruction.

``(D) In-demand industry sector or occupation grants for small- and medium-sized businesses.-- An eligible entity that receives funds under section 201(a)(1)(B)(iv) shall use such funds to encourage participation of small- and medium-sized businesses in programs under the national apprenticeship system, which may include--

``(i) providing financial assistance to employers to support costs related to the program, such as training incumbent workers as mentors or employees supervising the on-the-job learning;

``(ii) supporting the cost of related instruction, assessment or licensure fees, or wages for program participants during related instruction;

``(iii) providing technical assistance to small- and medium-sized businesses on the program registration process and leveraging other available funds to support carrying out programs supported by this grant; or

``(iv) establishing or expanding partnerships to support program development or expansion, including establishing or expanding industry or sector partnerships to ensure inclusion of small- and medium-sized businesses.

``(3) Intermediary grants.--

``(A) National industry and equity intermediaries.--An eligible entity that receives funds under section 201(a)(1)(C)(i) shall use such funds to carry out activities at a national and regional level to support the promotion and expansion of industry or equity intermediaries, which may include--

``(i) creating partnerships and leveraging collaborations with employers, workforce development organizations, industry associations, labor organizations, and education and training providers to help multiple employers make education and training more affordable and accelerate the expansion of programs under the national apprenticeship system nationwide;

``(ii) assisting employers in expanding programs, starting new programs, and working together to create a pipeline of skilled workers;

``(iii) increasing the participation and completion of nontraditional apprenticeship populations in programs under the national apprenticeship system, which may include--

``(I) supporting the development, implementation, and scaling of plans and practices; and

``(II) identifying, developing, and disseminating effective program tools and strategies;

``(iv) providing national activities to increase awareness and access to programs, including strategic marketing and outreach, technology improvements, and innovations that make it easier for employers to start programs and for individuals to connect with program opportunities;

``(v) developing and disseminating training or related instruction associated with the program or for curriculum improvements that align with the requirements of the program and learning assessments; or

``(vi) providing industry employees or potential employees with a clear understanding of future career paths and the skills needed to succeed, along with cost effective ways of acquiring those skills through youth apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, or apprenticeship programs.

``(B) Local intermediaries.--An eligible entity that receives funds under section 201(a)(1)(C)(ii) may use such funds to carry out activities at a local or regional level to support the promotion and expansion of programs under the national apprenticeship system, which may include--

``(i) providing training or related instruction associated with the programs or for curriculum improvements that align with the requirements of the programs and learning assessments;

``(ii) engaging with local education and training providers to support related instruction aligned with the needs of high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors and occupations, and to the extent practicable, support the provision of academic credit for related instruction;

``(iii) providing services, including business engagement, classroom instruction, and development of partnerships with organizations that assist program participants in accessing supportive services (which may include the 12-month period after the conclusion of the other activities in the youth apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs involved);

``(iv) providing technical assistance on the registration process for a sponsor of a youth apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, or apprenticeship program;

``(v) connecting businesses, labor organizations, or joint labor-management organizations with education and training providers to develop related instruction to complement the on-the-job learning portion of a youth apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, or apprenticeship program;

``(vi) providing training to employees to serve as on-the-job trainers or mentors to program participants; and

``(vii) providing career exposure, career planning, and career awareness activities.

``(4) Educational alignment grants.--An eligible entity that receives funds under section 201(a)(1)(D) shall use such funds to strengthen alignment between programs under the national apprenticeship system and education and training providers with secondary and postsecondary education systems, including degree and credential requirements, which may include--

``(A) creating and aligning the related instruction to requirements for a high school diploma or an associate's or bachelor's degree, including through--

``(i) dual enrollment and credit articulation for youth apprenticeship programs;

``(ii) articulation agreements; or

``(iii) credit transfer agreements;

``(B) creating or expanding career pathways aligned with pre-apprenticeship, youth apprenticeship, or apprenticeship programs;

``(C) providing professional development for teachers, career guidance and academic counselors, school leaders, administrators, specialized instructional support personnel, and paraprofessionals to build an understanding of opportunities in the national apprenticeship system available to students and to incorporate such opportunities into academic content and offerings;

``(D) offering prior learning assessments, which may include credit for prior learning to grant advanced standing in a program under the national apprenticeship system and credit towards an associate's or bachelor's degree;

``(E) maintaining a connection between a pre-apprenticeship or youth apprenticeship program and an apprenticeship program; and

``(F) providing training for instructors or mentors.


``(a) Recipient Reports.--Each recipient of a grant under this section shall--

``(1) provide for an independent evaluation of the activities carried out under this title during the grant period;

``(2) provide for an annual report and for a final report at the conclusion of the grant period, which include--

``(A) a description of how the funds received through the grant were used and how the uses of funds aligned with the description in the application specified in section 201(e)(5)(C);

``(B) in the case of an eligible entity that is required to report data under section 131(b)(1), the data collected under such section for the grant period;

``(C) the total number of active program participants served by each of the grant programs;

``(D) the total number that obtained unsubsidized employment in a field related to the apprenticeable occupation;

``(E) the total number of program participants that completed the program in which they were enrolled;

``(F) the average time to completion for each program as compared to the program standards description under paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 123(b);

``(G) the average cost per participant during the most recent program year and the 3 preceding program years;

``(H) the percentage of participants who received support services; and

``(I) the disaggregation of performance data described in subparagraphs (A) through (H)--

``(i) by the program type (apprenticeship, youth apprenticeship, or pre-apprenticeship program) involved; and

``(ii) by race, ethnicity, sex, age, and membership in a population specified in section 3(24) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102(24)); and

``(3) submit each report under paragraph (2)--

``(A) to the registration agency; and

``(B) to the Administrator.

``(b) Administrator Evaluations.--

``(1) In general.--The Administrator shall prepare--

``(A) not later than 36 months after the date of enactment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, an interim evaluation on the activities carried out under grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements awarded under this section; and

``(B) not later than 60 months after the date of enactment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, a final evaluation containing the results of the grant activities.

``(2) Contents.--Such evaluations shall address, for the activities carried out under each grant awarded under this section, the general effectiveness of the activities in relation to their cost, including the extent to which the activities--

``(A) improve the participation in, retention in, and completion of youth apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, and apprenticeship programs by nontraditional apprenticeship populations;

``(B) to the extent feasible, increase the levels of total employment, of attainment of recognized postsecondary credentials, and of measurable skills, above the levels that would have existed in the absence of such activities;

``(C) respond to the needs reflected in State, regional, or local labor market data;

``(D) align with high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industries or occupations; and

``(E) reach a wide variety of industry sectors and occupations;

``(3) Reports to congress.--Not later than 60 days after the completion of the interim evaluation and the final evaluation described in this section, the Administrator shall submit to the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate a report summarizing the findings of the interim evaluations and a report summarizing the final evaluations.

``(4) Public access.--The Administrator shall make the interim and final reports available on a publicly accessible website not later than 60 days after the completion of the interim report and the final report.


``There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this title:

``(1) $400,000,000 for fiscal year 2022;

``(2) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2023;

``(3) $600,000,000 for fiscal year 2024;

``(4) $700,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; and

``(5) $800,000,000 for fiscal year 2026.''.


(a) American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act of 1998.--Section 414(c) of the American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 2916a) is repealed.

(b) Immigration and Nationality Act.--Section 286(s)(2) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1356(s)(2)) is amended--

(1) in the heading, by striking ``for job training'' and inserting ``for programs under the national apprenticeship system''; and

(2) by striking ``for demonstration programs and projects described in section 414(c) of the American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act of 1998'' and inserting ``to carry out title II of the National Apprenticeship Act''.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill, as amended, is debatable for 1 hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Education and Labor.

The gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Levin) and the gentlewoman from North Carolina (Ms. Foxx) each will control 30 minutes.

The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Michigan.

General Leave

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all Members have 5 legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and insert extraneous material on H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Michigan?

There was no objection.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant and lasting hardship for our Nation's workers. Millions of people are still without work, and at least 7 million of the jobs lost during the COVID-19 pandemic will not come back. During this historic economic downturn, we must use every tool we have to help workers find jobs and prepare them for high-

quality jobs and employment opportunities of the future.

The most successful of these tools that we have, without question, is our registered apprenticeship system. Each year, hundreds of thousands of workers count on registered apprenticeships to learn in-demand skills, earn wages that grow along with those skills, and receive nationally recognized credentials that lead to rewarding careers. Registered apprenticeships are so successful that 94 percent of apprentices are employed upon completion and they earn an average starting wage of more than $70,000 a year.

Yet Congress has not reauthorized the National Apprenticeship Act since it was first passed as part of the New Deal in 1937. Simply put, we have left our Nation's very best workforce development initiative underresourced at a time when we need it most.

In response, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 invests $3.5 billion in our national apprenticeship system; ensures consistency and quality across apprenticeship programs; increases opportunities for diverse groups of workers who have not traditionally been included in the apprenticeship system; and expands registered apprenticeships in emerging sectors, such as healthcare, manufacturing, finance, and technology.

This investment alone will create an additional 1 million apprenticeship opportunities--I am so excited to say that--and it will yield more than $10 billion in benefits to taxpayers through higher tax revenue and decreased spending on social safety net programs. There is no better policy, Mr. Speaker, than helping people get great training for great jobs.

Construction trades and their industry partners have long proven that the registered apprenticeship model works. That is why trade groups, industry associations, labor unions, and other stakeholders supported both Democrats and Republicans in overwhelmingly voting for this bill last November. Now we must come together again to pass the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 so that workers across the country and across industries can benefit from registered apprenticeship opportunities.

Lastly, I would be remiss if I did not recognize Representative Pocan of Wisconsin, who sponsored the Leveraging Effective Apprenticeships to Rebuild National Skills Act, or the LEARNS Act; and Representative Bonamici of Oregon, who authored the PARTNERS Act; and former Representative, our dear colleague, Susan Davis of California, who shepherded this bill in the 116th Congress, for all of their significant contributions to this legislation.

Mr. Speaker, I thank Chairman Jerry Nadler for the courtesy of providing for discharge of the portion of the bill within the jurisdiction of the Committee on the Judiciary.

Mr. Speaker, I urge support for this legislation, and I reserve the balance of my time.

House of Representatives,

Committee on the Judiciary,

Washington, DC, February 1, 2021.Hon. Bobby Scott,Chairman, House Committee on Education and Labor, Washington,


Dear Chairman Scott: This is to advise you that we have now had an opportunity to review the provisions in H.R. 447, the

``National Apprenticeship Act of 2021,'' that fall within our Rule X jurisdiction. I appreciate your consulting with us on those provisions. We have no objection to your including them in the bill for consideration on the House floor, and to expedite that consideration is willing to forgo action on H.R. 447, with the understanding that we do not thereby waive any future jurisdictional claim over those provisions or their subject matters.

In the event a House-Senate conference on this or similar legislation is convened, the Judiciary Committee reserves the right to request an appropriate number of conferees to address any concerns with these or similar provisions that may arise in conference.

Please place this letter into the Congressional Record during consideration of the measure on the House floor. Thank you for the cooperative spirit in which you have worked regarding this matter and others between our committees.


Jerrold Nadler,Chairman.


Committee on Education and Labor, House of


Washington, DC, February 1, 2021.Hon. Jerrold Nadler,Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary,Washington, DC.

Dear Chairman Nadler: In reference to your letter of February 1, 2021, I write to confirm our mutual understanding regarding H.R. 447, the ``National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.''

I appreciate the Committee on the Judiciary's waiver of consideration of H.R. 447 as specified in your letter. I acknowledge that the waiver was granted only to expedite floor consideration of H.R. 447 and does not in any way waive or diminish the Committee on the Judiciary's jurisdictional interests over this or similar legislation.

I would be pleased to include our exchange of letters on this matter in the Congressional Record during floor consideration of the bill to memorialize our joint understanding.

Again, thank you for your assistance with this matter.

Very truly yours,

Robert C. ``Bobby'' Scott,


Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong opposition to H.R. 477, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, which impedes the ability of businesses and employers to fill in-demand jobs.

Legislation deserves a proper, thorough, and bipartisan examination, which is why the House has long established procedures to do just that. Those procedures respect the majority and minority and ensure that both sides are represented.

Democrats are ignoring these procedures and bringing this bill straight to the floor, steamrolling the committee of jurisdiction. Time and again Speaker Pelosi has shown more interest in ``our way or the highway'' governing than upholding the deliberative process of the people's House.

Rushing a bill to the House floor without committee consideration simply because we have gaveled in a new Congress and need something to fill the time on the floor isn't a sustainable path forward under any circumstances. This is particularly frustrating considering the bipartisan agreement that our Nation's apprenticeship system needs to be updated to provide more opportunities for hardworking Americans.

H.R. 447 closes pathways to work for students and job seekers at a time when our Nation is in desperate need of getting more Americans back to work. In recent years, steps were taken to increase the number of high-quality apprenticeships and introduce innovation into work-

based learning programs. For example, the Trump administration created Industry Recognized Apprenticeship Programs, IRAPs, which provide another avenue for companies seeking skilled workers who want to develop programs with more input from other industry leaders rather than from the Federal Government.

Democrats like to say that IRAPs are ``untried'' or ``untested.'' Other words for that are ``new'' and ``innovative.''

This bill would take away opportunities for the 131 IRAPs that have been recognized in the last 4 months, the vast majority of which are for nursing credentials. Limiting nursing credentials during a global pandemic is idiotic.

By prohibiting these innovative programs, the bill assumes that a registered program that worked for one employer will meet the diverse needs of every business across the country, regardless of size or industry.

In fiscal year 2019, 252,000 individuals entered apprenticeships, but only 81,000 graduated from the registered system. In fact, there have been, on average, over 190,000 new apprenticeships every year since 2015, but only 81,000 graduate in a year from the registered system. That is a graduation rate of 43 percent, at best. Yet Democrats refer to this program as the ``gold standard.''

Lord help us if this is the gold standard.

Clearly, there is room to improve the registered system, make space for employer-led innovation, and get more Americans back to work. Instead, Democrats assume that simply throwing more taxpayer dollars at a broken system will lead to the creation of a million new apprenticeships. But they have failed to address the underlying problems with the system and, along the way, are shutting down a new, more flexible option that businesses have already found appealing.

Stifling innovation and doubling down on an 80-year-old system that favors union-driven apprenticeships will hurt our efforts to get more Americans back to work. Yet language included in the legislation favors grant funding for entities partnering with unions. Turning the bill's grant program into a union slush fund would also block countless potential for participants from accessing grant money.

Even worse, H.R. 447 will force job creators to deal with overly prescriptive requirements, additional bureaucracy, and time-consuming paperwork on top of the one-size-fits-all approach. It is no wonder this stifling environment has discouraged new and small businesses from participating in the registered apprenticeship system.

Employers know best what skills their employees require to excel in the workplace. That is why Republicans believe Congress should encourage employer-led innovation in the apprenticeship space. Unfortunately, today's legislation falls woefully short.

We know that apprenticeships will play a defining role in closing the skills gap and putting more Americans to work, but only if employees and job creators are given the flexibility to innovate and develop high-quality earn-and-learn programs without overreach from Washington.

Mr. Speaker, I urge a ``no'' vote, and I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. Norcross), who is a member of the Committee on Education and Labor and a person whose life embodies the value of apprenticeships not just to our industries, but to our Nation.

Mr. NORCROSS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak on the importance of the bipartisan National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

First, I would like to thank former Congresswoman Susan Davis for the work that she and Brett Guthrie put in this bill and how important it was. We had traveled the world looking at different models to see how other countries have done it, but the answer was right here in our backyard, the gold standard, what the national building trades have done over the past 100 years.

Mr. Speaker, as a child growing up, you hear from teachers and counselors that you have to go to college in order to make it in America. Well, I was one of four boys. My three brothers went to college. I like to say I went to the other 4-year school, a registered IBEW apprenticeship program for electricians.

{time} 0930

It allowed me to earn while I was going to school, to take what I learned in the books at night and apply it the next day; how important that was to help raise my young family and literally paved the way for me to go from the construction site to the floor of Congress; remarkable.

But we know, one size does not fit all. I like to say, some people want to go to college, some people want to build the college, some people want to defend the college. We need everyone to come together, and this registered apprenticeship is the most successful training program in the history of the United States. You heard, 94 percent of the people who complete it go right to work and are fully employed.

And the building trades have a graduation rate of approaching 90 percent, something unheard of, and coming out making $70,000, with little or no debt. Little or no debt. That paycheck that goes along with it is that dignity that if you can work with your hands you also work with your heart and your head, and how important that is.

Whether you work in a shipyard, medical technology, or you have your Ph.D., we are all the same, adding value to this great country, and we need all of them to succeed.

This apprenticeship act builds off of what we have done in the past.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The time of the gentleman has expired.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield an additional 30 seconds to the gentleman from New Jersey.

Mr. NORCROSS. Mr. Speaker, I just want to make sure, the standards are so important. When there is a hurricane that hits the Gulf Coast, literally, linemen and workers from around the country come together. And why is that important? Because they all train on the same standards.

Could you imagine if everybody came in learning a different way? That is how people die. That is why standards are critically important and proven over time.

So I encourage everybody to come together to work on and vote for the most impressive and successful program in the history of the United States.

Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record the North America's Building Trades Unions letter of support.

North America's

Building Trades Unions,

Washington, DC, February 3, 2021.

Dear Member of Congress: On behalf of the over 3 million skilled craft professionals that comprise North America's Building Trades Unions (NABTU), I write in support of H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

I first would like to commend the work of Chairman Scott and the bipartisan cosponsors of this legislation for their diligent efforts to maintain the integrity of the Registered Apprenticeship system, and their continued engagement with us on this bill, which reauthorizes the foundational law on which our apprenticeship programs are built. In the eight decades since the Registered Apprenticeship system was created, our nation, the economy, our industry, and technology have drastically changed. What has not changed is the need to forever protect and enshrine the rights of those individuals who enter an apprenticeship program, and H.R. 447 continues to protect the safety, well being, and economic trajectory of the apprentice.

More than two-thirds of all civilian registered apprentices in the United States are trained in the construction industry. Among these construction apprentices, seventy-five percent receive their training at one of the 1,900 privately funded training centers in North America which are jointly administered by construction contractors and building trades unions. Investing almost $2 billion in private capital annually in our Registered Apprenticeship programs, our joint labor-management programs have long been considered the gold standard of the Registered Apprenticeship system.

The affiliated unions of NABTU provide a debt-free ladder of opportunity to those who seek a career in the construction industry through Registered Apprenticeship. From day one, apprentices earn while they learn on a progressively increasing wage scale, with the added security of healthcare and retirement benefits, and upon completion of the program earn, on average, $60,000 annually. Furthermore, through our ever-expanding pre-apprenticeship programs, we continue to work with our industry partners to increase the diversity of apprenticeship candidates by recruiting women, people of color and veterans.

While there are other avenues one may take to be trained in the construction crafts, for generations, the safest, most highly skilled and productive construction craft workers in the world have received their training through the Registered Apprenticeship system. H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, will ensure the Registered Apprenticeship system not only remains the gold standard in workforce training in the construction industry, but that it is accessible for all industries that seek a productive and highly skilled workforce. I urge swift passage of this bill and look forward to working with you to strengthen economic opportunities in every community, both large and small, across our great nation.


Sean McGarvey,


Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Thompson).

Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in opposition to H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

As co-chair of the Congressional Career and Technical Education Caucus, it takes a lot for me to oppose legislation like this, which should be and always has been bipartisan. But my friends across the aisle have included measures that just are not good for America, and not bipartisan.

The National Apprenticeship Act, which was originally passed in 1937, established the registered apprenticeship system we see today. This system has provided many Americans with the opportunities to learn tangible skills they need for high-wage, high-skill, and in-demand jobs that will lead to fulfilling careers.

More recently, we have seen interest for apprenticeships rise as more employers and small businesses are recognizing the vital role they play in the development of a skilled workforce. This law is in desperate need of reforms that will both strengthen and expand this traditional system, while empowering employers and others to pursue work-based learning innovation.

As co-chair of the bipartisan Career and Technical Education Caucus, I have always supported and will continue to support legislation that promotes skills-based education for a 21st century economy.

With that being said, we must acknowledge that the registered apprenticeship system created during the Great Depression will never be suitable by itself for a modern workforce.

While this bill codifies several Federal regulations for the registered apprenticeship model, the underlying bill ignores the needs of our workers and our economy.

Previous administrations have taken tremendous steps to grow the number of high-quality apprenticeships and modernize work-based learning programs, especially through the Department of Labor's Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs, or IRAPS.

This program is aimed to help foster continued innovation that recognizes the dignity of all work and provides another tool for apprentices to move into meaningful work in our rapidly evolving economy.

However, the current legislation does not provide the needed flexibility for innovation of these programs, the necessary funding to carry out these programs, or change the current status quo.

By prohibiting these innovative programs, this bill assumes that a registered program that works for one employer will meet the various needs of every business across the country, regardless of size or industry. We need to listen to what businesses are telling us.

For this reason, I urge my colleagues to oppose this bill.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1\1/2\ minutes to the gentlewoman from Oregon (Ms. Bonamici), a hardworking member of the Committee on Education and Labor.

Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the bipartisan National Apprenticeship Act, which I am honored to co-lead with Chairman Scott.

Last summer, I held a roundtable discussion with apprentices and pre-

apprentices from around northwest Oregon. I spoke with Melissa, who said that joining the Boilermakers Local 242 apprenticeship was a

``life-changing decision.'' And Lacy, who talked about her apprenticeship with Laborers Local 737; she said it ``made it possible to pay my bills and feed my kid.''

By supporting the National Apprenticeship Act, we will help more workers like Melissa and Lacy gain the skills and support services they need to provide for themselves and their families.

As our Nation recovers from the economic consequences of the pandemic, registered apprenticeships provide especially meaningful upskilling and reskilling opportunities for displaced and dislocated workers to help them secure good-paying jobs.

I am glad that my bipartisan PARTNERS Act is included to help small and medium-sized businesses develop registered apprenticeships and provide workers with support services like tools, work attire, transportation, childcare, and mentorship.

The legislation we pass today will help more Oregonians and Americans get the skills they need to succeed.

Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record a letter from the National Task Force on Tradeswomen's Issues in support of the National Apprenticeship Act.

Comments of the National Taskforce on Tradeswomen's Issues on the

National Apprenticeship Act Reauthorization

The National Taskforce on Tradeswomen's Issues (TWTF) is a national coalition of women's organizations and tradeswomen whose mission is to create access, opportunity and equity in nontraditional employment and training for women. TWTF very much appreciates the reauthorizing of the National Apprenticeship Act (NAA) of 2021 (H.R. 447) in a way that best protects apprentices and best serves other stakeholders in the apprenticeship system. In particular, TWTF is deeply grateful for the careful attention that H.R. 447 pays to enhancing opportunities for women and people of color--populations that have historically been too often unfairly denied such opportunities because of their gender, race, or ethnicity--to gain access to and retain high-skill, high-wage jobs through registered apprenticeships, pre-apprenticeships, and youth apprenticeships. TWTF is also highly appreciative of the significant investments that H.R. 447 makes to the national apprenticeship system.

Our organizational members, such as Chicago Women in the Trades, Oregon Tradeswomen Inc., Tradeswomen, Inc. (in Northern California), ANEW (in Washington State), Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW) (in New York City), and Nevada Women in Trades currently operate, and for years have operated, pre-apprenticeship programs and other programs for encouraging women's participation in the trades and in other occupations in which women have not traditionally worked. Together we have over 152 years of combined experience in operating such programs.

Our organizational members also provide a wide range of technical assistance services and resources that support apprenticeship programs, employers, training providers and the workforce system in enhancing equity for diverse apprentices and potential apprentices through the National Center for Women's Equity in Employment and Apprenticeship. This technical assistance includes EEO planning guidance, toolkits, best practice briefs, curriculum, staff training, replicable program models, and other resources and strategies that have proven successful in attracting and retaining women in these fields. (The National Center for Women's Equity in Employment and Apprenticeship was funded until 2020 in part by a contract with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Office of Apprenticeship (OA).)

TWTF's individual members--current and former tradeswomen--have, in our scores of years of lived experience in all aspects of apprenticeship and employment in the trades, seen it all. A number of these individuals also serve in leadership positions within apprenticeship programs and their sponsors and have intimate knowledge of registration, especially as it relates to EEO/AA. We have known the exhilaration of acquiring mastery of skills, the sense of accomplishment of working with the tools, the pride of being part of building something tangible and important, the comfort of genuine mentoring and support from our co-workers and colleagues, and the satisfaction of supporting our families with a living wage and real benefits. We have also known the financial struggle of being ``last hired, first fired'' and the sting and humiliation of hazing, harassment, and discrimination. Many, many of us have had successful careers in the trades; many others have been unable to continue in those occupations due to discrimination or other barriers. Indeed, historically, tradeswomen have been at the forefront of work to change conditions that prevent women from being fully integrated into well-paid, blue-collar jobs.

These comments are informed by the experiences of both our organizational and individual members.

TWTF is pleased to support H.R. 447 in general. In particular, we support the bill's incorporation of certain nondiscrimination and affirmative action standards for apprenticeship programs currently codified in 29 CFR part 30; the requirement that funded entities devote a minimum of 5 percent of grant funds to direct financial assistance to apprentices, pre-apprentices, or youth apprentices for supportive services; and the significant investments that the bill makes in registered apprenticeship, preapprenticeship, and youth apprenticeship programs and technical assistance to make progress on equity and inclusion for women and people of color.

However, we do have some critical concerns about some of the language in the bill. For example--

Unlike current law, the bill does not clearly and unambiguously require registered apprenticeship programs

(RAPs) to set goals for the proportions of their apprentices who are women, Hispanics, African Americans, Asians, and other racial categories that reflect those each of those groups' proportions among the people in the areas they recruit from who meet the minimum qualifications for the apprenticeship. Nor does it clearly and unambiguously require RAPs to take steps to target their recruitment, hiring, and retention practices to the underrepresented group(s) if they fail to meet those goal(s).

The bill is subject to the interpretation that it completely preempts continuation or reinstatement of the positive requirements that are in 29 CFR 30, the current law but not clearly included in H.R. 447.

Some of the requirements for pre-apprenticeship programs contained in H.R. 447 were designed for registered apprenticeship programs but are not appropriate for pre-apprenticeship programs.

Some of the conditions on grants to be awarded under the bill may make it difficult for pre-apprenticeship programs to receive funding under the bill.

We plan to work provide more detail on these concerns as the bill moves forward in the Senate, and will ask that Congress address them before the bill becomes law.

Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Speaker, I thank Chairman Scott for his leadership.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. Allen).

Mr. ALLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong opposition to H.R. 447.

Coming from the construction industry, I know firsthand that apprenticeships help Americans gain valuable skills that lead to good-

paying jobs and long-lasting careers.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we had the greatest economy in the world. Unfortunately, we have seen the negative impact this virus has had on employment opportunities, and Congress should be working in a bipartisan manner to get this economy back on track.

There is no doubt that skilled trades will play a crucial part in economic recovery in the coming months. By encouraging more apprenticeship programs, we can help American workers get back on their feet while, simultaneously, helping employers meet their workforce needs.

But the last thing American workers and businesses need is additional bureaucratic red tape like those included in H.R. 447.

My Democratic colleagues are pushing forward an approach that doubles down on burdensome mandates and will prevent more workers from accessing apprenticeship opportunities by imposing a one-size-fits-all Federal registered apprenticeship system, while doing nothing to support other models.

I offered an amendment to today's bill that would uphold the Trump administration's rule regarding the Department of Labor's Industry-

Recognized Apprenticeship Programs, which provides companies an alternative avenue to train skilled workers for their specific industry needs, while allowing Americans to earn while they learn.

We should empower employers to innovate and develop their own apprenticeship programs, not constrain them. Yet, per usual, my Democratic colleagues blocked my amendment from consideration.

If you truly want unity and working across the aisle, then I urge my colleagues to work with the Republicans on the House Education and Labor Committee on a bipartisan bill that would encourage innovation and flexibility into the apprenticeship model so that more Americans can get back to work.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Connecticut (Mr. Courtney), a member of the Committee on Education and Labor, and a scholar of the history of apprenticeship in this body.

Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. Speaker, in 1937, a freshman Member of Congress who held my seat, Representative William Fitzgerald, from Norwich, Connecticut, led the effort to pass the first National Apprenticeship Act. After being signed into law by President Roosevelt, this remained largely untouched for 83 years, yet the registered apprenticeship system it created has buoyed the Nation through decades of tumultuous change in our economy and its workforce.

The Fitzgerald Act is simple. It instructs the Secretary of Labor to bring together employers and workers, and using national standards, develop apprenticeship programs and work with State agencies to carry out certifications all across the country. With that elegant framework, the registered apprenticeship program has expanded to 1,200 recognized occupations, enrolling thousands of new apprentices each year. Upon completion of a registered apprenticeship, workers can expect to earn an average of $70,000 per year. All this was achieved with a tiny Federal investment.

Today, we take an historic step to build on its success with the first-ever reauthorization of the Fitzgerald Act to size up and grow its proven model. H.R. 447 creates a dedicated source of funding to State apprenticeship offices that will connect more employers to trainees and launches competitive grants to start apprentices in new sectors of the economy and, thus, recruit underserved populations.

This bill will enact those reforms yet remain true to the crown jewel of Fitzgerald's vision, safeguarding national standards so that workers and employers can trust that the program's skills and certifications are high-quality and, thus, transportable.

In Connecticut, I have seen how registered apprenticeships help first-time employers. Chris Jewell of Bozrah, Connecticut said this about his metal fabrication shop's new participation in the program:

``The training money we received allowed us to take a chance on employees that we felt were ready to make the next step in their career path.''

Those workers and others at Chris' shop are thriving today in high-

paying jobs because of the Fitzgerald Act. This bill will multiply that success for millions at just the time our Nation's ailing economy needs it the most. I urge my colleagues to pass this bill.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Keller).

Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in opposition of H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

Let's be very clear: Apprenticeship programs are a tremendous benefit to our economy. They provide a diverse range of opportunities for emerging workers to hone and develop skill sets while providing competitive salaries that strengthen our economy.

I agree with my colleagues that our existing apprenticeship system is severely outdated and it must be restructured to reflect the needs and challenges of the current economy and the modern workforce. However, H.R. 447 completely fails to address and expand work-based learning programs.

Current regulations permit a special carve-out for union-sponsored apprenticeships to ignore the mandatory ratio of apprentices to supervisors intended to keep workers safe. This preferential treatment, by definition, creates an uneven playing field and jeopardizes worker safety.

I offered an amendment to this legislation that would have closed this loophole, leveled the playing field, and ensured the safety of all apprentices on the job. However, the majority voted to reject this effort to hold all apprenticeship programs to the same standards of safety regardless of which entity sponsors the program.

Given the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our economy, now more than ever we need an apprenticeship system that provides and protects workers and gives them the tools and opportunities for success. The bottom line is that this law must be updated so employees can participate in a system that is reflective of their needs and the needs of their workers, something this legislation in its current form fails to do entirely.

Voting for H.R. 447 in its current form would mean doubling down on the outdated policies and bureaucratic red tape that too often prevents innovative and necessary improvements from taking place.

This bill should be rejected.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. Trone), a colleague who knows a little bit about how to help business in this country.

{time} 0945

Mr. TRONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to urge support for my amendment, which addresses the barriers to finding a job that justice-

impacted individuals face when they leave prison.

Stable employment is one of the single biggest factors for determining whether Americans who have been incarcerated will return to prison or jail. Returning citizens face significant barriers to employment, with an unemployment rate five times higher than the national average.

My amendment will help support the establishment and expansion of the apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship workforce training programs in all Federal correctional facilities. It will reduce recidivism and help formerly incarcerated individuals lead productive lives and build strong communities.

The criminal justice system in the United States is anything but just. We can fix it. It is time to lead with compassion. It is time to focus on rehabilitation, not retribution. It is time to give those who serve their time, and are trying to start a new life, a second chance.

Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record a communication from the Signatory Wall and Ceiling Contractors Alliance, and I urge bipartisan support.


January 29, 2021.Hon. Robert C. Scott,Chairman, Committee on Education and Labor,House of Representatives, Washington, DC.

Dear Chairman Scott: I write to you today on behalf of the Signatory Wall and Ceiling Contractors Alliance (SWACCA) to advise you of our strong support for H.R. 447, the ``National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.''

SWACCA is a national association representing construction company owners employing tens of thousands of laborers, drywall finishers, plasterers, and carpenters who perform billions of dollars of framing, drywall, ceiling, and other interior systems work annually throughout the United States. SWACCA prides itself on serving as a voice for responsible employers. Our member companies pay their workers for every hour worked, as well as overtime when their work exceeds forty hours in a week. They also provide middle-class wages, sponsor training programs, and offer retirement and health benefits.

As signatory employers, we have a long history of working with our union partners to create and sustain rigorous, high-quality registered apprenticeship programs. Our members understand that registered apprenticeship programs are one of the key factors in ensuring they can continue to provide the high quality, efficient construction services that enable them to be profitable while providing jobs with family-sustaining wages and benefits. As such, we appreciate you and your Committee's efforts to maintain and strengthen the nation's registered apprenticeship system.

Your legislation would inject much needed funding with the aim of expanding access to registered apprenticeships, pre-apprenticeships, and youth apprenticeships across the country. This new funding will serve as a critical supplement to the investment our members make to support these important programs. H.R. 447 would also codify and streamline existing standards for registered apprenticeship programs and expand those standards to cover preapprenticeship and youth apprenticeship programs. Importantly, H.R. 447 also includes provisions to codify the role of the Office of Apprenticeship at the Department of Labor. It also strengthens the standing of the National Advisory Committee on Apprenticeships within the Department of Labor so that it can provide seasoned, expert recommendations to the Secretary of Labor on how to improve the nation's apprenticeship programs.

Thank you again for your efforts to expand and strengthen the nation's registered apprenticeship programs. We look forward to working with you to swiftly enact this critically important legislation into law. If I can be of assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Scott Casabona,


Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Smucker).

Mr. SMUCKER. Mr. Speaker, this bill today is a missed opportunity, a missed opportunity for people all across this country to live their own American Dream, to access the jobs that are available in this country. This is at a time when millions have lost their jobs due to this pandemic.

Why? Because Democrats are more interested in protecting the labor unions than they are in helping the 94 percent of the private-sector workforce that is not part of a labor union and in helping the millions of individuals who are not able to access the workforce at all.

It is a shame. You should be ashamed of yourselves. I know because I owned a nonunion construction company that was unable to start an apprenticeship program due to union pushback.

Now, I will agree with you, construction labor unions have a great training program. I have seen them firsthand. But why not expand that to other construction companies and other industries?

All of us know that in the United States, we are far behind many European countries in the apprenticeship programs that we offer in many different industries, and it affects the American worker and the opportunities that they have. This bill doubles down on that system.

What we need is more innovation to allow more individuals and more families to achieve their own American Dream, and the Democrats are wholly failing to do so in this bill.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I look forward to discussing with my colleague a program that allows workers to unionize in the United States as freely as they do in Europe, and we achieve the same level of unionization those countries with larger numbers of apprenticeships have.

Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman from North Carolina

(Ms. Adams), a member of the Committee on Education and Labor and the chairwoman of the Subcommittee for Workforce Protections.

Ms. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

By creating nearly 1 million new apprenticeship opportunities and yielding over $10 billion in net benefits, this legislation is a lifeline for our economy and for countless Americans, including those in my home State of North Carolina.

With a proven track record of success, we know this is a safe and smart investment, something our country desperately needs right now.

I am also pleased that this legislation includes a bill which I led with Representative Mondaire Jones, the Apprenticeship Access for All Act, language that will advance programs that promote the recruitment, employment, and retention of people of color, individuals with disabilities, and individuals facing barriers to employment, especially in high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand sectors and occupations. After all, we must be sure that everyone has access to opportunity.

This vote is about ensuring our workforce gets the investment it needs and the support it deserves. This vote is about showing the American people that they are seen, that they are heard, and that we deeply care about providing them pathways to a stable future. This vote is also about upholding Congress' commitment and obligation to serve every American.

I urge support.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. Carter).

Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in opposition to the National Apprenticeship Act.

Like so many issues we debate here, we have a common desire to help the American people, but we disagree about how to go about doing it.

In today's case, it is apprenticeships. We agree apprenticeships are incredible pathways to success. An amazing 94 percent of apprentices are employed after completing registered apprenticeships with good-

paying salaries.

I know in my situation, when I owned my own business, apprenticeships were a great way for people to become employed in our business. However, only a small fraction of the workforce participates in the registered programs. This is because the Department of Labor's apprenticeship program is too burdensome and prescriptive for the actual needs of American businesses.

The diversity and variety of American businesses is a highlight of our economy and essential to our constant innovation. If a business has created an apprenticeship model that meets their needs, that should be celebrated and not forced into the Department of Labor's model.

Rather than update the outdated program that was created in 1937 to fit the needs of our modern economy, this bill would double down on this one-size-fits-all Federal registered apprenticeship system.

The previous administration recognized the need for flexible apprenticeships by creating an Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Program. This would have allowed for third-party certifiers to approve apprenticeships that are responsive to employer and workforce needs. Instead, this legislation fails to anticipate the future of apprenticeship programs in a 21st century economy.

What is worse is it picks winners and losers by favoring apprenticeship grants for those who partner with labor organizations rather than awarding them based on merit. This would severely limit and stifle our ability to meet the needs for our future.

I urge my colleagues to oppose this resolution so we don't leave behind future apprenticeship opportunities.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman from Georgia (Mrs. McBath), a member of the Committee on Education and Labor.

Mrs. McBATH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

We are still in the midst of our country's worst economic crisis in decades, and to better serve the American people, we must invest in a workforce, invest in the American Dream.

Registered apprenticeships prepare people for the jobs of the 21st century. They make our cities, our States, and our country stronger and far more competitive.

By supporting registered apprenticeship programs, we can ensure that my great State of Georgia remains the best State in the country in which to live and do business.

For decades, the Registered Apprenticeship Program has proven to be an entryway for many into the middle class, and the National Apprenticeship Act would inject much-needed funding to support a successful workforce program at a time when our Nation truly needs it the most.

I urge my colleagues to support this legislation.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Good).

Mr. GOOD of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to the National Apprenticeship Act.

Republicans and Democrats agree that apprenticeships are important for workforce development. Unfortunately, House Democrats think that Federal bureaucrats, who rely on an almost century-old system, should manage all apprenticeship programs, not businesses and job creators.

This legislation represents a classic Democrat one-size-fits-all approach, as it would make the existing Registered Apprenticeship Program the only option for businesses. Registered programs are only a small fraction of total apprenticeships, representing only about 20 percent of apprenticeships in 2019.

Instead of reducing options and increasing bureaucracy, Republicans support policies that maximize flexibility and innovation, like President Trump's landmark and highly successful Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Program.

It is tragic that during a time of historic unemployment, the House of Representatives is taking up a bill that stifles employment and workforce development opportunities when we need it least.

I stand in opposition to H.R. 447.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, may I inquire of the time remaining.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Michigan has 16\3/4\ minutes remaining. The gentlewoman from North Carolina has 13\1/2\ minutes remaining.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from the Northern Mariana Islands (Mr. Sablan), a member of the Committee on Education and Labor and my esteemed colleague.

Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 447.

Apprenticeships are well recognized as a way to help local economies grow by providing career opportunities for young people. However, the current national apprenticeship system does not adequately support the creation of apprenticeships in the Marianas and other insular areas. That inequity ends today.

H.R. 447 incorporates my bill, the Outlying Area Apprenticeship Expansion Act, which I introduced in the last Congress. My bill provides $2.5 million over 5 years for the Marianas to create and expand apprenticeships, and it provides more than $11.2 million for the insular areas in total.

Our island schools already equip students with the skills employers seek. With these additional funds and participation in the national apprenticeship program, we will be able to build that connection between what was learned in the classroom and real-world work. With widespread unemployment due to the coronavirus, that link is needed now more than ever.

I thank Chairman Scott for including the outlying areas in this program and for his work to update this law first enacted in 1937.

Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record a statement from the Association of Woodworking and Furnishings Suppliers. AWFS Stands in Support of National Apprenticeship Act of 2021

Anaheim, CA.--The Association of Woodworking and Furnishings Suppliers (AWFS), a national trade association for the wood industry and owner/operator of the AWFSFair trade show, is in support of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021. AWFS has officially signed on as a supporter of the Act.

``Our industry, comprised primarily of small businesses, is experiencing a skills gap,'' says AWFS Executive Vice President Angelo Gangone. ``We need to utilize all tools and resources available to us to attract and train new talent, including apprenticeships.''

The expanded opportunities to Registered Apprenticeships, youth apprenticeships, and pre-apprenticeships made available through the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 will help small wood manufacturers who lack the capacity to create an apprenticeship on their own. Congressman Robert Scott (D-VA-3), Chairman of the House Committee on Education and Labor has introduced the bill (H.R. 447), an amendment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 1937. According to Rep. Scott, the Act ``will begin to bring America's investments in apprenticeship more in line with countries around the world'' as ``our peer industrialized nations spend roughly six times as much as a share of GDP on apprenticeships as the U.S.''

``There are multiple successful U.S. apprenticeship models comprised of companies collaborating together and with local school and community partners.'' says Gangone. ``This is a critical element that will help us solve the workforce gap and strengthen our industry into the future.'' The Act's encouragement for employers, industry associations, labor and joint labor-management organizations, education and training providers, credential providers, and apprentices to work together to establish and expand apprenticeships will have a meaningful impact on the skilled workforce and the future of industry careers.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Idaho

(Mr. Fulcher).

Mr. FULCHER. Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act.

This bill invites continued Federal rules that hinder Idaho's ability to use industry-based standards.

There is a lot of success with apprenticeships in Idaho. From companies like Idaho Power, Micron Technology, and St. Luke's Hospital to small businesses of all types, apprenticeships are crucial to job growth in the Gem State.

These businesses partner with colleges and universities across my State, connecting skill development to college degrees from regionally accredited schools.

Whether it is Idaho Power partnering with the College of Southern Idaho or the many small entrepreneurs working with schools like College of Western Idaho, North Idaho College, Lewis-Clark State College, and others, businesses need the flexibility to use approved third parties to certify apprenticeship programs.

Make no mistake, Idahoans are used to dealing with heavy-handed Federal bureaucracy. Despite long wait times for approval by the Federal Department of Labor, our State officials continue to succeed in setting up apprenticeship programs. But often, Idaho's labor officials must use existing occupations because the Federal Department of Labor doesn't have standards for new ones.

Why make it harder by removing qualified third parties that can approve industry-recognized apprenticeship programs needed for our economy?

Why eliminate the opportunity for employees to participate in industry-based programs where they can go to school, get paid work experience, and earn an industry credential?

Idaho's economy has been resilient, despite government intervention due to COVID. Last year, I said if the government shut down the economy, it had an obligation to help open it back up.

We should not hamper companies trying to create apprenticeship programs for the types of jobs they need. We should help industry by freeing them to develop high-quality, high-paying jobs for the future.

We should give jobseekers more opportunities to grow and succeed, not with Federal boundaries, but only by the limits of their imaginations.

It is for these reasons I vote ``no'' on H.R. 447.

{time} 1000

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. Pocan), another colleague with direct experience of the value of registered apprenticeships to our companies and our workers, and a member of the Committee on Education and Labor.

Mr. POCAN. Mr. Speaker, as a proud member of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, as a co-chair of the Labor Caucus, and a proud member of the Education and Labor Committee, I rise in strong support of the National Apprenticeship Act.

With such high unemployment, the bill before us seeks to invest $3.5 billion over 5 years to expand access to registered apprenticeships across America. Almost 1 million new apprenticeship opportunities will result from the enactment of this bill, leading to good-paying, family-

supporting jobs across the country.

So what are registered apprenticeships?

Well, they are a great way to earn and learn. You get paid for your work while learning the skills you need to master your trade at the same time. Not everyone chooses a path of higher education, but everyone wants to earn a good family-supporting wage for their hard work. Apprenticeships are a perfect way for many who fit this definition. From medical work to construction and more, apprenticeships mean advanced opportunities for so many.

My home State of Wisconsin is a pioneer in this area. We enacted the Nation's first apprenticeship law in 1911. The results of our experience back home have been clear: They lead to a stronger, smarter, and more skilled workforce.

Federally, the case for supporting registered apprenticeships is compelling. According to data from the Department of Labor, 94 percent of people who complete a registered apprenticeship are employed upon completion, and their average starting wage is above $70,000.

We were fortunate to support more than 14,000 apprenticeships in Wisconsin last year for over 3,000 employers and over 200 occupations. I look forward to that total growing dramatically following the enactment of today's bill.

I urge all of my colleagues to vote for this bill.

Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record this letter of support for the National Apprenticeship Act from the AFL-CIO.


February 4, 2021.

Dear Representative: The AFL-CIO, urges you to support the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 (H.R. 447), scheduled for floor consideration this week. H.R. 447 recognizes that Registered Apprenticeship programs are the `gold standard' in our nation's workforce development system, and we welcome this effort to modernize a law that has not been meaningfully updated since it was enacted 83 years ago.

Unions and our signatory employers have a long history of establishing joint labor management partnerships to design and implement Registered Apprenticeship programs, so we have a deep interest in maintaining and strengthening our nation's Registered Apprenticeship system. These programs provide good jobs with good wages and benefits that increase as apprentices build their skills. They provide a valuable credential that can help secure future employment and advancement along a rewarding career path, and the opportunities they provide are particularly important for women, people of color and veterans.

H.R. 447 authorizes significant new funding to expand registered apprenticeships, pre-apprenticeships, and youth apprenticeships in the United States. It would codify and streamline existing standards that are vital to support apprentices, and would, for the first time, include youth apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs. The House Education and Labor Committee estimates that H.R. 447 will create over 1 million Registered Apprenticeship opportunities over the next 5 years.

H.R. 447 would also codify the role of the Office of Apprenticeship at the Department of Labor, and provide funding streams to ensure oversight and technical assistance. Importantly, it would expand Registered Apprenticeship opportunities into new sectors of the workforce. The bill also establishes standards for state apprenticeship agencies, including a requirement that they develop a state plan to support Registered Apprenticeships and provide technical assistance. Finally, the bill strengthens the National Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship, ensuring that experts from industry and labor have a role in improving the program.

Registered Apprenticeships are America's most successful federally authorized workforce development program, employing 94 percent of those who complete a program. H.R. 447 will help ensure that these programs meet the highest possible quality standards and support family sustaining jobs.

We urge you to support H.R. 447 and to oppose any amendments that would weaken the bill approved for consideration by the full House.


William Samuel,


Government Affairs.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. Grothman).

Mr. GROTHMAN. Mr. Speaker, apprenticeship programs are incredibly important for job growth in the State of Wisconsin and around the Nation; and insofar as this bill highlights apprenticeships, that is a good thing.

I was talking again to one of our programs this morning in Wisconsin, and they could desperately use more people going through these apprenticeships and making these $70-, $80-, $90,000-a-year jobs.

I think it is particularly important to get more people in the trades because we have so many people going to 4-year universities and maybe they wind up going to apprenticeship 5 or 6 years later, maybe they wind up heavy in debt. If they had made the move to a construction apprenticeship earlier on, they would be a lot better.

Unfortunately, this bill is not quite exactly what we need. The registered apprenticeship program through the Department of Labor is important. For many employers it works fine. However, it is a one-size-

fits-all approach. In fiscal year 2019, over 250,000 individuals entered registered apprenticeships and only 81,000 graduated from the system.

Over the years, some employers have expressed that participation in registered apprenticeships allows the Department of Labor to dictate skills an employer must provide to apprentices in specific industries rather than allowing the business to determine that themselves. Let's face it, employers know what kind of on-the-job training and vocational education their apprentices need more than the Federal Government does.

IRAPs still would have to comply with Federal standards and would have been overseen by third parties, such as trade and industry groups, nonprofit organizations, unions, and joint labor management organizations.

Of course, the idea of the IRAPs has totally shut down, probably for two reasons. It took control of the apprenticeship program out of the hands of the Federal Government. And, quite frankly, it was an idea proposed by Donald Trump, who did a lot of good things.

Our workforce is evolving. So should our models of job training and apprenticeships.

I have also offered an amendment to this bill concerning the definition of recognized postsecondary credential. Under the bill, recognized postsecondary credential has a meaning, given the definition in the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act. That definition should specifically include technical diplomas and degrees, which differ from general associate degrees. I look forward to revisiting that when the House brings up WIOA for reauthorization.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from New York (Mr. Suozzi), co-chair of the Labor Caucus.

Mr. SUOZZI. Mr. Speaker, as co-chair of the Labor Caucus, I rise in support of the National Apprenticeship Act. The Labor Caucus advocates for America's working men and women, and this legislation helps America's working men and women.

You see, America continues to create enormous wealth, and that is a good thing. The problem, however, is that wealth has not been shared with the people who go to work every day.

Since the 1980s, the Dow Jones has gone up 1,500 percent, 15 times, and the GDP has gone up 800 percent, 8 times, but workers' wages have increased by less than 20 percent.

Everybody in America believes, or should believe, that if you are willing to go to work every day, you should make enough money so that you can buy a home, have health insurance, and retire one day without being scared. Unfortunately, that is no longer a reality in America.

We know the more you learn, the more you earn. Sixty percent of Americans, however, do not graduate from college. Working with President Biden, the Apprenticeship Act will make the skills necessary to be a welder, a plumber, a computer machinist, a carpenter, or a skilled laborer available so American working men and women, whether they go to college or not, can live the American Dream again.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Walberg).

Mr. WALBERG. Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act, not opposition to the gold standard, labor union apprenticeship programs.

Updating our national apprenticeship system is an important discussion to have. However, this bill fails to deliver on the goal of strengthening our registered apprenticeship system and expanding earn-

and-learn opportunities for Americans across the Nation.

Our country's workforce is facing a unique crisis, and we must ensure that our apprenticeship programs, the system is expanding in the process. The apprenticeship system is up to the task to meet the needs of our evolving workforce only as we move it forward.

For instance, the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted that connectivity and the digital world are an integral part of our daily lives. Developing a high-skilled workforce is critical as we seek to expand technologies like broadband and 5G to underserved areas across the country, including my own district in Michigan.

New research indicates winning the global race to 5G will create up to 4.6 million jobs and contribute $1.7 trillion to the U.S. economy over the next decade. However, unless the U.S. has a large enough and properly trained workforce, we will not be able to fully reap the economic and technological benefits of 5G.

Apprenticeships are a proven solution for meeting workforce needs, especially in wireless technologies. Congress and the Department of Labor should be laser focused on encouraging and incentivizing apprenticeships for 5G and advanced wireless deployment.

Unfortunately, the bill we are considering would hinder the flexibility of employers to create earn-and-learn programs to teach job seekers the skills they need to build out and deploy the 5G and wireless infrastructure America so desperately needs.

For these reasons, I must oppose and encourage all others to oppose H.R. 447, and urge my colleagues to work on a bipartisan solution that will empower workers and employers to create apprenticeships that are responsive to our modern economy.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman from Pennsylvania (Ms. Wild), a dynamic member of the Committee on Education and Labor.

Ms. WILD. Mr. Speaker, in November of last year, I stood in this Chamber to support this legislation, the bipartisan National Apprenticeship Act. The House passed it, but the Senate failed to put it up for a vote. We need to seize this opportunity.

Revitalizing our apprenticeship system is not a Democratic or Republican priority. It is a national priority for workers across our country. It is essential to our task of building an economy that provides a wider, sturdier bridge to the middle class.

For every dollar invested in our registered apprenticeship system, we see a return of $28 in benefits. But the U.S. invests only $195 of public money per apprentice, while our Canadian neighbors spend $1,300 per apprentice. We are leaving too many communities behind and at risk of getting outpaced in the world economy.

Now is the time to invest in the American worker. This bill makes long-term investments and provides grants for employers to incentivize the hiring of apprentices, and it provides workers with the opportunity to earn while they learn and obtain portable credentials without incurring significant debt.

Mr. Speaker, I urge a ``yes'' vote on this bill.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Perry).

Mr. PERRY. Mr. Speaker, we all want to help. We all want to help the people in our community find their way; do better for themselves; seek the opportunities that support themselves, their dreams, and their families.

Now, this bill establishes ratios of journeymen and apprentices on the job.

What does that mean?

That means you have to have somebody watching when somebody is pulling wire, you have to have somebody watching when somebody is learning to sweat joints because you have got to make sure it is done right, you have got to make sure it is done safely. And that is great. That ratio is going to be established by the Department of Labor based on something--hopefully by people in the trade that know what they are doing.

But this is what it also does: It says that if you have a collective bargaining agreement, you don't have to worry about those ratios. You can make your own up. So the union and the business can make their own, but everybody else has to use the Department of Labor standards.

Ladies and gentlemen, one standard for all. If it is good for the goose, it is good for the gander. This is picking winners and losers. This is saying, if you are not in a union, you have got to have a different standard. Oh, by the way, the different standard is it is always more expensive for you than it is for the union. Oh, by the way, we see that all the time.

Additionally, this bill prevents entities not affiliated with the union from obtaining Title II grants, the grants we are talking about in this bill. They can't get them. You have to be in a union.

Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you see what this is. It is okay for me, but not for thee. It is the same old thing in Washington, D.C., and it is the same thing we are seeing around the country: If you are hooked up with the elite, if you are hooked up with the entitled class, you get the fruit. If you are not, you get punished, you are left out in the cold.

Ladies and gentlemen, we want to see one standard. We all want to help our friends and we all want to help the people in our community realize their dream. But picking winners and losers, which is exactly what this does, actually keeps people out of work, increases the price, and picks winners and losers. That is not what our Government is supposed to be doing. That is not what we are supposed to be doing.

Mr. Speaker, I urge a ``no'' vote on this bill.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I would just point out that the grants in Title II do not have mandatory partners. They require partners to the extent practicable in a given situation.

Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. Mrvan), a member of the Committee on Education and Labor, and a new champion for workers in this House of Representatives.

Mr. MRVAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

It is my distinct honor to be a member of the House Education and Labor Committee, and I am encouraged to see the consideration of this critical piece of legislation as a priority before the House so early in the 117th Congress.

Labor organizations and their apprenticeship programs are the backbone of northwest Indiana's economy. Time and time again, I have worked hand in hand with labor, civic groups, and faith-based organizations to get people who need a career into a union apprenticeship program.

For the past 15 years, as an administrator of emergency financial assistance, I have sat across the desk of neighbors, friends, and constituents who have an urgency for opportunity to provide for their families. This legislation creates life-changing economic opportunities. These types of programs are invaluable to provide all individuals with a lifelong skill set, a job that pays a family-

supporting wage, a safe working environment, and secure retirement.

I appreciate the legislation that aims to increase diversity and equitable access for women to apprenticeship programs so that all individuals can have access to good-paying jobs.

Mr. Speaker, I appreciate this, and I ask my colleagues to join me in supporting this legislation and the dignity of all workers.

Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record a letter of support from the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers.

International Association of Bridge, Structural,

Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers,

Washington, DC, February 1, 2021.Hon. Robert Scott,Chairman, U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor,

Washington, DC.

Dear Chairman Scott: On behalf of the 160,000 members of the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers (IW), I write to endorse H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

The original National Apprenticeship Act was enacted during the Great Depression and it helped struggling Americans by offering them an opportunity to learn a skilled trade while earning a middle-class wage. That was over 80 years ago, and a lot has changed since then. H.R. 447 is needed to update the law to reflect a 21st century economy and labor force ready to work during these unprecedented times.

Investing in our country's workforce by expanding the registered apprenticeship program is needed now more than ever. With record-high unemployment numbers across the country, registered apprenticeships offer people the opportunity to learn a high skilled trade while earning a family-supporting wage. H.R. 447 will not only strengthen current registered apprenticeship programs but also create programs to meet the demand.

The IW supports H.R. 447 and asks all the members of the Education and Labor Committee to vote for this bipartisan bill without any harmful amendments.


Eric Dean,

General President.

{time} 1015

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, my colleague on the other side of the aisle says that these grants are not restricted to union programs, or programs that are associated with unions. But the language in the bill is ``to the extent practicable programs should be connected with the union.'' That term is not defined.

The Department of Labor can arbitrarily deny grants to nonunion programs. There is no accountability for this. In fact, there is very little accountability in this bill at all. And the American people want to know where their hardworking tax dollars are being spent. This is just a lousy bill and we ought not to be passing it in these conditions.

I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from New York (Mr. Jones), another new and valued member on the Committee on Education and Labor.

Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, the economy has been left in ruins by the prior administration's historic failure of leadership. Now, millions of Americans are out of work and we must remember that it is people with disabilities, people of color, and especially women of color, who have been the hardest hit.

As Members of Congress, we must do all we can to ensure everyone--and I do mean everyone--can live in dignity. That is why I support the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 which will create 1 million new apprenticeships.

This bill includes the Apprenticeship Access for All Act, which I am proud to have coauthored with my colleague, Congresswoman Alma Adams. This legislation will help remove racist and ableist barriers to employment of our national apprenticeship system, because everyone deserves a good-paying job no matter your race or your ability.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

As my other colleagues have pointed out, millions of workers will need reskilling due to the pandemic-related job loss and displacement, not to mention the devastating executive orders signed by President Biden which eliminated in one day hundreds of thousands of jobs.

The World Economic Forum discusses this issue at length in their recent report titled: ``The Future of Jobs Report 2020.'' In the report, they point to a double disruption scenario impacting workers due to both automation and COVID-19 workplace disruptions.

This double disruption is further reinforced in their findings that 84 percent of employers are set to rapidly digitalize working processes. And, again, as I mentioned, they don't even take into consideration what President Biden has done to eliminate hundreds of thousands, and it could be millions of jobs.

The demand for reskilling workers is high, and we will be left chasing the need of our workforce with the current one-size-fits-all approach this bill seeks to enshrine into law.

As in-demand skills evolve into the years to come, the skills gap will continue to grow in the absence of forward-thinking reform. Again, I urge my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to join Republicans in creating new apprenticeship pathways through innovative models such as the industry-recognized apprenticeship model. I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, may I inquire as to how much time remains.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Michigan has 9\1/2\ minutes remaining. The gentlewoman from North Carolina has 3\1/4\ minutes remaining.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman from North Carolina (Ms. Manning), another new member of the Committee on Education and Labor and a native Michigander.

Ms. MANNING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak in favor of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

We are living in a time of record job loss with 10 million people out of work and many businesses devastated by this pandemic. That is why this legislation is critical.

We must invest in helping people gain the skills they need to prepare for high-quality jobs that earn good wages. This apprenticeship act will do exactly that, including those with barriers to employment.

This investment is projected to yield $10.6 billion in net benefits to U.S. taxpayers by increasing their productivity and decreasing spending on public assistance programs and unemployment insurance. Equally important, it will help countless Americans achieve the dignity of providing for their families and the satisfaction of having good jobs.

This is exactly the kind of investment that will help us build back better.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman from Ohio (Ms. Kaptur), who has been fighting for workers and small businesses in this House for decades.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentlewoman is reminded to put on her mask.

Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record support for this bill from the National Electrical Contractors Association.

Media Contact: Matt Kraus, Director, Communications National

Electrical Contractors Association.

The National Electrical Contractors Association issued the following statement in support of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021:

``The National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 is a direct investment in our workforce, the trades, and the entire electrical construction industry. It will invest more than

$3.5 billion toward expanding opportunities and access to apprenticeships in the United States in the next five years, totaling nearly 1 million new apprenticeship opportunities. NECA supports the National Apprenticeship Act and encourages Congress to push this legislation forward to help grow America's skilled workforce.''


NECA is the voice of the $171 billion electrical construction industry that brings power, light and communication technology to buildings and communities across the United States. NECA's national office and 118 local chapters advance the industry through advocacy, education, research and standards development. Go to www.necanet.org for more information.

Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support for H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

In the middle of this global pandemic and economic crisis, Americans need hope and they need work. Today's legislation is a meaningful step to increase access to registered apprenticeships. Apprenticeships remain one of the most successful workforce development programs for new entrants and those seeking a new career.

According to the Department of Labor, 94 percent of people who complete apprenticeships are employed upon completion and earn an average salary of over $70,000. As a Representative for the cities of Toledo, Lorain, Sandusky, Cleveland, and Parma, all of which boast a strong automotive heritage, it is difficult to overemphasize the value of these apprenticeships for young people and adults starting careers in the automotive trades.

So whether it is the expertise to rebuild an engine, replace a battery in a hybrid vehicle, perfect biofuels, or TIG weld the rear quarter panel of an old Wagoneer, there will always be a market for skilled craftspeople who can repair or restore modern and classic vehicles, and invent the vehicles of the future, as happened with my own brother, Steve, who did it for many years as a race car driver and a patent holder.

I strongly support this legislation for over a million apprenticeship opportunities over the next 5 years to strengthen this economy and bring people the skills that are needed to operate successful enterprises.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Rhode Island (Mr. Cicilline), a champion of the economic development of workers and of businesses at the local, State, and national level.

Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding.

Mr. Speaker, we have an obligation to ensure that America's workers have every opportunity to get ahead. Apprenticeships are a great way for hardworking folks to hone their trade or learn new skills and earn a higher wage because of it.

In fact, graduates of registered apprenticeship programs enjoy an average starting wage of $70,000. And 94 percent of graduates are employed upon completion. Yet, less than 1 percent of the American workforce have completed an apprenticeship. This disconnect disadvantages our workers and puts us behind other industrialized nations.

The National Apprenticeship Act will address this gap in our workforce development system by providing for almost 1 million new apprenticeship positions over 5 years. And here is the really important part, it will generate $10.6 billion net benefit to taxpayers.

So it is great for workers, great for our economy, and great for taxpayers. These investments will give our economy the booster shot it needs to recover from COVID-19 while giving a new generation of workers the skills they need to achieve their American Dream.

I know about this experience firsthand. In my State, the Laborers' International Union of North America has created really a national model for apprenticeship programs. It has improved the lives of thousands and thousands of Rhode Islanders.

I include in the Record a letter of support from the Laborers' International Union of North America.


February 2, 2021.House of Representatives,Washington, DC.

Dear Representative: I write on behalf of the 500,000 hardworking men and women of the Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA), to ask you to vote for H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, when it comes to the House floor for a vote this week. LIUNA is proud to support this important Bill to keep our union apprenticeship programs strong.

Registered Apprenticeship Programs, like the apprenticeship programs which LIUNA has implemented for decades, help workers earn while they learn. H.R. 447 invests more than

$3.5 billion over five

(5) years in expanding opportunities and access to Registered Apprenticeship Programs and Pre-Apprenticeships Programs, among others. The Bill creates nearly a million new apprenticeship opportunities on top of the current expected growth of the apprenticeship system. It would also yield

$10.6 billion in net benefits to U.S. taxpayers in the form of increased worker productivity and decreased spending on public-assistance programs and unemployment insurance. The rigorous standards in the Bill ensure top-quality apprenticeship programs for workers.

At a time when our Nation's infrastructure needs are so great, H.R. 447 will ensure that we continue to train the best workforce in the world.

Again, I ask that you vote in favor of this important Bill on the House floor. If any additional information is needed, please contact Danielle LeClair, Assistant Director, Legislative Department.

With kind regards, I am

Sincerely yours,

Terry O'Sullivan,

General President.

Mr. CICILLINE. Again, I just want to say in closing, Mr. Speaker, that this is an opportunity to respond to the economic crisis that has been created by the COVID pandemic. Give people the skills that they need to become more successful and to earn greater wages. That is our job, after all, to make life better for those who we represent. This is an investment in the American worker. I urge all of my colleagues to join us in supporting this excellent piece of legislation.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. Jackson Lee).

Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding.

I rise with great promise to support H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, and thank the manager. I thank the chairman for investing $3.5 billion over 5 years in expanding opportunities and access to registered apprenticeships, youth apprenticeships, and pre-


Let me tell you that in this time of record unemployment, 10 million jobs lost in the United States, we need the opportunity to redirect and retrain the American public. I am a strong supporter of apprenticeship programs.

Colleges in my district, like HCC, have programs: independent electrical contractors, plumbers, masonry, that make a difference and have individuals making dollars that they have not made before.

I include in the Record two articles. The first one is from the

``Houston Chronicle,'' and the second article is entitled: ``Houston City Leaders Honor Students in Pre-Apprenticeship Program at TRIO Electric,'' both referencing Houston Community College. Interested in a New Career? Consider an Apprenticeship Union-sponsored

Programs Build Skills, Careers

Houston Community College is restoring an old high school and converting it into college classrooms. And it's using some of its own apprentices to do it.

San Jacinto Senior High was built in 1960, and the community college is gutting it for new academic classrooms. The project started about a year ago, and is scheduled to be completed in October.

The eight apprentices--six plumbers and two pipe fitters--are among the thousands of student workers in Houston who spend their days doing construction and their nights hitting the books. Houston's 11 union sponsored programs, including the plumbers and the pipe fitters, last for five years; other programs, such as ironworkers and glaziers, last three years.

But once the newly minted journeymen and women graduate, they should have great skills and--if the economy cooperates--a great career path.

Chuck Fell, president of CFI Mechanical, which is installing the plumbing, heating and air conditioning in the new community college building, gave the group of apprentices a pep talk last week at the job site.

``You are learning skills,'' Fell said to the plumbers and pipe fitters who are spending their days assembling and installing the massive piping systems and four hours a night, two nights a week in school learning their craft.

Those skills can take you a long way, whether you opt to stay working in the craft or move up to foreman, superintendent or project manager, said Fell, who attributed his own success and that of nearly all of his project managers to their own apprenticeship training.

In-depth learning

``You could be an owner of a company,'' said Fell, who became a plumber/pipe fitter apprentice in Orlando, Fla., after graduating from college with a degree in architecture.

He went to work for a mechanical contractor who suggested that to really learn the business, Fell needed to become an apprentice.

As part of that training, Fell spent two years at Walt Disney World's Epcot Center installing the mechanical and plumbing systems.

``Set your sights high,'' Doug Posey, director of apprenticeship programs for Houston Community College, told the apprentices. ``The opportunities are just incredible to excel and to do great things.''

Posey recalled how he put himself through college as a pipe fitter apprentice. He started his apprenticeship immediately after high school and eventually ended up with a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Houston.

Pleased with program

While the concept of apprenticing yourself to a master craftsman and learning a trade is centuries old, it's not exactly a well-known career path today. But two apprentices who are working on the CFI Mechanical project are glad they discovered the old-fashioned way to learn a skill.

Jaime Moncivais, a third-year apprentice, said he would never have heard about the program if it hadn't been for his cousin and his uncle, who are foremen at the job site. He was working for a small company for two years before he left to join the program.

Moncivais is 23 and earns about $43,000 a year, plus health insurance and retirement benefits, by working full time during the day. After work two nights a week, he attends class for four hours. That costs him $88 a semester.

``I'm enjoying it,'' said Moncivais, who says he's going to get his state plumbing license before he decides what's next.

So does his fellow apprentice Rudy Flores, who said he was drawn by the money. He estimates he earns about $50,000 a year.

Flores, a fifth-year apprentice who has already received his state plumbing license, found out about the apprenticeship training program while working for a plumber in Houston who was also a former apprentice.

He said he appreciates the intensive training of the program that sets him and the other apprentices apart.

it sends a message

``We like to see institutions put their money where their mouth is,'' said Richard Shaw, secretary-treasurer of the Harris County AFL-CIO. ``It sends a message that you ought to be training our students.''

Shaw has been critical of school districts and other community colleges for not hiring their own graduates when the schools need construction work.

Funding for the apprenticeship programs comes in part from the state of Texas. But the bulk of the money comes from contractors and union members.

For example, members of the plumbers union as well as plumbing contractors each contribute 55 cents per work hour for the training program.

HCC is the fiscal administrator of the union programs as well as the two nonunion programs that train building engineers and electrical workers.

Seeing if they like it

Calvin Speight, business manager of Plumbers Local Union No. 68, said he has 60 apprentices starting in the fall and another 30 the following semester.

In the meantime, they're working as ``provisionals'' to see if they like the job. Apprentices must be 18 years of age and either have graduated from high school or have a general-equivalency degree.

Houston City Leaders Honor Students in Pre-Apprenticeship Program at

TRIO Electric

City leaders in Houston recently honored students in TRIO Electric's Pre-Apprenticeship Program, with Mayor Sylvester Turner telling them ``we believe in people like you.''

In proclaiming it ``TRIO Pre-Apprenticeship Partnership Day,'' Mayor Turner recognized the company and their education partners, specifically the leadership of the Spring Branch Independent School District.

Turner also encouraged the 40 students in the program to do the best for themselves and their families. Mayor Turner told students that he had once served as an electrician's apprentice where he learned skills that he uses to this day as the chief executive of the nation's fourth largest city.

``Today is a great day in the City of Houston,'' Mayor Turner said. ``Beau Pollock of TRIO Electric has the vision, dedication and commitment to provide students with job skills,'' he said. ``You are trailblazers,'' Turner told the students, ``willing to work hard and learn work skills. In Houston, we invest in human infrastructure because we believe in people like you.''

Pollock, TRIO's President, thanked the students for performing well on the job and proving the program could be a success.

``I had a good idea to train students, yet you had to perform,'' Pollock said. ``You performed and proved this was a good idea.''

TRIO started their apprenticeship program in 2013, ``to help meet a critical demand for electricians with technical and leadership skills. Nearly 200 workers have taken advantage of TAP. In 2017, TRIO started working with Spring Branch ISD and Houston Community College (HCC) to establish the TRIO Pre-Apprenticeship Program (TPAP) for high school students. By the fall 2018 semester, more than 150 high school students will be taking advantage of TPAP through Spring Branch ISD, Austin ISD and Grand Prairie ISD. TRIO Electric plans to expand TPAP to other areas of Texas and the U.S.''

Spring Branch superintendent Scott Muri told the students that it was the vision that created the apprenticeship program to solve a need for skilled workers. Houston Community College Associate Vice Chancellor Michael Webster said the skills learned in the apprenticeship program will last a lifetime.

The teachers in the program are former electricians and educators with electrical experience who have been collectively recruited and screened. The program teaches students how to be safe, productive and skilled electricians as well as teaches other employable and soft skills.

In addition to HCC and Spring Branch ISD, TRIO Pre-Apprenticeship Program partners include Spring Branch ISD SKY partners--KIPP and YES Prep, as well as the Greater Houston Partnership's UpSkill Houston, United Way, Texas Gulf Coast Workforce Solutions, and the Department of Labor (DOL). The TRIO TAP and TPAP programs are DOL-approved.

Ms. JACKSON LEE. We need to be able to provide opportunities for young people, giving them the direction of where they can be a success.

I show these pictures of diversity in my district of individuals who are having the opportunity to be apprentices. Increasing participation in programs under the national apprenticeship program through technical assistance brings together industry sector leaders and experts, including employers. This is a new day.

As my colleague said, Congressman Lynch: I started as an iron worker and now I am in the United States Congress.

This opens the door of opportunity. Let's support this legislation.

Mr. Speaker, as a senior member of the Committees on the Judiciary, on Homeland Security, on the Budget, and as a cosponsor, I rise in strong support of H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, which invests more than $3.5 billion over 5 years in expanding opportunities and access to Registered Apprenticeships, youth apprenticeships, and pre-apprenticeships.

I thank Congressman Scott, the Chairman of the Education and Labor Committee, for reintroducing this legislation which passed by a substantial margin in the 116th Congress as H.R. 8294.

This important legislation has the potential to yield $10.6 billion in net benefits to U.S. taxpayers in the form of increased workers productivity and decreased spending on public-assistance programs and unemployment insurance and which bring America's investments in apprenticeship more in line with countries around the world.

Mr. Speaker, the Registered Apprenticeship (RAs) system is America's most successful federally authorized workforce development program.

According to the Department of Labor, 94 percent of people who complete RAs are employed upon completion, earning an average starting wage of above $70,000 annually.

Yet, according to the most recent data, only 0.3 percent of the overall workforce in America have completed an apprenticeship.

Mr. Speaker, this legislation could not be more timely because during a time of record unemployment, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 invests more than $3.5 billion over 5 years in expanding opportunities and access to Registered Apprenticeships, youth apprenticeships, and pre-apprenticeships.

The legislation also creates an additional 1 million new apprenticeship opportunities on top of the current expected growth of the apprenticeship system, an investment that not only will pay off for workers and employers, but also benefit the taxpayers.

Mr. Speaker, this legislation is critical to expanding the nation's workforce development system during our country's deepest economic downturn since the Great Depression.

Specifically, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 authorizes $400 million for fiscal year (FY) 2022, increasing by $100 million annually to $800 million for FY 2026, to support the creation or expansion of registered apprenticeships, youth apprenticeships and pre-

apprenticeship programs, including in nontraditional apprenticeship occupations and for nontraditional populations.

This funding will also attract and encourage employer participation and recruitment for individuals with barriers to employment, including individuals impacted by the criminal justice system.

Additionally, to ensure that apprenticeship agreements and program registration to ensure consistency in quality standards and worker protections, H.R. 447 codifies and streamlines standards for registered apprenticeships, youth apprenticeship and preapprenticeship programs.

Also codified are the existing regulations and practices to ensure that all individuals have an equal opportunity to participate in programs under the national apprenticeship system, and to increase diversity in the occupations offered and the individuals participating in programs, especially in high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand industry sectors and occupations.

The legislation institutionalizes, and establishes by statute, the Department of Labor's (DOL) Office of Apprenticeship, and vests it with the following roles and responsibilities:

1. Increasing participation in programs under the national apprenticeship system through technical assistance and program recognition activities;

2. Bringing together industry sector leaders and experts, including employers, industry associations, joint labor-management organizations, labor organizations, education and training providers, credential providers, and apprentices to establish national frameworks to expand apprenticeships to new occupations and sectors; and

3. Improving data infrastructure to improve reporting and publicly disseminating information about apprenticeship programs.

Another strong feature of this legislation is that it codifies the roles and responsibilities of the State Apprenticeship Agencies (SAAs) by:

1. Authorizing annual funding for State Apprenticeship Offices and SAAs at $75 million for fiscal year (FY) 2022, increasing by $10 million annually to reach $115 million for FY 2026, with one-third of funds equally distributed to all States and outlying areas, and two-

thirds of funds distributed via formula to SAAs; and

2. Requiring SAAs to submit plans for registered apprenticeship activities, which generally mirror existing state requirements under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act.

My concluding reason for supporting this important legislation is that it strengthens the connections between the Department of Education and Department of Labor through an interagency agreement to support the creation and expansion of youth apprenticeships, college consortiums, and data sharing agreements.

I strongly support this legislation and urge all Members to join me in voting for its passage.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, would you clarify how much time I have remaining.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentlewoman from North Carolina has 3\1/

4\ minutes remaining. The gentleman from Michigan has 4\1/2\ minutes remaining.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs, IRAPs, which would be eliminated by this bill represent a new apprenticeship model that puts employers in the driver's seat to create programs that meet the unique needs of their workers.

This new, innovative model was spearheaded by President Trump's Department of Labor. Currently, 80 percent of apprenticeships are employer-led and are not a part of the registered apprenticeship model. The registered apprenticeship model is riddled with burdensome red tape which discourages countless businesses from participating.

IRAPs, on the other hand, give job creators the freedom to break away from the Washington-knows-best model and connect workers, families, and communities with fulfilling careers.

This bill looks backwards and relies solely on a model created during the Great Depression. We should be looking forward and not closing opportunities for new models that reach more workers and industries like the industry-recognized apprenticeship model.

Mr. Speaker, there is bipartisan agreement that the National Apprenticeship Act is in desperate need of an update. But the bill before us fails to deliver for students, workers, or job creators.

While Democrats continue with this ill-advised legislation, Republicans will continue working hard to inject innovation and flexibility into the apprenticeship model so that more Americans, many of whom have been put out of work by this very administration, can get back to work.

I urge all Members to vote ``no'' on the bill, and I yield back the balance of my time.

{time} 1030

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, as I have listened to the debate back and forth, I feel like it hasn't covered much of what is so exciting about this bill.

When I was the chief workforce officer of the State of Michigan, it was during the implosion of the auto industry and then the Great Recession. Michigan had the highest unemployment rate of any State for 49 consecutive months. It was in that difficult circumstance that I had to try to help Michigan workers train and get new skills for new opportunities.

There was a Senator from Illinois around that time; his name was Barack Obama. And he got a piece of legislation passed that said that States could use half a percent of their SAFETEA-LU money, their money for highway construction, to help train the workforce of the future, more women, more people of color, more poor people.

So, I worked with the apprenticeship directors of the highway industry, with people advocating for more opportunities for people of color, and we created pre-apprenticeship programs that helped new people get apprenticeships and a road to the middle class in this country by building our roads.

Mr. Speaker, the point is, we had to do that on our own. The registered apprenticeship system didn't offer us guidance. It certainly didn't offer us funding. This bill does so much to modernize and open up our apprenticeship system.

It facilitates pre-apprenticeship programs. It facilitates youth apprenticeship programs. It specifically encourages innovation and the birthing of new apprenticeship programs in a wide array of new industries. Mr. Speaker, despite the rhetoric, it is quite bipartisan.

Mr. Speaker, I thank some Representatives who have done a lot to help bring this bill to fruition, including Representatives Norcross, Brian Fitzpatrick, Suzanne Bonamici, David McKinley, and Don Bacon, all of whom have provided critical leadership.

Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to support this bill, and I yield back the balance of my time.

Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition of the National Apprenticeship Act.

As the co-chair of the Skilled Workforce Caucus with my friend from Michigan, Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence, I have had the opportunity to see firsthand, professional training programs in my home State of Arkansas and in Michigan.

And, I want to thank my Democratic colleagues for their sincere effort to prioritize work training programs, however their efforts are flawed.

I have heard my colleagues in the Democratic majority say they want our legislation to reflect America and I share that goal.

I agree that we need legislation that reflects the where people work in our economy.

However, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, roughly 12.1 percent of Americans are employed by unions.

Frankly, this legislation does not reflect our country's workforce because it preferences one business model over another.

Rather than encouraging entities and businesses to be empowered to make training choices that are best for their industry, we are instead picking winners and losers.

As we move towards recovery from the COVID crisis, we need as wide of an approach to training programs as possible, and this bill is not the answer. Republicans, including myself have offered several amendments that will make a bad bill better. Please support my amendment change to this legislation. In that regard, I ask for unanimous consent to submit letters of support for my amendment.

I urge my colleagues to oppose the National Apprenticeship Act.

Ms. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to include in the Record the following letter from the Center for Law and Social Policy in support of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.


January 29, 2021.Hon. Robert C. ``Bobby'' Scott,Chairman, Committee on Education and Labor, Washington, DC.Hon. Virginia Foxx,Ranking Member, Committee on Education and Labor, Washington,


Dear Chairman Robert ``Bobby'' Scott and Ranking Member Virginia Foxx: We, the Center for Law and Social Policy

(CLASP), write to express our views regarding the reauthorization of the National Apprenticeship Act (NAA). As a national, nonprofit, anti-poverty organization, CLASP works to advance federal and state policies that promote economic security for individuals with low incomes, including people of color, opportunity youth, people impacted by the criminal justice system, and immigrants. We appreciate the opportunity to provide the committee with recommendations that help to increase greater access to registered apprenticeships, preapprenticeships and youth apprenticeships, particularly for individuals who face the greatest obstacles in accessing high-quality employment pathways that lead to livable wages and benefits.

Reauthorization becomes all the more important given that the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic crisis, and the increasing impacts of climate change have devastated the health and economic wellbeing of millions of families with low incomes. Workers of color, immigrants, young people, women, workers in jobs paying low wages, and frontline workers are among the hardest hit by these crises. Worse still, significant job losses and reductions in income have deepened racial inequities and exacerbated poverty and economic hardship for millions. Therefore, true economic recovery will require building back high-quality jobs in all sectors--including growth sectors like clean energy and the care economy--that treat all workers and working families as essential, strengthen the economy, and enable workers to meet family obligations, save for the future, and move out of poverty. It will require investments in workers through workforce development and training, subsidized jobs, and work supports such as affordable child care. It will also require a new social contract ensuring all workers can access critical workplace rights, benefits, and protections.

Over a century ago, Wisconsin created the first state Registered Apprenticeship Act and in 1937, Congress enacted the National Apprenticeship Act. The NAA created thousands of Registered Apprenticeship programs and instructed the Department of Labor to promote labor standards to protect apprentice welfare. With over 706,000 new apprentices since 2017 and an average salary of $70,000 after program completion, Registered Apprenticeships are a successful workforce development strategy with significant economic gains. However, inequities, discrimination, and barriers to entry have historically prevented, and continue to prevent, many people with low incomes, especially Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) and women, from accessing and succeeding in a Registered Apprenticeship, A 1967 study described overwhelming resistance to racial integration in apprenticeship programs. Today, while there have been improvements, apprenticeships remain largely white and male.

As Congress considers NAA's reauthorization, it has an opportunity to address equity and expand access to Registered Apprenticeships, including through high-quality pre-apprenticeships. A registered, high-quality pre-apprenticeship can support students with low incomes--especially students of color and those impacted by the justice system--and promote equitable access to a Registered Apprenticeship program. For these reasons, we are providing the committee with recommendations to promote high-quality apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeship to ensure that students with low incomes, students of color, immigrants, and students impacted by the justice system can access high-quality Registered Apprenticeships.

Below are recommendations that we urge the committee to consider:

Require that all apprenticeships, including pre-apprenticeships and youth apprenticeships be registered. Across states, there is an interest in expanding pre-apprenticeships. To prepare preapprentices to succeed in registered apprenticeships, they must have access to high-quality registered apprenticeships. All pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships must incorporate the types of workplace and labor standards of quality that have made registered apprenticeships successful. They must also provide direct entry into registered apprenticeships for successful apprentices.

Provide adequate compensation for pre-apprentices. Few people can afford the time or money to dedicate weeks/months to a pre-apprenticeship program without income to support themselves and their families. Unpaid programs will exclude people with low incomes, people impacted by the justice system, individuals with families and others, and result in a pool of apprentices that lacks racial and ethnic diversity. The reauthorization of the NAA can help to ensure that people of color and women fully participate in pre-apprenticeships and registered apprentices receive adequate compensation.

Eliminate barriers for women, including women of color. As of 2017, women made up just 7.3% of apprentices nationwide. Furthermore, women tend to be enrolled in apprenticeships with lower pay scales, such as childcare where the median journeyperson wage is only $9.75/hour compared to $23.46/hour, the corresponding wage for the top male apprenticeship occupation, electrician. Our nation must work to attract more women into registered apprenticeships as a career pathway and ensure that they earn wages that are comparable to wages earned by males in comparable occupations.

Eliminate barriers to entry for people with low incomes. Many registered apprenticeships impose barriers to entry for people with low incomes due high costs for tools, equipment, books, supplies, uniforms and scheduling inflexibility for parenting or commuting individuals. Scheduling barriers are especially problematic for individuals on probation and parole or community supervision. The reauthorization must provide wraparound services and robust supports to cover the costs of childcare, transportation, equipment, and related costs that pose barriers to entry.

Support ongoing efforts to reform the criminal justice system and ensure incarcerated individuals have access to apprenticeship pathways. A National Center for Education Statistics survey found that 29 percent of incarcerated respondents wanted to obtain certificates from a trade school or college while incarcerated; 39 percent of them said the main reason they wanted to enroll was to ``increase the possibilities of getting a job when released.'' Nevertheless, only 7 percent of the incarcerated received such certificates. The NAA must help incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals access the registered apprenticeships they want and provide them with other opportunities to pursue employment pathways that lead to family-sustaining jobs with benefits.

The reauthorization must support ongoing efforts at reforming the criminal justice system. This includes ensuring that occupational licensing bans do not preclude individuals impacted by the justice system from obtaining employment that they have been trained for by an apprenticeship. Individuals who are incarcerated must also be paid fair wages, and the law must help to ensure that providers do not discriminate against those impacted by the justice system.

Pay incarcerated apprentices adequate compensation in line with the minimum wage for registered apprenticeships. Apprentices who are incarcerated are often paid below the minimum wage. A 2019 Urban Institute report noted that the average starting wage for apprentices was less than one dollar an hour. Furthermore, the quality and long-term outcomes of these apprenticeships rarely match those of Registered Apprenticeships outside prison walls. The reauthorization of the NAA can raise wages--as well as labor standards--for incarcerated apprentices, bring them in line with the minimum wage or the average wage for registered apprentices, and ensure the apprenticeships are high-quality education programs.

Ensure that youths and adults with low incomes are guaranteed equitable access to established registered apprenticeships, postsecondary education opportunities, or both. Quite often, young people with low incomes, especially students of color, end up funneled or ``tracked'' into lower-performing or poorly funded programs and pathways. Youth apprenticeships and preapprenticeship programs can guarantee that pre-apprentices will have equitable access either to an established registered apprenticeship or postsecondary educational opportunities.

Incentivize and allow for greater participation of regional and local intermediaries, such as high schools, adult education providers, workforce partners, and community-based organizations in the recruitment and retention of youth of color (both in-school and out-of-school youth). Out-of-school youth, high school students, and young people of color are less likely to reap the benefits of federal and state programs and are often left behind in these programs. Regional and local intermediaries, such as workforce partners, high schools, adult education providers, community-based organizations, and other community partners can provide supportive services such as mental health and behavioral services, housing, and other supports to help increase the participation of youth of color in the pre-apprenticeship recruitment and retention process.

Dedicate a funding stream for high-quality, registered pre-apprenticeships. To continue to expand and have long-term sustainability, pre-apprenticeships must have a dedicated funding stream that allows pre-apprentices to be adequately compensated. Such a structure would allow for greater participation of youth and adults who face the greatest barriers to employment and postsecondary education.

We thank the committee for working in a bipartisan manner to increase greater access to registered apprenticeships through the reauthorization of the NAA. We look forward to working with you and your staff.

Sincerely,Molly Bashay,

Senior Policy Analyst, Postsecondary Education and Workforce Development, CLASP.Kisha Bird,

Director, Youth Policy, CLASP.

Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, which I introduced with Congressman Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania.

Registered Apprenticeships are this nation's most successful federally funded workforce development initiative.

Each year, hundreds of thousands of workers count on Registered Apprenticeships to learn in-demand skills, earn wages that grow along with those skills, and receive nationally recognized credentials that lead to rewarding careers.

Registered Apprenticeships are so successful that 94 percent of apprentices are employed upon completion and earn an average starting wage of more than $70,000 a year.

Investing in Registered Apprenticeships not only benefits workers; it also strengthens our economy and helps employers build pipelines of talented and dedicated workers.

Increased funding for high-quality workforce development programs is precisely what we need to help workers get back on their feet during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Millions of people are still without work, and at least 7 million of the jobs lost during the COVID-19 pandemic may never come back.

Yet, Congress has not reauthorized the National Apprenticeship Act since it was first passed in 1937.

Simply put, we have left our nation's best workforce development initiative under-resourced at a time when we need it most.

In response, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021:

invests $3.5 billion in our national apprenticeship system;

ensures consistency and quality across apprenticeship programs;

increases opportunities for diverse groups of workers who have not traditionally been included in the apprenticeship system; and,

expands Registered Apprenticeships in emerging sectors, such as health care, manufacturing, finance, and technology.

This investment, alone, will create an additional 1 million apprenticeship opportunities. And it will yield more than $10 billion in benefits to taxpayers through higher tax revenue and decreased spending on social safety net programs.

Construction trades and their industry partners have long proven that the Registered Apprenticeship model works. In my district, the Norfolk Naval Shipyard's Apprentice Program and the Newport News Shipbuilding Apprentice School have been operating successfully for more than a century. We should expand this model so that more workers and employers can experience the benefits.

That is why, last Congress, Committee Democrats and Republicans held four bipartisan hearings and conducted months of intensive negotiations to produce a bipartisan proposal that expands access to high-quality apprenticeships. Last November, the House passed this legislation in a bipartisan vote of 246 to 140.

Now, we have the chance to, once again, come together and pass the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 so that workers across the country, and across industries, can benefit from Registered Apprenticeship opportunities. Lastly, I would be remiss if I did not recognize Representative Pocan of Wisconsin who sponsored the Leveraging Effective Apprenticeships to Rebuild National Skills Act or the LEARNS Act, Representative Bonamici of Oregon who authored the PARTNERS Act, and former Representative Susan Davis of California who shepherded this bill in the 116th Congress, for their significant contributions to this legislation.

I urge support for this legislation.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time for debate has expired.

Each further amendment printed in part B of House Report 117-3 not earlier considered as part of amendments en bloc pursuant to section 3 of House Resolution 85, shall be considered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, may be withdrawn by the proponent at any time before the question is put thereon, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.

It shall be in order at any time after debate for the chair of the Committee on Education and Labor or his designee to offer amendments en bloc consisting of further amendments printed in part B of House Report 117-3, not earlier disposed of. Amendments en bloc shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for 20 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and the ranking minority member of the Committee on Education and Labor or their respective designees, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.

Amendments En Bloc No. 1 Offered by Mr. Levin of Michigan

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, pursuant to section 3 of House Resolution 85, I rise to offer amendments en bloc No. 1.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Clerk will designate the amendments en bloc.

Amendments en bloc No. 1 consisting of amendment Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 13, printed in part B of House Report 117-3, offered by Mr. Levin of Michigan:

Amendment No. 1 offered by Ms. Blunt Rochester of Delaware

Page 8, lines 11 through 12, strike ``such as groups of individuals from the same gender or race'' and insert ``such as individuals from the same gender, race, or ethnicity''.

Page 21, strike lines 1 through 6 and insert the following:

``(i)(I) promoting outreach to nontraditional apprenticeship populations, including by engaging schools that participate in a schoolwide program under section 1114 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6314) and minority-serving institutions; and

Page 23, line 20, strike ``and''.

Page 23, line 24, strike the period and insert ``; and''.

Page 23, after line 24, insert the following:

``(iii) Secretary of Health and Human Services to coordinate with State programs for temporary assistance to needy families funded under part A of title VI of the Social Security Act to promote awareness of opportunities under the national apprenticeship system for participants in such State programs.

Page 33, line 24, after ``on a publicly accessible website that'' insert ``is consumer tested and''.

Amendment No. 2 offered by Mr. Brown of Maryland

Page 54, line 14, strike ``occupations and sectors'' and insert ``industries or occupations''.

Amendment No. 3 offered by Ms. Bush of Missouri

Page 136, line 20, after ``transportation,'' insert ``child care,''.

Amendment No. 4 offered by Mr. Castro of Texas

Page 121, line 19, insert ``media and entertainment,' '' after ``health care,''.

Amendment No. 5 offered by Mr. Crow of Colorado

Page 121, line 19, insert ``education (including early childhood education),'' after ``health care,''.

Page 122, line 22, insert ``, elementary school, and secondary school'' after ``childhood''.

Amendment No. 6 offered by Ms. Escobar of Texas

Page 6, line 6, strike ``or''.

Page 6, after line 6, insert the following:

``(L) a Job Corps center (as defined in section 142 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3192)); or''.

Page 6, line 7, strike ``(L)'' and insert ``(M)''.

Page 6, line 8, strike ``(K)'' and insert ``(L)''.

Page 140, line 6, strike ``or''.

Page 140, after line 6, insert the following:

``(VII) a Job Corps center (as defined in section 142 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3192)); or''.

Page 140, line 7, strike ``(VII)'' and insert ``(VIII)''.

Page 141, line 5, insert ``internet access,'' after ``child care,''.

Amendment No. 9 offered by Mr. Higgins of New York

Page 22, line 24, insert before the semicolon the following: ``, including through facilitating the sharing of best practices''.

Amendment No. 13 offered by Mrs. Lawrence of Michigan

Strike page 123, line 3, and all that follows through page 124, line 3, and insert the following:

``(C) Intermediary grants.--To establish or expand sector-based partnerships for the delivery of programs under the national apprenticeship system to significant scale through--

``(i) national industry qualified intermediaries in key sectors, including manufacturing, information technology, cyber security, health care, insurance and finance, energy, hospitality, retail, construction, and other sectors identified by the Administrator and the Advisory Committee as targeted for expansion under the national apprenticeship system;

``(ii) national equity qualified intermediaries serving nontraditional apprenticeship populations, women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and individuals impacted by the criminal or juvenile justice system; or

``(iii) local or regional qualified intermediaries serving programs under the national apprenticeship system.''.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to House Resolution 85, the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Levin) and the gentlewoman from North Carolina (Ms. Foxx) each will control 10 minutes.

The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Michigan.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of en bloc amendment No. 1, and I yield myself such time as I may consume.

These amendments will add ``ethnicity'' alongside race and gender to the definition of ``nontraditional apprenticeship population'';

Expand outreach to title I schools and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families programs to promote awareness of apprenticeship opportunities;

Clarify State plans' inclusion of nontraditional apprenticeship industries and occupations;

Add childcare to the range of transition assistance options included for formerly incarcerated people in apprenticeships;

Add ``media and entertainment'' and ``early childhood, elementary, and secondary education'' to the list of nontraditional apprenticeship industries eligible for support;

Make Job Corps Centers eligible for funding to run apprenticeship programs;

Ensure that States facilitate the exchange of best practices between grant participants;

And clarify the type of national, regional, and industry intermediaries eligible for intermediary grants.

Mr. Speaker, these amendments make meaningful improvements to the bill, and I ask my colleagues to vote ``yes'' on this en bloc.

Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentlewoman from Delaware (Ms. Blunt Rochester).

Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER. Mr. Speaker, to Chairman Scott and the entire Committee on Education and Labor, I thank you for the time and for your hard work.

Mr. Speaker, as the former labor secretary from the State of Delaware, I am proud to support the National Apprenticeship Act and have my amendment to H.R. 447 before the House today.

My amendment would make improvements to the bill to expand pathways for Americans to obtain good-paying jobs and ensure a diverse and highly skilled workforce, which we need today more than ever.

This amendment will make certain that we engage schools which accept Federal funds for students to promote apprenticeships for low-income students, specifically title I schools.

It will coordinate with HHS to better support healthcare and childcare jobs. It would ensure that nontraditional populations, such as the Latino community, are represented in apprenticeship programs and, finally, ensure that apprenticeship websites are user-friendly and accessible to those with disabilities.

Mr. Speaker, this bill is vital. As we, in America, are in the midst of a pandemic, we know more than ever that jobs are important and that our economic viability is paramount. This bill is also about opportunity and improving the lives of Americans.

I stand in support of this bill, and I ask for your support on these amendments.

Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record a letter from Third Way.

Third Way,

February 1, 2021.Hon. Bobby Scott,House Committee on Education and Labor, Washington, DC.

Dear Chairman Scott: We are pleased to see that the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 is receiving a vote this week on the House floor. With millions of Americans out of work due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is vital that policymakers work toward an inclusive economic recovery. That's why we encourage House lawmakers to pass the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, which would provide a much-needed revamp of the nation's registered apprenticeship system. Apprenticeships can play a key role in our economic recovery and help people regain their footing in the job market.

Through your leadership, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 would take important steps to bolster apprenticeships across the country. It would broaden economic opportunity by expanding apprenticeships to women, people of color, and people facing barriers to employment. The legislation would help small and medium-sized businesses create apprenticeship programs. Further, it would modernize our nation's apprenticeship system by expanding apprenticeships in growing fields like information technology, advanced manufacturing, and health care.

The bill would also expand apprenticeships in part by relying on intermediaries, or apprenticeship hubs, which would bring together employers, education providers, unions, and other organizations in each state that will work in concert to expand apprenticeships. This is an approach Third Way has long advocated for, and we're thrilled that it's a key part of this legislation.

Through the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, this country can promote apprenticeships as a key tool in our economic recovery and ensure everyone has pathways to in-demand, good-paying careers. We thank you and the House Education and Labor Committee for your leadership on this legislation and urge Members to support it.


Gabriel Horwitz,

Senior Vice President,

Third Way.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to the en bloc amendment, and I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, notwithstanding my great affection for the gentlewoman from Delaware (Ms. Blunt Rochester), I have to highlight at least one amendment in the en bloc that I am concerned with.

The amendment offered by Representative Escobar would add Job Corps Centers to the list of education providers that may be considered as partners for program sponsors as they are developing their program.

I understand Mr. Levin thinks this is a great idea, and it is well-

intentioned, I am sure. But I do not believe we should be adding more responsibilities to a program that has consistently failed to do that which Congress has already authorized it to do.

For decades, this federally funded program has struggled to ensure the safety and security of students. There is ample documentation about the deficiencies in Job Corps. In fact, over 30 different government reports and audits have raised concerns over the safety and security of participants.

Until we have resolved the underlying problems with Job Corps, I do not believe we should encourage more individuals to participate in the program by listing this as an available option.

The other amendments are largely minor changes to the bill that do not redeem the underlying policy or do anything to seriously reform and improve our apprenticeship system.

While I wish we could have a serious debate about the opportunity for additional reforms in this space that would be supported by a large number of Republican Members, it is clear that Democrats are unwilling to have that conversation today.

Mr. Speaker, I oppose the en bloc amendment and encourage my colleagues to do the same, and I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Colorado (Mr. Crow).

Mr. CROW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of my amendment.

The registered apprenticeship system is one of America's most successful Federal workforce programs and has created a pathway for millions of Americans to achieve the American Dream.

With more than 600,000 apprenticeships nationwide, including more than 6,000 in Colorado, apprenticeships provide workers with paid, on-

the-job training, and more than 94 percent of apprentices have a job after completing their program.

The National Apprenticeship Act would bring this successful program into the 21st century by investing more than $3.5 billion annually and creating 1 million new apprenticeships over the next 5 years.

Mr. Speaker, my amendment will ensure that we include educators in this program. Across the country, there is a growing demand for qualified teachers. Schools, particularly low-income schools, are struggling to hire and retain qualified teachers.

In Colorado, we have a critical shortage of thousands of teachers. Simply put, today, we can't even fully staff our classrooms. By including teachers in the expansion of this program, we will help solve this problem.

I grew up going to neighborhood public schools. I know the lasting impact teachers can have on students. Without them, I wouldn't be standing here today.

Investing in teachers and in our children should always be a top priority, and I urge my colleagues to support my amendment in the underlying bill.

Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record this letter of support from the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada.

United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the

Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada,

Annapolis, Maryland, February 4, 2021.

Dear Representative: On behalf of the more than 359,000 members of the United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters (UA), I write in support of H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021. As you know, the Registered Apprenticeship programs of the UA and North America's Building Trades Unions (NABTU) are the gold standard in the industry. This bill would protect that status while also ensuring Registered Apprenticeships are more accessible for all industries seeking a highly skilled workforce.

The United Association is extremely proud of our Registered Apprenticeship and training programs. We invest more than

$275 million of private money each year to ensure our members are the best trained and most highly skilled workers in the industry. Simply put, these programs produce the most highly skilled workforce in the world at no cost to the American taxpayer while also providing a fair wage, quality healthcare, and retirement. We can all be proud of the continued success of our training programs, resulting in generations of the safest workplaces and highest standards in the industry. This speaks not only to our high standards, but also to the dedication of the men and women of our union.

The National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 will continue to protect our high standards and ensure the safety of apprentices across industries. In addition, it provides apprentices with a debt-free ladder of opportunity to not only build the skills needed for a job--but for a career. The entire United Association is incredibly proud of our Registered Apprenticeship program and we look forward to seeing H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, signed into law.

Thank you for all you have done to protect the livelihoods of the men and women in the construction industry. Our training and apprenticeship programs are second to none, and this bill will ensure the success and longevity of the Registered Apprenticeship system. I urge swift consideration and passage of this bill and look forward to working together to strengthen protections for our members and the entire labor community.Respectfully yours,

Mark McManus,

General President.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes the gentlewoman from Missouri (Ms. Bush), my new colleague.

Ms. BUSH. Mr. Speaker, St. Louis and I rise today in support of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 and in support of our amendment.

For more than 80 years since the New Deal, the Registered Apprenticeship Program has sought to build pathways into dignified and stable work. But we know that the promise of good jobs with good pay and benefits has never been fully realized in America.

The pandemic has unevenly devastated communities like Missouri's First District, including families of color, unhoused communities, people with disabilities, and heavily incarcerated communities.

Mr. Speaker, as we rebuild our economy, we must target jobs to them. Our amendment will ensure childcare is not a barrier to successful reentry home. It centers the more than 5 million young children in this country who have had a parent incarcerated by adding childcare as an essential transitional service.

Mr. Speaker, as a single mother, as a nurse, as a former childcare worker, I know what it is like to miss a day of work because a sitter fell through or I couldn't afford childcare.

When you are a single mother, not working is rarely an option. Not working means you can't feed or shelter your family. I have been there. I have been evicted, and I have lived in a car with my own children.

Over 80 percent of women in jail are mothers to minor children and are their primary caretakers. When anyone is released from prison, they need resources to be reunited with and provide for their families. Our amendment ensures that participation in the workforce can be equally shared by all, including those who need it most.

Mr. Speaker, I thank Chairman Scott and his amazing staff for collaborating, and I thank Representatives Bowman and Pressley for their partnership. I urge my colleagues to support my amendment.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. Blumenauer), my esteemed colleague.

{time} 1045

Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate this opportunity. In following my colleague, Ms. Bush, with an example of how we are fine-

tuning the apprenticeship program, one of the secrets in this country, best-kept secrets, in terms of a path to middle-class wage, empowerment, and key to our ability to rebuild and renew America.

President Biden hit the ground running. He has been working on a number of areas. And none of his promises is more important than rebuilding and renewing America. We need to have a workforce that enables us to get this job done.

I have seen these programs work in my State and national training programs around the country.

Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record a statement from James Hoffa, the general president of the Teamsters, who points out that this is an investment of over $1.6 billion in private capital annually. The programs have long been considered the gold standard for workforce development in the construction trades. They provide a debt-free ladder of opportunity. Apprentices earn wages from the first day, develop demand skills, and portable credentials.

International Brotherhood

of Teamsters,

Washington, DC. February 1, 2021.House of Representatives,Washington, DC.

Dear Representative: The International Brotherhood of Teamsters supports H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 which the House is expected to consider this week. We urge you to support H.R. 447 which reauthorizes the Registered Apprenticeship Program.

The Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) reauthorized by this bill has been the most successful workforce development initiative. For decades, the most highly skilled and productive construction craft workers have been trained through RAPs. These privately funded training centers and programs are jointly administered by construction contractors and building trades educators. With an investment of over

$1.6 billion in private capital annually, these programs have long been considered the gold standard for workforce development in the construction trades. Often affiliated with unions, RAPS Apprentices provide a debt free ladder of opportunity. Apprentices earn wages from the first day, develop in demand skills, and portable credentials. The National Apprenticeship Act protects a vital (and progressive) wage scale for the next generation for individual apprentices, and contractors through greater productivity and safety.

The bill expands RAPs into new occupations and sectors. And, for the first time, there will be concrete standards associated with pre-apprenticeship programs which have grown significantly over the last several years. These standards will provide protections from unscrupulous contractors to ensure a clear and defined pathway into RAPs. These programs are important to opening doors for greater participation and diversity in both programs.

RAPs are a pathway to the middle class with over 90 percent of individuals completing a RAP employed upon completion and earning an average wage of $70,000 annually. Again, the Teamsters Union urges you to support H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Program of 2021.


James P. Hoffa,

General President.

Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, this is what it is about, being able to take qualified young people, give them skills, let them earn money through the apprenticeship programs, not a mountain of debt. And time after time we have seen examples after just a couple of years they graduate into wages that enable them to support their family.

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to work with my colleagues in strengthening these programs. I have seen the training centers for the carpenters, and IBEW, these are the gold standards that ought to provide an inspiration for everybody in terms of how we provide this path to the middle class, how we strengthen ability to deliver on our promises to rebuild and renew America, and have the opportunity for them to earn money while they are doing it.

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to support this proposal.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague from North Carolina for continuing to educate me on the process of the House as I learn.

I am reminded by Representative Bush's amendment of my experience attending graduations from pre-apprenticeship programs and seeing whole families turn out, seeing people turn out with their children to celebrate the graduation from a pre-apprenticeship program that allows people, returning citizens, people with disabilities, people who have been excluded from economic opportunity before, to get into an apprenticeship that can transform their lives, that can rocket them into a middle-class life with a great wage and great benefits.

Mr. Speaker, I urge everyone to support these en bloc amendments, and I yield back the balance of my time.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, no one on our side disagrees that millions of people in this country now and in the future need constant education and the opportunity to gain new skills.

Mr. Speaker, we all support apprenticeships. I want to tell a little story about how long I have been involved in helping to create apprenticeships. I have a brother who is 8 years younger than I, and it took me 7 years to finish college. I had just barely finished and was working at a new resort in North Carolina, Beech Mountain. He was a senior in high school, and he came to me and said: I don't want to go to college, but I don't want you and mom and daddy to be ashamed of me.

We have created a system in this country where we think people have to have a baccalaureate degree to be successful. That is not true.

I asked my brother what he wanted to do, and he said: I want to be a carpenter.

I said: That is about the most honorable profession in the world. Some famous people were carpenters.

So, I went to my boss. I don't know how I knew this, but I said: My brother would like to be a carpenter. We are desperate for carpenters, electricians, and plumbers here. Could we set up a carpentry apprenticeship program?

We did that with the help of a local junior college, community college, contractors, and AGC. We set up a carpentry apprenticeship program. Seventeen guys, mostly recent high school graduates, enrolled in it.

Three-and-a-half years later, my brother and three other guys graduated with their journeyman license. Now, I consider that a great success. I have been interested in apprenticeships since 1969. I saw how successful they were.

Those are the kinds of programs that we need to be fostering in this country. My brother went on to be an engineer with the telephone company. He never got a bachelor's degree, but he showed me how to use my first computer, taught me how to use it, set it up for me.

My brother is a very successful man, a lot smarter than I am, but he did that by using his skills, his brain. And he continues to educate himself.

What we need is constant education, the opportunity to learn new skills, but this bill and these amendments don't advance the cause. We need to stop looking backward 80 years and look forward to the needs of a modern economy.

Yes, the President hit the ground running. He sure did. He eliminated thousands of jobs in his first week, and he continues to eliminate jobs with wrongheaded policy. This bill and many of the actions of our colleagues indicate how beholden they are to union bosses.

Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to vote ``no'' on the en bloc amendment and ``no'' on the underlying bill. I yield back the balance of my time.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to House Resolution 85, the previous question is ordered on the amendments en bloc offered by the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Levin).

The question is on the amendments en bloc.

The question was taken; and the Speaker pro tempore announced that the ayes appeared to have it.

Mr. BIGGS. Mr. Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to section 3(s) of House Resolution 8, the yeas and nays are ordered.

Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, further proceedings on this question are postponed.

Amendments En Bloc No. 2 Offered by Mr. Levin of Michigan

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, pursuant to section 3 of House Resolution 85, I rise to offer amendments en bloc No. 2.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Clerk will designate the amendments en bloc.

Amendments en bloc No. 2 consisting of amendment Nos. 7, 8, 11, 12, 17, 20, 24, and 26, printed in part B of House Report 117-3, offered by Mr. Levin of Michigan:

Amendment No. 7 offered by Mr. Feenstra of Iowa

Page 23, line 20, strike ``and''.

Page 23, line 24, strike the period and insert ``; and''.

Page 23, after line 24, insert the following:

``(iii) Attorney General in providing technical assistance for the development and implementation of related instruction under the national apprenticeship system that is aligned with a mentoring program administered by the Attorney General.''.

Amendment No. 8 offered by Mr. Golden of Maine

Page 121, line 19, after ``health care,'' insert

``agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting''.

Amendment No. 11 offered by MR. KILMER OF WASHINGTON

Page 121, line 18, insert ``computer science,'' after


Amendment No. 12 offered by MR. LAMB OF PENNSYLVANIA

Page 11, line 19, strike ``or''.

Page 11, line 20, insert ``or veterans-service organizations,'' after ``partners,''.

Page 20, line 21, insert ``veterans-service organizations,'' after ``facilities,''.

Page 111, line 8, insert ``veteran status,'' after


Amendment No. 17 offered by MR. PAPPAS OF NEW HAMPSHIRE

Page 42, line 8, strike the period and insert a ``; and''.

Page 42, after line 8, insert the following:

``(5) make recommendations on the development of demonstrations projects as described in section 132(f).

Page 120, after line 6, insert the following:

``(f) Demonstration Authority.--

``(1) In general.--The Secretary is authorized to initiate demonstration projects, subject to the recommendation of two-thirds of the voting members of the Advisory Committee, such that each demonstration project--

``(A) is limited in size and scope;

``(B) has a duration of no more than 3 years;

``(C) is carried out in nontraditional apprenticeship industries or occupations, such as advanced manufacturing or information technology; and

``(D) which may include activities that respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

``(2) Limitation on funding.--In initiating demonstration projects under subsection (a), the Secretary may not use more than $2,000,000 annually from the funding authorized under section 141(a).

Amendment No. 20 offered by MS. SLOTKIN OF MICHIGAN

Page 121, line 18, strike ``green jobs,'' and insert

``green jobs (including environmental protection and conservation),''.

Page 143, line 7, strike ``or''.

Page 143, line 9, strike the period and insert ``; or''.

Page 143, after line 9, insert the following:

``(iv) appropriate equipment, technology, and instructional materials aligned with new program needs, including machinery, testing equipment, tools, implements, hardware and software, and other new and emerging instructional materials.

Amendment No. 24 offered by MS. TITUS OF NEVADA

Page 121, line 19, insert ``hospitality and tourism,'' after ``health care,''.

Amendment No. 26 offered by MR. TRONE OF MARYLAND

Page 23, after line 24, insert the following:

``(iii) Attorney General and the Director of the Bureau of Prisons to--

``(I) support the establishment or expansion of pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeship programs to all Federal correctional institutions;

``(II) share through the national apprenticeship system clearinghouse research and best practices for programs under the national apprenticeship system in correctional settings and for individuals impacted by the criminal and juvenile justice system;

``(III) provide technical assistance for State prison systems and employers seeking to operate or improve corrections-based pre-apprenticeship or apprenticeship programs; and

``(IV) support the successful transition of individuals in correctional institutions to pre-apprenticeship or apprenticeship programs upon exiting from correctional settings.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to House Resolution 85, the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Levin) and the gentlewoman from North Carolina

(Ms. Foxx) each will control 10 minutes.

The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Michigan.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of amendments en bloc No. 2. These amendments will add the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention in the Department of Justice as an agency the Office of Apprenticeship shall coordinate with to ensure alignment of apprenticeship programs and mentorship programs for individuals who are exiting the juvenile justice system.

They will add agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting, computer science, environmental protection and conservation, and hospitality and tourism to the list of nontraditional apprenticeship industries and occupations supported by this bill.

They will add opportunities to partner with veterans service organizations throughout the bill, increase flexibility and innovation by allowing demonstration projects in the national apprenticeship system, and direct the Office of Apprenticeship to cooperate with the Department of Justice and State departments of corrections to promote access to apprenticeship programs for individuals in correctional institutions and to assist returning citizens to transition into apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeships.

Mr. Speaker, I urge Members to support this bloc of amendments, the majority of which are bipartisan, that will strengthen this bill.

Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Washington (Mr. Kilmer).

Mr. KILMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of this package of en bloc amendments, which includes a bipartisan amendment I offered to expand access to computer science youth apprenticeship programs that are critical to the 21st century workforce.

We know that education is the door to economic opportunity, and one of the most American and foundational paths to high-quality, worked-

based learning and education are apprenticeship programs.

In today's changing economy, it is important to continue to find ways to prepare our kids for the jobs of the future, jobs in advanced manufacturing, healthcare, technology, green jobs, and computer science.

According to Code.org, across 24 States, only 35 percent of high schools in the U.S. teach computer science. That same study found that Black and Hispanic students, students receiving free and reduced lunch, and students from rural areas are less likely to attend a school that provides access to this critical subject.

Not everyone is going to have a tech-related job, but we know that there is a growing demand that we are struggling to meet for preparing students for these in-demand jobs and for equipping workers with advanced computer science skills.

In fact, a lot of employers in the region I represent in northwest Washington have job openings going unfilled because they can't find folks with the necessary computer science skills.

To prepare students to be successful and innovative in the workforce, the Federal Government should help expand computer science education and pathways to more students.

That is why my amendment would ensure that computer science youth apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, and apprenticeship programs are prioritized for funding through the historic National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

Growing the number of computer science programs, including youth apprenticeships, pre-apprenticeships, and apprenticeships for students in high school and beyond, will provide more 21st century job opportunities for our kids, more high-skilled and qualified employees for our local employers, and more economic resiliency for our communities.

Mr. Speaker, I thank the chairman for his support of this simple yet important amendment, and I encourage my colleagues to vote ``yes'' on the package and ``yes'' on the bill.

Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, this en bloc incorporates eight amendments with bipartisan support. I want to highlight a few amendments from this en bloc in particular.

First, the amendment offered by Mr. Feenstra from Iowa will ensure that the Departments of Labor and Justice collaborate on technical assistance to support the development of related instruction that is aligned with the mentoring program administered by the Department of Justice.

Second, several amendments add industries to the list of nontraditional apprenticeship industries and occupations.

Modernizing the 80-year-old National Apprenticeship Act ought to include apprenticeship opportunities within a variety of sectors. Far too often, society paints apprenticeships as only applying to the trades, which is unfortunate. While there are certainly valuable pathways within those fields, we need to expand the horizons of what apprenticeships are capable of providing for workers.

This is also why I think it is important to call these professions rather than the trades. A broader policy should not be limited by how it has traditionally been viewed or how we speak about it.

Third, the amendment offered by Mr. Lamb from Pennsylvania and Mr. Taylor from Texas includes veterans service organizations in several key places. Because apprenticeships recognize and build on prior knowledge and skills, veterans stand to benefit greatly from these opportunities and should be engaged in the system as much as possible.

Unfortunately, I do need to highlight one amendment that could be much stronger. Our Democrat colleagues have obviously recognized that the underlying bill does nothing to promote innovation in apprenticeships but, instead, simply doubles down on the status quo.

{time} 1100

So several Members have offered an amendment allowing for

``demonstration projects'' to promote innovation. Mr. Speaker, this is insulting. This Chamber deserves a real debate as to how to promote innovation within apprenticeships and work-based learning.

Republicans offered amendments to do just that, but they were not made in order. Representative Allen offered an amendment specifically to protect existing industry-driven apprenticeships currently operating out of the Department of Labor. Representative Thompson offered an amendment to create additional innovation in work-based learning.

Rather than allowing that debate to take place and Members to vote on these proposals, Democrats blocked consideration of those amendments and offered this do-nothing fig leaf of an amendment instead. Even the limited authority for demonstrations must still be approved by an advisory committee with heavy labor representation, giving union bosses veto power over any new ideas that might threaten their hold on apprenticeships. In the absence of real innovation, fake innovation is better than no innovation, but we could do better.

Despite my frustrations with Democrats' refusal to debate serious proposals to modernize the apprenticeship program, on balance, this en bloc amendment offers good ideas worthy of support. I support the en bloc amendment and encourage my colleagues to do the same.

Madam Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from New Hampshire (Mr. Pappas).

Mr. PAPPAS. Madam Speaker, I thank my colleague from Michigan for yielding and for his work on this critical bipartisan piece of legislation.

Madam Speaker, I rise in support of the National Apprenticeship Act and I urge swift passage of this legislation, which will help open the doors of economic opportunity to more Americans.

We must work to strengthen and expand apprenticeships to align the skills of our workers with the needs of our employers and economy. Too often, however, employers and workers are simply unaware of what is out there.

I am pleased this legislation includes a provision I introduced that would create a centralized, one-stop shop where interested parties would be able to access information on apprenticeship opportunities so we can best meet the needs of individuals, employers, educators, and trainers.

I am offering another amendment today that promotes real demonstration projects to explore new models of programs and that can result in innovation, including how to adjust programs through the COVID-19 pandemic for safety reasons.

As we come back from this crisis, new ideas and approaches are so crucial to our success. Apprenticeships offer an important ladder into good-paying jobs and lifelong careers, and this legislation will make them more available and accessible.

Americans are ready, willing, and able to get to work to rebuild our country, revitalize major trades and industries, and light a path for the future. It is time we made it a little easier for the American worker to build their American Dream, and we can do that by passing the National Apprenticeship Act.

Madam Speaker, I hope my colleagues will support the amendments in the underlying bill.

Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Madam Speaker, I yield myself the balance of my time.

Madam Speaker, I would just like to point out something that I also think has not been emphasized enough in this discussion, which is how cost-effective this bill is--these amendments only make it more so--and how it will improve the fiscal situation of the United States.

We will have more tax revenue when more workers earn more money and get more good jobs. We will have less people who need public assistance. This bill not only provides tremendous opportunities for American workers to earn and learn and avoid debt while they are getting their credentials to get great jobs, but also really it is a very prudent and wise investment on behalf of the American taxpayers.

Madam Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.

Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, I yield myself the balance of my time.

Madam Speaker, I find it intriguing that my colleagues on the other side of the aisle say they are passing legislation that is cost-

effective when they are anticipating millions of jobs and generating lots of revenue, especially when they are denying that they are taking money from hardworking taxpayers who want to have apprenticeship programs that are not controlled by the Federal Government, and not allowing those taxpayers--those employers--to tap into a system that has grant programs for them where they are creating real jobs not controlled by the unions. It is just intriguing to me that they could be doing that.

I don't know if I will be here 5 years from now or if Mr. Levin will be here 5 years from now, but I sure hope somebody does a check on the promises that are being made here for all the wonderful things to come as a result of this bill. And I predict that those ``investments'' that are the income being taken from hardworking taxpayers are not going to produce what is being predicted by our colleagues. So it is intriguing for me to hear that. I do hope somebody will be around to check on it and give a report on it.

Madam Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.

The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. Pingree). Pursuant to House Resolution 85, the previous question is ordered on the amendments en bloc offered by the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Levin).

The question is on the amendments en bloc.

The en bloc amendments were agreed to.

A motion to reconsider was laid on the table.

Amendments En Bloc No. 3 Offered by Mr. Levin of Michigan

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Madam Speaker, pursuant to section 3 of House Resolution 85, I rise to offer amendments en bloc No. 3.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Clerk will designate the amendments en bloc.

Amendments en bloc No. 3 consisting of amendment Nos. 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, and 25, printed in part B of House Report 117-3, offered by Mr. Levin of Michigan:

Amendment No. 14 Offered by Ms. Meng of New York

Page 23, line 5, insert before the period the following:

``, in user-friendly formats and languages that are easily accessible, as determined by the Administrator''.

Page 38, line 12, strike ``and''.

Page 38, line 13, strike the period and insert ``; and''.

Page 38, after line 13, insert the following:

``(xi) the Federal Communications Commission.''.

Page 77, line 16, insert before the semicolon the following: ``, and that are in user-friendly formats and languages that are easily accessible, as determined by the Secretaries''.

Amendment No. 15 Offered by Ms. Moore of Wisconsin

Page 21, line 23, insert ``developing the State plan in section 113(c),'' after ``including''.

Page 21, line 24, insert a comma after ``subtitle B''.

Page 29, after line 22, insert the following:

``(E) Nontraditional apprenticeship populations.--The Administrator shall regularly evaluate the participation of the nontraditional apprenticeship populations for each of the approved apprenticeable occupations, such as women, minorities, long-term unemployed, individuals with a disability, individuals with substance abuse issues, veterans, military spouses, individuals experiencing homelessness, individuals impacted by the criminal or juvenile justice system, and foster and former foster youth.

Page 30, line 8, strike ``and'' at the end.

Page 30, line 10, strike the period at the end and insert

``; and''.

Page 30, after line 10, insert the following:

``(D) require regular reports on the performance of state agencies, including on efforts state agencies make to increase employer awareness of apprenticeship programs for employers who have not participated.

Page 31, line 18, insert ``low-income participants in related federal programs,'' after ``disabilities''.

Page 32, line 14, strike the period at the end and insert

``, to better promote participation in the national apprenticeship program.''.

Page 107, after line 24, insert the following: `` and''

``(D) List of disapproved programs.--The registration agency shall maintain a list of programs that were disapproved which includes the reasons for each such disapproval and provide such list to the Administrator at least annually.

Page 118, line 14, strike ``and'' at the end.

Page 118, line 20, insert ``and'' at the end.

Page 118, after line 20, insert the following:

``(E) regularly assess the impact of apprenticeship programs under the national apprentice system in effectively increasing the participation of women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, long term unemployed, individuals impacted by the criminal and juvenile justice system, foster and former foster youth, and individuals with barriers to employment;

Amendment No. 16 Offered by Ms. Ocasio-Cortez of New York

Page 121, line 18, strike ``energy,'' insert ``energy

(including renewable energy),''.

Amendment No. 18 Offered by Mr. Payne of New Jersey

Page 137, line 20, strike ``such as'' and insert


Page 138, line 9, insert ``small businesses owned or controlled by women, minorities, or veterans,'' before ``and education''.

Amendment No. 19 Offered by Ms. Ross of North Carolina

Page 17, line 14, insert ``dislocated worker,'' after


Page 22, line 24, strike ``and''.

Page 23, line 5, strike ``.'' and replace with ``; and''.

Page 23, line 6, insert ``(vi) assist State apprenticeship agencies in establishing or expanding apprenticeship hubs as is required in section 113(c)(7).''.

Page 64, line 16 , before the semicolon, add ``, including the recruitment of nontraditional populations and dislocated workers''.

Amendment No. 21 Offered by Mr. Smith of Washington

Page 146, after line 11, insert the following:

``(viii) providing stipends to pre-apprentices enrolled in a pre-apprenticeship program to cover costs such as housing, transportation, childcare or out of pocket expenses resulting from the pre-apprenticeship program such as assessments and fees for industry-recognized credentials or drivers licenses during the time of enrollment; or''.

Page 146, line 12, strike ``(viii)'' and insert ``(ix)''.

Amendment No. 23 Offered by Ms. Strickland of Washington

Page 21, line 2, insert before the semicolon the following:

``, including the dissemination of best practices to recruit nontraditional apprenticeship populations, women, minorities, long-term unemployed, individuals with a disability, individuals recovering from substance abuse disorders, veterans, military spouses, individuals experiencing homelessness, individuals impacted by the criminal or juvenile justice system, and foster and former foster youth''.

Amendment No. 25 Offered by Mr. Torres of New York

Page 122, line 12, insert ``English language learners,'' after ``minorities,''.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to House Resolution 85, the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Levin) and the gentlewoman from North Carolina (Ms. Foxx) each will control 10 minutes.

The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Michigan.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Madam Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Madam Speaker, I rise in support of amendments en bloc No. 3.

These amendments will ensure the availability of user-friendly materials, including materials in diverse languages, as part of the outreach required by this bill.

They will add a representative of the Federal Communications Commission as an ex officio member of the National Advisory Committee on Apprenticeships.

They will strengthen States' efforts to ensure that low-income individuals have equal access to apprenticeships.

They will clarify the inclusion of renewable energy in the list of nontraditional apprenticeship industries and occupations supported in this bill.

They will promote access to grants made under this bill for minority-

, veteran-, and women-owned businesses.

They will increase support for apprenticeship hubs and workforce development organizations that support nontraditional populations and dislocated workers.

They will increase the ability of pre-apprenticeship programs to offer stipends to participants.

And they will encourage employers to participate in apprenticeship programs that target individuals with language barriers.

Again, Madam Speaker, just reading the list of these wonderful amendments offered by our colleagues shows the spirit of innovation and outreach that this bill represents. I urge you to support this bloc of amendments that will strengthen the bill.

Madam Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman from Washington

(Ms. Strickland).

Ms. STRICKLAND. Madam Speaker, I rise today in support of my amendment, which requires the Office of Apprenticeship to use best practices to recruit and retain nontraditional candidates.

In 2019, only 9 percent of the 280,000 apprentices surveyed by the Department of Labor were women. Merely 16 percent were non-White. In a country where nearly half the labor market is made up of women and one-

quarter are people of color, our training programs--often debt-free pathways into good-paying jobs--must include the full diversity of our Nation.

My amendment addresses this problem by ensuring that apprenticeship programs have ample resources to effectively recruit and retain nontraditional candidates. But we can't sop there. We must continue to uplift all communities in the South Sound, my home, and across the Nation by equitably supporting women and people of color pursuing the American Dream. Everyone deserves access to economic opportunity and stability.

Madam Speaker, I urge the adoption of this amendment and the underlying bill.

Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Madam Speaker, I want to highlight a couple of amendments in the en bloc that I have some reservations about and that I think would benefit from additional discussion if this bill is taken up in the Senate.

First, Moore amendment No. 15 creates a new reporting requirement on

``State agencies.'' I don't think new reporting requirements will achieve our goal of increasing employer engagement in the registered apprenticeship program when the underlying bill doubles down on the reasons employers choose not to participate in the first place.

But I would at least encourage my Democrat friends to clarify if they mean for that reporting requirement to apply only to ``State apprenticeship agencies'' or if they truly want to empower the Department of Labor to demand reports of any and every State agency it chooses, regardless of that agency's involvement in apprenticeship programs.

Second, Payne amendment No. 18 may well make it harder to engage small- and medium-sized employers by requiring grantees to have demonstrated expertise in engaging specific types of small- and medium-

sized businesses.

Madam Speaker, to be absolutely clear, I believe we should take reasonable steps to encourage grantees to partner with small businesses owned or controlled by women, minorities, or veterans. The underlying bill does this.

Unfortunately, the Payne amendment actually requires demonstrated success in this area, which would likely shrink the pool of grantees significantly, particularly in locations that already offer fewer apprenticeships programs. This is a well-meaning amendment, but as well-intentioned as it is, I hope the Senate will take another look at how to increase the participation of minority-, women-, and veterans-

owned businesses without creating requirements that will reduce apprenticeship opportunities.

The balance of the amendments are unobjectionable. They are unobjectionable because they mostly don't do anything noteworthy. In some cases they repeat provisions already in the bill. In other cases they add additional items to existing laundry lists. In short, these amendments are fine. They don't make the bill better in any substantive way, but they don't make it worse.

But, Madam Speaker, the fact that the majority is spending our time on mostly meaningless amendments highlights the fundamental flaw in this bill and process. We are on the floor debating amendments that don't do much, while amendments that could have made significant improvements to the bill were blocked by the Democrats from consideration.

We have talked repeatedly during this debate about how the Democrat bill eliminates existing work-based learning programs at the Department of Labor, mostly nursing apprenticeship programs, at a time our economy, particularly the healthcare sector, needs all the help it can get.

Representative Allen offered an amendment to remedy this flaw in the bill, but my Democrat friends were afraid of taking that vote. So we aren't considering that proposal today.

We have talked repeatedly about how this bill doubles down on the existing flaws of the current 80-year-old system while offering no opportunities for employers or workers to pursue meaningful innovation in the work-based learning space.

Representative Thompson offered an amendment to fix that problem in the bill, but Democrats didn't want to take that vote either.

We have talked repeatedly about how this bill seeks to protect big labor at the expense of workers in desperate need of high-quality apprenticeship programs. Representative Keller offered an amendment and Mr. Perry spoke of this inequity in his floor amendments. The amendment from Mr. Keller would have put union and nonunion apprenticeship programs on equal footing. Democrats won't let the people's House weigh in on that issue.

Madam Speaker, I am going to support this en bloc amendment, but I hope at some point we will have an honest debate about how to truly improve this bill to provide workers the apprenticeship opportunities they need, or at least to protect the apprenticeship opportunities they currently have.

Madam Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

{time} 1115

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Madam Speaker, the tired rhetoric about big labor, big labor, big labor, the organizations that workers create and pay for themselves to advocate their interests; yes, there is a lot of support for this bill from the labor movement.

This bill is also endorsed by our mayors, by the National League of Cities. It is also endorsed by our community colleges, their national associations. It is also endorsed by multiple industry associations, including associations representing areas that don't have a lot of apprenticeships that hope to have more. And it is endorsed by many equity organizations such as the National Urban League.

I also want to point out something else. No company or group of companies has to register their program. They are perfectly free, in this land of the free, to set up a training program, to pay for it themselves, to partner with labor organizations or colleges, to even use the word apprenticeship. Nobody has to register their apprenticeship. They are free to do whatever they want.

This is about the Federal Government developing and nurturing training programs that we can proudly say meet high standards to give real opportunities to preserve these kinds of statistics we are talking about: People who complete an apprenticeship earning an average of

$70,000 a year; 94 percent of people who complete apprenticeships getting good jobs.

Also, some of my colleagues keep saying that all registered apprenticeships are controlled by the Federal Government. That is simply not true. Half of the States have State apprenticeship agencies, including the great State of North Carolina.

In this bill, we codify their important and autonomous role and, for the first time ever, we provide annual funding because States have been so successful at expanding apprenticeships through Department of Labor grants.

Again, for the first time, we streamline the registration process and create an in-the-box apprenticeship program to make it easier for small and medium-sized businesses to get in this game.

Madam Speaker, this bill is such a wonderful improvement on an already wonderful job training program. I urge everyone to support these en bloc amendments, and I yield back the balance of my time.

Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, our colleagues talk a lot about the fact that 94 percent of people who complete apprenticeship programs get jobs immediately, but they never talk about the gold standard they call the registered programs, which graduate only 43 percent of the people who enter them, so I think they are very selective in the statistics that they use.

Madam Speaker, expanding funding and giving funding to State apprenticeship offices, in my opinion, is just a hook for more Federal control. And everything about this underlying bill is to have more and more control at the Federal Government level, which enhances the role of unions in apprenticeship programs. That is not the way we should be going.

Our colleagues have not noticed, I think, how quickly the workforce is having to adapt to, particularly, technological changes that are occurring in our country. These programs change very, very little over time because of the hidebound unions and the hidebound system that we have.

We need the employers on the ground who are dealing with creating new jobs all the time in new industries to be able to tap into their taxpayer dollars that are coming into the Federal Government, which are denied to them unless they are hooked to a union. That is wrong, and we need fair systems.

As Mr. Keller and Mr. Perry have pointed out, even the standards set for industry programs that are controlled by unions are different than they are in the private sector. There are more regulations on the private sector than on the union programs.

This is not a good way for us to be going in the year 2021. We need innovation. We need to be forward-looking, not backward-looking.

Madam Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to House Resolution 85, the previous question is ordered on the amendments en bloc offered by the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Levin).

The question is on the amendments en bloc.

The en bloc amendments were agreed to.

A motion to reconsider was laid on the table.

Amendment No. 10 Offered by Mr. Hill

The SPEAKER pro tempore. It is now in order to consider amendment No. 10 printed in House Report 117-3.

Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I have an amendment at the desk.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Clerk will designate the amendment.

The text of the amendment is as follows:

Page 127, line 17, strike ``and'' and insert ``or''.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to House Resolution 85, the gentleman from Arkansas (Mr. Hill) and a Member opposed each will control 5 minutes.

The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Arkansas.

Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

I want to thank my friend from Michigan and my friend from North Carolina for their leadership in promoting apprenticeship programs that benefit the American people.

Madam Speaker, my amendment is simple. It trades one word for another, but the impact is significant. The National Apprenticeship Act states, to the extent practicable, that the partnerships for funding under Title II be part of an industry or sector partnership and partner with a labor or joint labor-management organization.

My amendment changes ``and'' to an ``or.'' I am afraid that the unintended consequences of the word will be treated as a requirement for the Federal Government that entities requesting funding under Title II must partner with a union.

This bill, as written, allows the government to play favorites with Title II funding and, instead, we should encourage entities to be empowered to make choices that are best for the workforce in their area.

In my view, entities applying for Title II funding under the bill should be partnering with both non-union and union industry leaders. But I have no doubt that should this bill become law, bureaucrats at the Department of Labor will interpret the use of ``and'' in this section to mean that if you are not partnered with a union organization you will not receive funding. That is my concern.

My home State of Arkansas doesn't have a large union presence, like many States around the country, and this legislation would make it more difficult for entities in my home State to receive Title II funding.

Madam Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Madam Speaker, I rise in opposition to the amendment.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Michigan is recognized for 5 minutes.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Madam Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

This amendment changes the word ``and'' to ``or,'' as my colleague from Arkansas pointed out, and it may seem like a small change. But, instead, it inadvertently could take away the employers' seat at the table for apprenticeship grant partnerships. Let me explain why.

Although my Republican colleague likely introduced this amendment to ensure that apprenticeship grantees do not have to partner with labor unions, the unintended consequence of this amendment is that it also ensures that applicants would not have to partner with an industry or sector partnership at the expense of only partnering with a union.

Those in support of this amendment may not realize that nothing about this amendment prevents partnerships with labor organizations as industry or sector partnerships, as defined in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, or WIOA, require three key stakeholders: Representatives of multiple businesses or employers, including small and medium-sized employers, labor representatives, and education or training programs.

Any way you slice it, this amendment does not actually meet the Republican goal of attacking labor unions but, instead, attacks small and medium-sized employers that could be part of these grant programs.

At a time when small and medium-sized businesses across this country are struggling to get back on their feet, thanks to the mismanagement of this pandemic by the Trump administration, the last thing we need to do is take away their ability to benefit fully from the apprenticeship grants that are part of this bill.

I would urge my colleague to withdraw this shortsighted amendment and ensure that we are doing everything we can to help small and medium-

sized businesses and education partners have a seat at the table for these apprenticeship grants. And if he does not, I would urge my colleagues to support small businesses and vote ``no'' on this amendment.

And finally, let me just say that I think my colleague eloquently explained the situation where the practicable language was written for. If there aren't any unions around you are not going to be able to partner with unions, and so it is really not a problem.

So this amendment doesn't do what it is intended to do. It is harmful, and I urge people to oppose it.

Madam Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, may I inquire how much time is remaining?

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman has 3 minutes remaining.

Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I include in the Record letters in support of my amendment from the National Association of Home Builders and the Associated General Contractors.

National Association of

Home Builders,

Washington, DC, February 3, 2021.Hon. Nancy Pelosi,Speaker, House of Representatives,Washington, DC.Hon. Kevin McCarthy,Minority Leader, House of Representatives,Washington, DC.

Dear Speaker Pelosi and Leader McCarthy: On behalf of the more than 140,000 members of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), I write to share our views on H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

NAHB shares Congress's desire to align the national apprenticeship system with the needs of a 21st century workforce and ensure it better serves students, employers, schools, and other stakeholders. For decades, NAHB's workforce development partner the Home Builders Institute

(HBI) has offered skills development opportunities and career and technical education to underserved, non-traditional, and at-risk populations through its Department of Labor (DOL)-recognized pre-apprenticeship curriculum. We appreciate the Committee on Education and Labor's engagement with us last Congress to address concerns we raised during the committee process. This has, in our view, improved the bill.

However, we remain deeply concerned that the bill includes ambiguous language requiring eligible entities seeking access to robust new grant funding to partner with a labor or joint labor-management organization ``to the extent practicable.'' Consequently, this provision could restrict bona fide, respected training providers' access to grant opportunities or force them to partner with organized labor groups with which they have no purpose for affiliation. NAHB strongly supports Hill Amendment #29 which clarifies that entities may partner with an industry sector partnership or with a labor or joint labor management organization to satisfy the grant program's eligibility requirements. This will ensure access to critical funds by a diversity of registered training programs as employers seek to rebuild their workforces in the pandemic-ravaged economy.

NAHB recognizes Congress's work to expand youth and adult access to instruction in the skilled trades and believes the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 is a step in the right direction. As the bill moves forward in the Senate, we look forward to working together to modernize the national apprenticeship system to ensure pre-apprenticeships remain a viable training tool for residential construction.

Sincerely,James W. Tobin III


February 3, 2021.Hon. Nancy Pelosi,Speaker, House of Representatives,Washington, DC.Hon. Kevin McCarthy,Minority Leader, House of Representatives,Washington, DC.AGC Key Vote: Vote ``YES'' on Hill Amendment to H.R. 447, the

National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

Dear Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader McCarthy: On behalf of the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC), I write to urge you to support the Rep. French Hill Amendment to H.R. 447 which would simply clarify that all registered apprenticeship programs are eligible for grants under the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021. Despite the pandemic, the construction industry continues to experience a skilled worker shortage and anticipates that persisting in the future. As such, AGC urges a ``YES'' vote on this amendment and reserves the right to record your vote as a KEY VOTE for the education of our more than 27,000 member firms.

Workforce development has historically been a bipartisan issue. And H.R. 447 is well intentioned in seeking to expand apprenticeship opportunities and address the skilled worker shortage. The bill elevates and prioritizes the role apprenticeships can play, provides incentives for states to assist employers and offers technical assistance in the development of programs. Although the bill would provide new and significant funding increases for apprenticeship programs, the ability to fully capitalize on opportunities under Title II of the bill would be put into jeopardy and many registered apprenticeship programs would be ineligible to qualify.

The Rep. Hill Amendment addresses the inequities in the bill by clarifying that all registered apprenticeship programs would be eligible for grants, not just programs partnering with unions to receive taxpayer support. AGC is proud of our contractor members' support of union-affiliated joint apprenticeship training programs, but we believe all bona fide and high-quality apprenticeship programs that are registered with the U.S. Department of Labor and are not affiliated with a union program are still important components to addressing the workforce development problem and should also be eligible for Title II grants under H.R. 447.

Using the power of the federal purse to discriminate against any U.S. DOL registered apprenticeship program for the sole reason that they are not partnered with a labor or joint labor-management organization is contrary to the stated goals of the legislation. If a program meets DOL's rigorous standards for registration, then there's no valid reason Congress should be restricting tools to upskill and train Americans as the economy and industry emerge from the global pandemic.

Again, AGC urges a YES vote on Hill Amendment and looks forward to working with Congress on practicable solutions to our nation's workforce needs.


James V. Christianson.

Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman from North Carolina (Ms. Foxx), the distinguished ranking member on the Committee on Education and Labor.

Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, I thank my distinguished colleague for yielding.

Currently, the underlying bill favors grant funding for entities that partner with unions. This would block countless potential participants from accessing these funds and would further cement the program in the way it has been since the 1930s.

If we want to reach 1 million apprenticeships in this country, I fail to see how limiting access by creating earmarks and kickbacks will achieve that goal.

The amendment offered by Representative Hill would make it optional for grant applications to partner with unions. If the majority truly believes that this is not a requirement intended to push more workers into unions, this should be no more than a technical clarification.

Although it would not redeem the underlying bill, this amendment would be a step in the right direction toward opening more apprenticeship opportunities for Americans. I strongly urge my colleagues to support this amendment.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Madam Speaker, let me just explain a little more for folks at home who may not be obviously reading all of the details of this, the many pages of this bill, what we are talking about.

This is about who is eligible to apply for grants, certain grants under this bill; and it says that to be eligible to apply for a grant under this title an eligible entity shall demonstrate a partnership with two or more of the following, and then it lists quite a number of different groups that they can partner with, State and local workforce development boards, education training providers, State apprenticeship agencies, Indian Tribes or Tribal organizations, industry partnerships, Governors, labor organizations, community-based organizations, two or more, two or more.

And then it says these words: To the extent practicable--a qualified intermediary; and to the extent practicable, it shall be part of an industry or sector partnership and partner with a labor or joint labor-

management organization.

That is all it says. And the idea of changing that ``and'' to ``or'' would fundamentally change it. It would reduce the level of collaboration, and it would possibly eliminate the industry or sector partnership from the grant application or a labor organization.

But since WIOA requires the labor organizations, it is not going to do what they think it does. It is a bad idea. It is not well crafted. I urge my colleagues to oppose it, and I yield back the balance of my time.

{time} 1130

Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

I thank my friend from Michigan. He, in the last Congress, in putting the word ``and'' into the act, said he wanted to give a shout-out to unions. Therefore, I think he has actually identified it very well, that this does improve flexibility and choice. I am concerned about the Department of Labor reading the ``and'' as essentially a directive. So I believe the ``or'' is important, Madam Speaker.

Americans are struggling with the COVID-19 crisis. Restrictions, as it relates to title II funding of this bill, unintentionally hurt the American people trying to get new jobs and opportunities. We need every angle to help our citizens get to a successful career.

I call on my colleagues to support this simple amendment, to change the underlying legislation, and I reserve the balance of my time.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Arkansas has the only remaining time.

Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I yield myself the balance of my time.

In closing, let me say this. Bottom line, in the construction industry, important to every one of our States, registered apprenticeships trained about 28,000 people a year, where the need is over 440,000 people a year in construction.

We need more flexibility. This amendment is flexible. It supports the American people.

Madam Speaker, I urge a ``yes'' vote, and I yield back the balance of my time.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to House Resolution 85, the previous question is ordered on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Arkansas (Mr. Hill).

The question is on the amendment.

The question was taken; and the Speaker pro tempore announced that the noes appear to have it.

Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to section 3(s) of House Resolution 8, the yeas and nays are ordered.

Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, further proceedings on this question are postponed.

Amendment No. 22 Offered by Ms. Stefanik

The SPEAKER pro tempore. It is now in order to consider amendment No. 22 printed in House Report 117-3.

Ms. STEFANIK. Madam Speaker, I have an amendment at the desk.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Clerk will designate the amendment.

The text of the amendment is as follows:

Strike sections 3 and 4, and insert the following:


In accordance with chapter 5 of title 5, United States Code, the Secretary of Labor may prescribe rules and regulations to carry out this Act.


The Act of August 16, 1937 (commonly referred to as the

``National Apprenticeship Act''; 50 Stat. 664, chapter 663; 29 U.S.C. 50 et seq.) is amended to read as follows:


``(a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the `National Apprenticeship Act of 2021'.

``(b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as follows:

``Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.

``Sec. 2. Purposes.

``Sec. 3. Definitions.

``Sec. 4. Transition provisions.

``Sec. 5. Disaggregation of data.


``Subtitle A--The Office of Apprenticeship, State Registration Agency

Approval Process

``Sec. 111. The Office of Apprenticeship.

``Sec. 112. State apprenticeship agencies and State offices of


``Subtitle B--Process and Standards for the National Apprenticeship


``Sec. 121. Process and Standards.

``Subtitle C--Evaluations and Research

``Sec. 131. Program evaluations and research.

``Subtitle D--General Provisions

``Sec. 141. Authorization of appropriations.



``Sec. 201. Grant requirements.

``Sec. 202. Grant appropriations.


``(a) Authority.--The purposes of this Act are to authorize and direct the Secretary of Labor to--

``(1) formulate and promote the furtherance of labor standards necessary to safeguard the welfare of apprentices;

``(2) extend the application of such standards by encouraging the inclusion thereof in contracts of apprenticeship (in this Act referred to as `apprenticeship agreements');

``(3) bring together employers and labor for the formulation of programs of apprenticeship;

``(4) cooperate with State agencies engaged in the formulation and promotion of standards of apprenticeship; and

``(5) cooperate with the Secretary of Education.

``(b) Additional Programs.--In carrying out the authority provided in subsection (a), the Secretary--

``(1) shall establish and administer the program under title I; and

``(2) may establish and administer additional programs of work-based learning as the Secretary determines appropriate, which may include activities to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency.


``In titles I and II:

``(1) Apprentice.--The term `apprentice' means a program participant in an apprenticeship program.

``(2) Apprenticeship agreement.--The term `apprenticeship agreement' means a written agreement under 121 between--

``(A) an apprentice; and

``(B) a sponsor.

``(3) Apprenticeship hub.--The term `apprenticeship hub' means a regional or sectoral qualified intermediary recognized by a State apprenticeship agency or a State Office of Apprenticeship as organizing and providing activities and services related to the development of programs under the national apprenticeship system.

``(4) Apprenticeable occupation.--The term `apprenticeable occupation' means an occupation that the Secretary has determined meets the requirements of section 121.

``(5) Apprenticeship program.--The term `apprenticeship program' means a program that meets the standards described in section 121 and is registered under title I.

``(6) Competency.--The term `competency' means the attainment of knowledge, skills, and abilities in a subject area.

``(7) Department.--The term `Department' means the Department of Labor.

``(8) Education and training provider.--The term `education and training provider' means--

``(A) an area career and technical education school;

``(B) an early college high school;

``(C) an educational service agency;

``(D) a high school;

``(E) a local educational agency or State educational agency;

``(F) an Indian Tribe, Tribal organization, or Tribal educational agency;

``(G) an institution of higher education;

``(H) a minority-serving institution (as described in any of paragraphs (1) through (7) of section 371(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1067q(a)));

``(I) a provider of adult education and literacy activities under the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (29 U.S.C. 3271 et seq.);

``(J) a local agency administering plans under title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 720 et seq.), other than section 112 or part C of that title (29 U.S.C. 732, 741);

``(K) a related instruction provider, as approved by a registration agency; or

``(L) a consortium of entities described in any of subparagraphs (A) through (K).

``(9) Indian tribe; tribal organization.--The terms `Indian Tribe' and `Tribal organization' have the meaning given the terms (without regard to capitalization) in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b).

``(10) Interim credential.--"The term `interim credential' means a recognized post-secondary credential issued to an apprentice as certification of attainment of a competency necessary to receive a certificate of completion of an apprenticeship.

``(11) Journeyworker.--The term `journeyworker' means a worker who has attained a level of skill, abilities, and competencies recognized within an industry as having mastered the skills and competencies required for the occupation.

``(12) National apprenticeship system.--The term `national apprenticeship system' means the apprenticeship programs, youth apprenticeship programs, and pre-apprenticeship programs that meet the requirements of title I.

``(13) Under-represented apprenticeship population.--The term `under-represented apprenticeship population' means a group of individuals (such as a group of individuals from the same gender or race) the members of which comprise fewer than 25 percent of the individuals participating in a program under the national apprenticeship system.

``(14) Nontraditional apprenticeship industry or occupation.--The term `nontraditional apprenticeship industry or occupation' refers to an industry sector or occupation for which there are fewer than 10 percent of all apprentices in all industries or occupations participating.

``(15) Program participant.--The term `program participant' means an apprentice, a pre-apprentice, or a youth apprentice.

``(16) Qualified intermediary.--

``(A) In general.--The term `qualified intermediary' means an entity that demonstrates expertise in building, connecting, sustaining, and measuring the performance of partnerships described in subparagraph (B) and serves program participants and employers by--

``(i) connecting employers to programs under the national apprenticeship system;

``(ii) assisting in the design and implementation of such programs, including curriculum development and delivery for related instruction;

``(iii) supporting entities, sponsors, or program administrators in meeting the registration and reporting requirements of this Act;

``(iv) providing professional development activities;

``(v) connecting students or workers to programs under the national apprenticeship system;

``(vi) developing and providing personalized program participant supports, including by partnering with organizations to provide access to or referrals for supportive services and financial advising;

``(vii) providing services, resources, and supports for development, delivery, expansion, or improvement of programs under the national apprenticeship system; or

``(viii) serving as a program sponsor.

``(B) Partnerships.--The partnerships described in subparagraph (A) means partnerships among entities involved in programs under the national apprenticeship system, including--

``(i) industry or sector partnerships;

``(ii) partnerships among employers, joint labor-management organizations, labor organizations, community-based organizations, State or local workforce development boards, education and training providers, social service organizations, economic development organizations, Indian Tribes or Tribal organizations, or one-stop operators, or one-stop partners, in the State workforce development system; or

``(iii) partnerships among one or more of the entities described in clauses (i) and (ii).

``(17) Registration agency.--The term `registration agency' means the Office of Apprenticeship, a State Office of Apprenticeship or State apprenticeship agency that is responsible for--

``(A) approving or denying applications from sponsors for registration of programs under the national apprenticeship system in the State or area covered by the registration agency; and

``(B) carrying out the responsibilities of supporting the youth apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, or apprenticeship programs registered by the registration agency, in accordance with section 121.

``(18) Related instruction.--The term `related instruction' means an organized and systematic form of instruction that meets the requirements of section 121.

``(19) Related federal programs.--The term `related Federal programs' means programs or activities under the following:

``(A) The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102).

``(B) The Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49 et seq.).

``(C) The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

(20 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.).

``(D) The Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.).

``(E) The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.).

``(F) Title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 720 et seq.).

``(G) Title V of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 3056 et seq.).

``(H) Career and technical education programs at the postsecondary level under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2302).

``(I) Chapter 2 of title II of the Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2271 et seq.).

``(J) Chapter 41 of title 38, United States Code.

``(K) Employment and training activities carried out under the Community Services Block Grant Act (42 U.S.C. 9901 et seq.).

``(L) Employment and training activities carried out by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

``(M) State unemployment compensation laws (in accordance with applicable Federal law).

``(N) Section 231 of the Second Chance Act of 2007 (34 U.S.C. 60541).

``(O) Part A of title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.).

``(P) Employment and training programs carried out by the Small Business Administration.

``(Q) Section 6(d)(4) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008

(7 U.S.C. 2015(d)(4)).

``(20) Secretary.--The term `Secretary' means the Secretary of Labor.

``(21) Sponsor.--The term `sponsor' means an employer, joint labor-management organization, trade association, professional association, labor organization, education and training provider, or qualified intermediary that is applying to administer and operate, a program under the national apprenticeship system.

``(22) State apprenticeship agency.--The term `State apprenticeship agency' means a State agency recognized as a State apprenticeship agency under section 112.

``(23) State apprenticeship council.--The term `State apprenticeship council' means an entity established under section 113(b)(3) to assist the State apprenticeship agency.

``(24) State office of apprenticeship.--The term `State office of apprenticeship' means the office designated by the Secretary to administer programs under the national apprenticeship system in such State and meets the requirements of section 111(b)(4).

``(25) State or local workforce development boards.--The terms `State workforce development board' and `local workforce development board' have the meanings given the terms `State board' and `local board', respectively, in section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102).

``(26) State workforce agency.--The terms `State workforce agency' means the State agency with responsibility for workforce investment activities under chapters 2 and 3 of subtitle B of title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3121 et seq., 3131 et seq.).

``(27) CTE terms.--The terms `area career and technical education school', `articulation agreement', `credit transfer agreement', `postsecondary educational institution', and

`work-based learning' have the meanings given in section 3 of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2302).

``(28) ESEA terms.--The terms `dual or concurrent enrollment program', `early college high school', `education service agency', `high school', `local educational agency',

`paraprofessional', and `State educational agency' have the meanings given in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801).

``(29) WIOA terms.--The terms `career pathway', `in-demand industry sector or occupation', `individual with a barrier to employment', `institution of higher education', `industry or sector partnership', `labor market area', `local area',

`recognized postsecondary credential', `one-stop center',

`one-stop operator', `one-stop partner', `State', `supportive services' and `workforce development system' have the meanings given in section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102).


``The Secretary shall take such actions as the Secretary determines to be appropriate to provide for the orderly transition to the authority of this Act (as amended by the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021) from any authority under the Act of August 16, 1937 (commonly referred to as the

`National Apprenticeship Act'; 50 Stat. 664, chapter 663; 29 U.S.C. 50 et seq.), as in effect on the day before the date of enactment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021. In accordance with chapter 5 of title 5, United States Code, the Secretary may prescribe rules and regulations to carry out this Act.


``The disaggregation of data under this Act shall not be required when the number of program participants in a category is insufficient to yield statistically reliable information or when the results would reveal personally identifiable information about a program participant or would reveal such information when combined with other released information.


``Subtitle A--The Office of Apprenticeship, State Registration Agency

Approval Process


``(a) Responsibilities.--The Secretary shall be responsible for the administration of this Act and such functions affecting the national apprenticeship system as the Secretary shall delegate, which shall include the following:

``(1) Apprenticeship development and expansion.--The Secretary is authorized to carry out promotion and awareness activities, including the following:

``(A) Supporting the development or scaling of apprenticeship models nationally, promoting the effectiveness of youth apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, and apprenticeship programs, and providing promotional materials to, among others, State apprenticeship agencies, State and local workforce development systems, State educational agencies, employers, trade associations, professional associations, industry groups, labor organizations, joint labor-management organizations, education and training providers, and prospective apprentices in such programs.

``(B) Promoting greater diversity in the national apprenticeship system in underrepresented apprenticeship populations, and nontraditional apprenticeship industries and occupations, including by--

``(i) promoting outreach to underrepresented apprenticeship populations;

``(ii) engaging minority-serving institutions, and employers from nontraditional apprenticeship industries or occupations; and

``(iii) engaging small, medium-size, and minority businesses, and employers in high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand industry sectors and occupations that are nontraditional apprenticeship industries or occupations.

``(2) Technical assistance activities.--The Secretary shall--

``(A) provide technical assistance and disseminate best practices as applicable to employers, sponsors, State apprenticeship agencies, qualified intermediaries, education and training or related instruction providers, or other entities; and

``(B) cooperate with the--

``(i) Secretary of Education on establishing and sharing best practices for the alignment of apprenticeship programs with the education system, including supporting the stackability and portability of academic credit and credentials earned as part of such programs; and

``(ii) State workforce development systems to promote awareness of opportunities under the national apprenticeship system.

``(3) State offices of apprenticeship.--

``(A) Establishment of offices.--

``(i) In general.--The Secretary, at the request of a State described in clause (ii), shall establish and operate State Offices of Apprenticeship to serve as the registration agency for a State described in clause (ii).

``(ii) Applicable states.--An applicable State is a State--

``(I) in which, as of the day before the date of enactment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, the Secretary has not--

``(aa) established a State Office of Apprenticeship; and

``(bb) is not recognized a State apprenticeship agency under section 112; and

``(II) submits the request described in clause (i).

``(B) Vacancies.--Subject to the availability of appropriations, in the case of a State Office of Apprenticeship with a vacant position, the Secretary shall--

``(i) make publicly available information on such vacancy; and

``(ii) report to the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate, on the status and length of such vacancy if such vacancy is not filled not later than 90 days after such position has become vacant.

``(C) Rule of construction.--Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prohibit any State described in subparagraph (A)(ii) from establishing an agency or entity to promote programs under the national apprenticeship system in such State, in coordination with the State Office of Apprenticeship operating in the State, however, such agency or entity may not serve as the registration agency in such State unless it obtains recognition pursuant to section 112.

``(4) Quality standards, apprenticeship agreement, and registration review.--In order for the Secretary to support the performance standards of programs under the national apprenticeship system and to extend the application of such standards in apprenticeship agreements, not later than 1 year after the effective date of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, and not less than every 5 years thereafter, the Secretary shall review, and where appropriate, update the process for meeting the requirements of subtitle B, including applicable regulations and subregulatory guidance to ensure that such process is easily accessible and efficient to bring together employers and labor as sponsors or potential sponsors of programs under the national apprenticeship system.

``(5) Apprenticeable occupations.--

``(A) Proactively approved occupations.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, the Secretary shall develop regulations outlining a process for proactively establishing and approving standards for apprenticeable occupations in consultation with industry.

``(B) Existing apprenticeable occupations.--In consultation with employers, the Secretary shall regularly review and update the requirements for each apprenticeable occupation to ensure that such requirements are in compliance with requirements under this Act, meet the needs of employers in such occupation, and promote the participation of small businesses.

``(C) New apprenticeable occupation.--

``(i) In general.--The Secretary shall review and make a determination on whether to approve an occupation as an apprenticeable occupation not later than 45 days after receiving an application from a person or current or prospective program sponsor seeking such approval from the Secretary.

``(ii) Estimated timeline.--If such determination is not made within 45 days, the Secretary shall provide the applicant with a written explanation for the delay and offer an estimated timeline for a determination.

``(D) Industry recognized occupational standards.--

``(i) In general.--From the funds appropriated under section 141(a), the Secretary shall convene, on an ongoing basis, the industry sector leaders and experts described in clause (ii) for the purposes of establishing or updating specific frameworks of industry recognized occupational standards for apprenticeable occupations (including potential apprenticeable occupations) that--

``(I) meet the requirements of this Act; and

``(II) describe program scope and length, related instruction, on-the-job training, recognized postsecondary credentials, and competencies, and relevant timelines for review of such frameworks.

``(ii) Industry sector leaders and experts.--The sector leaders and experts are employers, industry associations, joint labor-management organizations, labor organizations, education and training providers, credential providers, program participants, and other stakeholders relevant to the sector or occupation for which the frameworks are being established or updated, as determined by the Secretary.

``(iii) Priority industry recognized apprenticeable occupations.--In establishing frameworks under clause (i) for the first time after the effective date of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, the Secretary shall prioritize the establishment of such standards in high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors and occupations.

``(6) Program oversight and evaluation.--The Secretary shall monitor State apprenticeship agencies and State Offices of Apprenticeship.

``(7) Promoting diversity in the national apprenticeship system.--The Secretary shall promote diversity and ensure equal opportunity to participate in programs for apprentices, youth apprentices, and pre-apprentices, including--

``(A) taking steps necessary to promote diversity in apprenticeable occupations under the national apprenticeship system, especially in high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors and occupations in areas with high percentages of low-income individuals; and

``(B) ensuring programs under the national apprenticeship system adopt and implement policies to provide for equal opportunity to participate in programs under the national apprenticeship system and do not engage in discrimination as prohibited by section 30.3(a) of title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on the day before the date of enactment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021), or engage in intimidation or retaliation as prohibited by section 30.17 of title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on the day before the date of enactment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021).

``(8) Grants awards.--The Secretary shall award grants under title II.

``(9) Coordination.--The Secretary shall coordinate and align programs under the national apprenticeship system with related Federal programs.

``(b) Information Collection and Dissemination.--The Secretary shall provide for data collection and dissemination of information regarding programs under the national apprenticeship system, including--

``(1) establishing and supporting a single information technology infrastructure to support data collection and reporting from State apprenticeship agencies, State Offices of Apprenticeship, grantees under title II, program sponsors, and program administrators under the national apprenticeship system by providing for a data infrastructure that--

``(A) is developed and maintained by the Secretary, with input from national data and privacy experts, and is informed by best practices related to credential transparency; and

``(B) best meets the needs of the national apprenticeship system stakeholders reporting data to the Secretary or State apprenticeship agencies; and

``(2) making nonpersonally identifiable apprenticeship data publicly available, searchable, and comparable so that interested parties can become aware of apprenticeship opportunities and of program outcomes that best meets the needs of youth apprentices, pre-apprentices, and apprentices, employers, education and training providers, program sponsors, and relevant stakeholders, including--

``(A) information on program offerings under the national apprenticeship system based on geographical location and apprenticeable occupation;

``(B) information on education and training providers providing opportunities under such system, including whether programs under such system offer dual or concurrent enrollment programs and articulation agreements;

``(C) information about the educational and occupational credentials and related competencies of programs under such system; and

``(D) using the most recent data available to the Office that is consistent with national standards and practices.



``(a) Recognition of State Apprenticeship Agencies.--

``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall recognize a State agency as a State apprenticeship agency in accordance with this section and cooperate with such State apprenticeship agency regarding the formulation and promotion of standards of apprenticeship under subtitle B.

``(2) Application.--For a State desiring to have a State agency recognized as a State apprenticeship agency under this section, the Governor shall submit the State plan described in subsection (c)--

``(A) to the Secretary at such time and in such manner as the Secretary may require; or

``(B) to the State workforce board for inclusion in the the State plan under section 102 or 103 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (20 U.S.C. 3112, 3113).

``(3) Review and recognition.--

``(A) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date on which a State submits the State plan under paragraph (2), the Secretary shall notify the State regarding whether the agency of the State is recognized as a State apprenticeship agency under this section.

``(B) Duration of recognition.--

``(i) Duration.--The recognition of a State apprenticeship agency shall be for a 4-year period beginning on the date the State apprenticeship agency is notified under subparagraph


``(ii) Notification.--

``(I) In general.--The Secretary shall notify a State apprenticeship agency not later than 180 days before the last day of the 4-year period regarding whether the State apprenticeship agency is in compliance with this section.

``(II) Compliance.--In the case of a State apprenticeship agency that is in compliance with this section, the agency's recognition under this section shall be renewed for an additional 4-year period and the notification under subclause

(I) shall include notification of such renewal.

``(III) Noncompliance.--In the case of a State apprenticeship agency that is not in compliance with this section, the notification shall--

``(aa) specify the areas of noncompliance;

``(bb) require corrective action; and

``(cc) offer technical assistance.

``(iii) Renewal after correction.--If the Secretary determines that a State apprenticeship agency has corrected the identified areas of noncompliance under this subparagraph not later than 180 days of notification of noncompliance, the State apprenticeship agency's recognition under this section shall be renewed for an additional 4-year period.

``(C) Transition period for state agencies.--

``(i) Transition.--A State agency that, as of the day before the date of enactment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, was recognized by the Secretary for purposes of registering apprenticeship programs in accordance with the Act of August 16, 1937 (50 Stat. 664, chapter 663; 29 U.S.C. 50 et seq.), shall continue to be recognized for 1 year after the effective date of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

``(ii) Application for recognition.--Not later than 1 year after the effective date of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, a State agency that, as of the day before the date of enactment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, was recognized by the Secretary for purposes of registering apprenticeship programs in accordance with the Act of August 16, 1937 (50 Stat. 664, chapter 663; 29 U.S.C. 50 et seq.), shall submit an application under paragraph (2).

``(iii) Recognition period.--A State agency described in clause (ii) shall be recognized as a State apprenticeship agency under this section for a 4-year period beginning on the date on which the Secretary approves the application submitted by the State agency under paragraph (2).

``(b) Authority of a State Apprenticeship Agency.--

``(1) In general.--For the period during which a State apprenticeship agency is recognized under subsection (a) and to maintain such recognition, the State apprenticeship agency shall carry out the requirements of this Act.

``(2) Program recognition.--With respect to a State with a State apprenticeship agency, the State apprenticeship agency shall have sole authority to recognize a pre-apprenticeship, youth apprenticeship, or apprenticeship program in such State, which shall include--

``(A) determining whether such program is in compliance with the standards for such program under section 121;

``(B) in the case of such a program that is in compliance with such standards, recognizing the program and providing a certificate of recognition for such program;

``(C) providing technical assistance to current or potential sponsors; and

``(D) in the case of such a program that fails to meet the requirements of this Act, providing for the withdrawal of recognition of the program in accordance with section 131(b).

``(3) State apprenticeship council.--

``(A) In general.--A State apprenticeship agency may establish and use or continue the use of a State apprenticeship council if the State apprenticeship council operates, or will operate, under the direction of the State apprenticeship agency, and in compliance with the requirements of this Act. The State apprenticeship council shall not have authority to register programs or otherwise control or direct the operations of the State apprenticeship agency.

``(B) Composition.--A State apprenticeship council may be regulatory or advisory in nature, and shall--

``(i) be composed of persons familiar with apprenticeable occupations; and

``(ii) be fairly balanced, with an equal number of--

``(I) representatives of employer organizations (including from nontraditional apprenticeship industries or occupations);

``(II) representatives of labor organizations or joint labor-management organizations (including from nontraditional apprenticeship industries or occupations); and

``(III) public members.

``(C) Special rule.--A State apprenticeship council shall not be eligible for recognition as a State apprenticeship agency.

``(c) State Plan.--

``(1) In general.--

``(A) In general.--For a state apprenticeship agency to be eligible to receive allotments under subsection (f), the State shall submit to the Secretary a State plan in accordance with subsection (a)(2).

``(B) Subsequent plans.--

``(i) In general.--Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, a State plan shall be submitted to the Secretary not later than 120 days prior to the end of the 4-year period covered by the preceding State plan.

``(ii) Approval.--A State plan shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary and shall be considered to be approved at the end of the 90-day period beginning on the date that the plan is submitted under this paragraph, unless the Secretary, during the 90-day period, provides the State apprenticeship agency, in writing--

``(I) an explanation for why the State plan is inconsistent with the requirements of this Act; and

``(II) an opportunity for an appeal of such determination.

``(C) Modifications.--

``(i) In general.--At the end of the first 2-year period of any 4-year State plan, the State may submit modifications to the State plan to reflect changes in labor market and economic conditions or other factors affecting the implementation of the State plan.

``(ii) Approval.--A modified State plan submitted for review under clause (i) shall be subject to the approval requirements described in subparagraph (B)(ii).

``(2) State laws.--The State plan shall include--

``(A) a description of any laws (including regulations), policies, and operational procedures relating to the process of recognizing programs under the national apprenticeship system that are inconsistent with, or impose requirements in addition to, the requirements of this Act; and

``(B) an assurance that the State will notify the Secretary if there are any changes to the State laws (including regulations), policies, or procedures described in subparagraph (A) that occur after the date of submission of such plan.

``(3) Technical assistance.--A description of how the State apprenticeship agency will provide technical assistance for--

``(A) potential sponsors, employers, qualified intermediaries, apprentices, or any potential program participant in the national apprenticeship system in the State for the purposes of recruitment, retention, and program development or expansion; and

``(B) sponsors of programs registered in the State that are not meeting performance goals under subtitle C for purposes of assisting such sponsors in meeting such goals.

``(4) Reciprocity.--An assurance that the State apprenticeship agency, in the case of a program recognized by a registration agency in another State and seeking registration in the State of such agency under this paragraph, shall recognize such program in the State of such agency for purposes of this Act by not later than 30 days after receipt of an application for such recognition.

``(5) Promoting diversity in the national apprenticeship system.--A description of how the State apprenticeship agency will promote diversity and equal employment opportunity in programs under the national apprenticeship system in the State that--

``(A) promotes diversity in apprenticeable occupations offered throughout the State, and a description of how such agency will promote the addition of apprenticeable occupations in high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors and occupations, and in nontraditional apprenticeship occupations and sectors; and

``(B) provides technical assistance on the implementation of the requirements of section 111(b)(7)(B).

``(6) Complaints.--A description of the system for the State apprenticeship agency to receive and resolve complaints concerning violations of the apprenticeship agreement, submitted by program participants, sponsors, or employers.

``(7) State apprenticeship hubs.--A description of how the State apprenticeship agency will consider the creation and implementation of apprenticeship hubs throughout the State, in a manner that takes into consideration geographic diversity, that shall work with industry and sector partnerships to expand programs under the national apprenticeship system, and apprenticeable occupations, in the State.

``(8) State apprenticeship performance outcomes.--A description of how the State apprenticeship agency shall--

``(A) in coordination with the Secretary, establish annual performance goals for the programs registered by the State apprenticeship agency for the indicators described in section 131(b)(1)(A);

``(B) describe how the State apprenticeship agency will collect performance data from programs registered by the agency; and

``(C) annually report on the outcomes of each such program in relation to the State established goals under subparagraph


``(10) Alignment of workforce activities.--Each State plan shall describe how programs under the national apprenticeship system in the State are aligned with State workforce and education activities.

``(11) State apprenticeship council.--A description of the composition, roles, and responsibility of the State apprenticeship council, if such council exists, and how the Council will comply with the requirements of subsection


``(d) State Apprenticeship Agency Funding.--A State apprenticeship agency shall use funds received under subsection (f)(1)(A)(ii) according to the following requirements:

``(1) Program administration.--The State apprenticeship agency shall use such funds to support the administration of programs under the national apprenticeship system across the State, including for--

``(A) staff and resources;

``(B) oversight and evaluation as required under this Act;

``(C) technical assistance to program sponsors, program participants, employers, education and training providers, and qualified intermediaries;

``(D) pre-apprenticeship, youth, and apprenticeship program recruitment and development, including for--

``(i) engaging potential providers of such programs such as employers, qualified intermediaries, related instruction providers, and potential program participants;

``(ii) publicizing apprenticeship opportunities and benefits; and

``(iii) engaging State workforce and education systems for collaboration and alignment across systems; and

``(E) supporting the enrollment and apprenticeship certification requirements to allow veterans and other individuals eligible for the educational assistance programs under chapters 30 through 36 of title 38, United States Code, and any related educational assistance programs under laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, to use such assistance for the apprenticeship program, including the requirement of designating a certifying official.

``(2) Leadership activities.--

``(A) In general.--A State apprenticeship agency may reserve not more than 25 percent of the funds received under subsection (f) in support of State apprenticeship initiatives described in this paragraph.

``(B) Diversity.--Not less than 5 percent of the amount reserved under subparagraph (A) shall be used by the State apprenticeship agency for supporting and expanding diversity in apprenticeable occupations under the national apprenticeship system in the State, and program participant populations in the State.

``(C) Incentives for employers.--A State apprenticeship agency may use the funds reserved under subparagraph (A) to incentivize employers to participate in programs under the national apprenticeship system.

``(D) State-specific initiatives.--A State apprenticeship agency may use the funds reserved under subparagraph (A) for State-specific initiatives, such as the development or expansion of youth apprenticeship programs, pre-apprenticeship programs, or apprenticeship programs in high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors and occupations.

``(E) Workforce alignment.--A State apprenticeship agency may use the funds reserved under subparagraph (A) to engage with the State's workforce development system in support of alignment with the State's workforce activities and strategic vision.

``(F) Education alignment.--A State apprenticeship agency may use the funds reserved under subparagraph (A) to engage with the State education system in support of alignment of related instruction provided under the national apprenticeship system in the State with academic credit granting postsecondary programs.

``(3) State match for federal investment.--Except in the case of exceptional circumstances, as determined by the Secretary, in order to receive a full allotment under subsection (f), a State apprenticeship agency shall use matching funds from non-Federal resources to carry out the activities of the agency under this Act in an amount not less than 15 percent of such allotment.

``(e) Derecognition of State Apprenticeship Agencies.--

``(1) In general.--The Secretary may withdraw recognition of a State apprenticeship agency before the end of the agency's 4-year recognition period under subsection (a)(2)(B) if the Secretary determines, after notice and an opportunity for a hearing, that the State apprenticeship agency has failed for one of the reasons described in paragraph (2), and has not been in compliance with the performance improvement plan under paragraph (3) to remedy such failure.

``(2) Derecognition criteria.--The recognition of a State apprenticeship agency under this section may be withdrawn under paragraph (1) in a case in which the State apprenticeship agency fails to--

``(A) adopt or properly enforce a State plan;

``(B) properly carry out its role as the sole registration agency in the State;

``(C) submit a report under section 131(a)(1)(B) for any program year;

``(D) meet the State levels of performance as described in subsection (b)(2)(A)(iii) for 3 program years, or demonstrate improvements in performance during such period; or

``(E) otherwise fulfill or operate in compliance with the requirements of this Act.

``(3) Derecognition process.--

``(A) In general.--If a State apprenticeship agency fails for any of the reasons described in paragraph (2), the Secretary shall provide technical assistance to such agency for corrective action to remedy such failure, including assistance in the development of a performance improvement plan.

``(B) Reduction of funds.--Except in the case of exceptional circumstances as determined by the Secretary, in a case in which such a State apprenticeship agency continues such failure after the provision of the technical assistance under subparagraph (A)--

``(i) the percentage of the funds to be allotted to the State apprenticeship agency under subsection (f) for each fiscal year following the fiscal year in which such failure has been identified shall be reduced by 5 percentage points; and

``(ii) the Secretary shall provide notice to the State apprenticeship agency that the agency's recognition under this section may be withdrawn if the agency fails to remedy the failure.

``(C) Termination of proceedings.--If the Secretary determines that the State apprenticeship agency's corrective action under subparagraph (A) has addressed the agency's failure identified under paragraph (2), the Secretary shall--

``(i) restore the agency's full funding allocation under this title for the next full fiscal year and for each succeeding year; and

``(ii) notify the State apprenticeship agency that the agency's recognition will not be withdrawn under this section for the reason for which the agency's funding under this title was most recently reduced.

``(D) Opportunity for hearing.--

``(i) In general.--In a case in which a State apprenticeship agency fails to remedy a failure identified under paragraph (2), the Secretary shall--

``(I) notify, in writing, the State apprenticeship agency of the failure of the State apprenticeship agency, including a description of such failure and an explanation the agency's recognition under this section may be withdrawn as a result of such failure; and

``(II) offer the State apprenticeship agency an opportunity to request a hearing not later than 30 days after the date of such notice.

``(ii) Referral to office of administrative law judges.--In a case in which the State apprenticeship agency requests a hearing under clause (i)(II), the Secretary shall refer the matter to the Department's Office of Administrative Law Judges, which shall adjudicate the matter pursuant to its regulations, with an opportunity to appeal the Administrative Law Judge's decision to the Department's Administrative Review Board.

``(4) Requirements after withdrawal of recognition.--

``(A) Office of apprenticeship.--

``(i) Prior to order.--Prior to the withdrawal of the recognition of a State apprenticeship agency under this section, the Secretary shall--

``(I) establish a State Office of Apprenticeship using the process described in section 111(b)(3); and

``(II) provide to the State apprenticeship agency an order withdrawing recognition of such agency under this section.

``(ii) After order.--Not later than 30 days after the date of such order, notify the sponsors of the programs under the national apprenticeship system in such State that were registered with the State apprenticeship agency to enable each such sponsor to be registered with the Secretary (acting through the State Office of Apprenticeship established under clause (i)(II)).

``(B) State apprenticeship agency requirements.--A State agency whose recognition as a State apprenticeship agency under this section has been withdrawn under paragraph (3) shall--

``(i) provide to the Secretary program standards, apprenticeship agreements, completion records, cancellation and suspension records, performance metrics, and any other documents relating to the State's programs under the national apprenticeship system in the State;

``(ii) cooperate fully during the transition period beginning on the date of the order withdrawing such recognition and ending on the date on which the Secretary establishes a State Office of Apprenticeship in the State; and

``(iii) return any unused funds received under this Act.

``(5) Reinstatement of recognition.--A State apprenticeship agency that has had its recognition withdrawn under this section may have such recognition reinstated upon presentation of adequate evidence that the State apprenticeship agency has--

``(A) has submitted an application under subsection (a)(2), and

``(B) has demonstrated the ability to operate in compliance with the requirements of this Act.

``(f) Reservation and State Allotments.--

``(1) State allotments.--

``(A) In general.--Of the amount appropriated under subsection (g) for a fiscal year--

``(i) 1/3 shall be equally distributed among each State Office of Apprenticeship, outlying area, and eligible State; and

``(ii) 2/3 shall be allotted to eligible States on the basis described in subparagraph (B).

``(B) Formula.--

``(i) In general.--Of the amount available under subparagraph (A)(ii)--

``(I) 50 percent shall be allotted on the basis of the relative share of apprentices in each eligible State, as determined on the basis of the most recent satisfactory data available from the Secretary, compared to the total number of apprentices in all eligible States; and

``(II) 50 percent shall be allotted on the basis described in clause (ii).

``(ii) Allotments.--Of the amount available under clause


``(I) 33\1/3\ percent shall be allotted on the basis of the relative share of jobs that are available in each eligible State on the last business day of the month, as determined on the basis of the most recent satisfactory data available from the Secretary, compared to the total number of jobs available in all eligible States, as so determined; and

``(II) 33\1/3\ percent shall be allotted the basis of the relative number of unemployed individuals in areas of substantial unemployment in each State, compared to the total number of unemployed individuals in areas of substantial unemployment in all eligible States; and

``(III) 33\1/3\ percent shall be allotted on the basis of the relative share of individuals in the civilian labor force in each eligible State, compared to the total number of individuals in the civilian labor force in all eligible States.

``(2) Definitions.--In this subsection:

``(A) Area of substantial unemployment.--The term `area of substantial unemployment' has the meaning given the term in section 132(b)(1)(B)(v) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3172(b)(1)(B)(v)).

``(B) Eligible state.--The term `eligible State' means a State that has a State apprenticeship agency.

``(C) Outlying area.--The term `outlying area' means American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the United States Virgin Islands.

``(g) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section--

``(1) $75,000,000 for fiscal year 2022;

``(2) $76,000,000 for fiscal year 2023;

``(3) $77,000,000 for fiscal year 2024;

``(4) $78,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; and

``(5) $79,000,000 for fiscal year 2026.

``Subtitle B--Process and Standards for the National Apprenticeship



``(a) Apprenticeship.--

``(1) Approval.--For an occupation to be an apprenticeable occupation under this Act, an entity seeking approval for such occupation to be an apprenticeable occupation shall submit an application to the Secretary that demonstrates that apprenticeships under such apprenticeable occupation will prepare individuals for the full range of skills and competencies needed for such occupation through a time-based, competency-based, or a hybrid model as described in section 121(b)(1)(D).

``(2) Additional apprenticeable occupations.--The Secretary, in consultation with employers and other stakeholders in related industries, may establish standards for additional apprenticeable occupations as necessary.

``(b) Apprenticeship Program Standards.--In addition to the standards described in subsection (e), an apprenticeship program shall meet the following standards:

``(1) The program has an organized and clearly written plan, developed by the sponsor, that includes, at a minimum, the following information:

``(A) The employment and training to be received by each apprentice participating in the program, including--

``(i) an outline of the work processes or the plan in which the apprentice will receive supervised work experience and on-the-job learning;

``(ii) the allocation of the approximate amount of time to be spent in each major work process; and

``(iii) a description or timeline explaining the periodic reviews and evaluations of the apprentice's performance on the job and in related instruction.

``(B) A description of the organized, related instruction the apprentice will receive in technical subjects related to the occupation, which--

``(i) for time-based or hybrid apprenticeship programs as described in subparagraph (D), shall include not less than 144 hours for each year of apprenticeship, unless an alternative requirement is put forth by the employer and sponsor that reflects industry standards and is accepted by the registration agency;

``(ii) may be accomplished through classroom instruction, occupational or industry courses, instruction provided through electronic media, or other instruction approved by the registration agency; and

``(iii) shall be provided by one or more qualified instructors that--

``(I) meet the requirements for a vocational-technical instructor in the State of registration; or

``(II) are subject matter experts, defined for purposes of this subparagraph as individuals recognized within an industry as having expertise in a specific occupation.

``(C) A progressively increasing, clearly defined schedule of wages to be paid to the apprentice that is--

``(i) consistent with skill gains or attainment of a recognized postsecondary credential; and

``(ii) ensures the entry wage is not less than the greater of--

``(I) the minimum wage required under section 6(a) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 206(a)); or

``(II) the applicable wage required by other applicable Federal or State laws (including regulations) or collective bargaining agreements.

``(D) The term of the apprenticeship program, which may be measured using--

``(i) a time-based model, which requires the completion of the industry standard for on-the-job learning hours (which in no case shall be less than 2,000 hours, unless an alternative requirement is put forth by the employer and sponsor that reflects industry standards and is accepted by the registration agency);

``(ii) a competency-based model, which requires the attainment of competency in the occupation; or

``(iii) a hybrid model, which blends the time-based and competency-based approaches.

``(E) The methods used to measure an apprentice's skills and competencies, which shall include--

``(i) in the case of a competency-based model, the individual apprentice's successful demonstration of acquired skills and knowledge through appropriate means of testing and evaluation for such competencies, and by requiring apprentices to complete a paid on-the-job learning component of the apprenticeship;

``(ii) in the case of a time-based apprenticeship described in subparagraph (D)(i), the individual apprentice's completion of the required hours of on-the-job learning as described in a work process schedule; or

``(iii) in the case of a hybrid apprenticeship described in subparagraph (D)(iii), a combination of specified minimum number of hours of on-the-job learning and the successful demonstration of competency, as described in a work process schedule.

``(2) The program equally grants advanced standing or credit to all individuals applying for the apprenticeship with demonstrated competency or acquired experience or skills, and provides commensurate wages for any progression in standing or credit so granted, including for veterans' service-acquired skills and experiences.

``(3) The program has minimum qualifications for individuals desiring to enter the apprenticeship program, with an eligible starting age for an apprentice of not less than 16 years.

``(4) In the case of a program that chooses to issue an interim credential, the program--

``(A) clearly identifies each interim credential;

``(B) only issues an interim credential for recognized components of an apprenticeable occupation and demonstrates how each interim credential specifically links to the knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with such components; and

``(C) establishes the process for assessing an individual apprentice's demonstration of competency and measurable skill gains associated with the particular interim credential.

``(c) Pre-apprenticeship Program Standards.--In addition to the standards described in subsection (e), a pre-apprenticeship program shall meet the following standards:

``(1) The program is designed to assist individuals who do not meet minimum qualifications for an apprenticeship program as described in subsection (b), and prepare them to enter and succeed in apprenticeship programs, including by providing the skills and competency attainment needed to enter the apprenticeship program.

``(2) The program includes a written plan developed by the sponsor that--

``(A) provides for work-based learning in which an industry or sector partnership and a related instruction provider collaborate to provide training that will introduce participants to the skills, competencies, and materials used in one or more apprenticeable occupations;

``(B) is based on and aligned with national, State, regional, or local industry standards for high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors and occupations;

``(C) to the extent appropriate and practicable, meets the related instruction requirements as described in clauses (ii) through (iv) of subsection (b)(1)(C); and

``(D) includes mentoring, career exposure, career planning, and career awareness activities.

``(d) Youth Apprenticeship Program Standards.--In addition to the standards described in subsection (e), a youth apprenticeship program shall meet the following standards:

``(1) The program is designed for youth apprentices who at the start of the program are enrolled in high school.

``(2) The program includes each of the following core elements:

``(A) The employment and training to be received by each youth apprentice participating in the program, including--

``(i) an outline of the work processes or the plan in which the youth apprentice will receive supervised work experience;

``(ii) the allocation of the approximate amount of time to be spent in each major work process; and

``(iii) a description or timeline explaining the periodic reviews and evaluations of the youth apprentice's performance on the job and in related instruction.

``(B) Related classroom-based instruction, which may be fulfilled through dual or concurrent enrollment.

``(C) The term of the youth apprenticeship program, as described in subsection (b)(1)(E).

``(D) For a competency-based or hybrid youth apprenticeship program, the methods used to measure skill acquisition for a youth apprentice, including ongoing assessment against established skill and competency standards as described in subsection (a)(1)(F).

``(E) Prepares the youth apprentice for placement in further education, employment, or an apprenticeship program.

``(3) In the case of a youth apprenticeship program that chooses to issue an interim credential, the program meets the requirements of subsection (b)(4).

``(e) General Requirements.--Each program under the national apprenticeship system shall meet the following standards:

``(1) The program has safe equipment, environments, and facilities for on-the-job learning and supervision.

``(2) The program records and maintains all records concerning the program as may be required by the Secretary, the registration agency of the program, or any other applicable law, including records required under title 38, United States Code, in order for veterans and other individuals eligible for educational assistance under such title to use such assistance for enrollment in the program.

``(3) The program provides all individuals with an equal opportunity to participate in the program as described in section 111(b)(7)(B).

``(4) The program awards a certificate of completion in recognition of successful completion of the program, evidenced by an appropriate certificate issued by the registration agency.

``(5) The program provides that an individual who is to become a program participant under the program enters into a written apprenticeship agreement described in subsection (g) with the sponsor of the program.

``(f) Waiver or Modification Authority.--The Secretary shall have authority to--

``(1) waive any requirements of subsections (b) through (e) for small businesses or first-time sponsors who demonstrate a need for such waiver; and

``(2) modify the requirements of subsections (b) through

(e), as applicable, upon request from employers or other industry stakeholders.

``(g) Apprenticeship Agreements.--To ensure the standards described in subsections (a) through (e) are applied to programs under the national apprenticeship system, the registration agency shall require a sponsor to develop an apprenticeship agreement that shall--

``(1) be the same for each program participant;

``(2) contain the names and signatures of the program participant and the sponsor;

``(3) meet the requirements of subsection (h), and any other requirements determined solely by the sponsor; and

``(4) be submitted to the registration agency in accordance with section 121(i).

``(h) Apprenticeship Agreement Standards.--Each agreement under subsection (g) shall contain, explicitly or by reference--

``(1) in the case of an apprenticeship program--

``(A) that is time-based, a statement of the number of hours to be spent by the program participant in on-the-job learning and work components in order to complete the program;

``(B) that is competency-based, a description of the skill sets to be attained by completion of the program, including the on-the-job learning and work components; or

``(C) that is hybrid-based, the minimum number of hours to be spent by the program participant in on-the-job learning and work components and in related instruction, and a description of the skill sets and competencies to be attained by completion of the program;

``(2) the number of hours and form of related instruction;

``(3) a schedule of the work processes in the occupation or industry divisions in which the program participant is to be educated and the approximate time to be spent at each process;

``(4) for apprenticeships, the graduated wage scale to be paid to the apprentices in the apprentices' locality, benefits offered to the apprentices in the apprentices' locality, and how the wages and benefits compare to State, local, or regional wages in the related occupation;

``(5) assurance of compliance with section 111(b)(7)(B) stating that the program participant will be accorded equal opportunity; and

``(6) the ratio of program participants to mentors, journeyworkers, or on-the-job training instructors, as applicable, for the apprenticeable occupation, that are based on evidence-based and evidence-informed best practices for safety throughout the work processes of the program, job site, department, or plant.

``(i) Apprenticeship Registration Application.--The Secretary shall provide for the registration of programs in which a sponsor applying to register a program under the national apprenticeship system shall request registration of such program from a registration agency by submitting the information required by the registration agency, including--

``(1) information demonstrating that each of the requirements of subsections (a) through (f) will be met for the program;

``(2) a copy of the apprenticeship agreement described in subsection (g) used by the sponsor;

``(3) a written assurance that, if the program is registered under this title, the sponsor will administer the program in accordance with the requirements of this title and comply with the requirements of the apprenticeship agreement for each apprentice; and

``(4) methods for reporting annually data describing the outcomes associated with the program as required by the registration agency.

``(j) Recognition and Registration Process.--

``(1) Review and approval process.--

``(A) Provisional approval review.--An application submitted under subsection (i) that the registration agency determines meets the requirements described in such subsection shall be registered for a provisional 1-year period beginning not later than 30 days after such application is submitted. During such period, the registration agency shall accept and record the apprenticeship agreement as evidence of the program's compliance and registration to operate such program.

``(B) Full approval or extended provisional approval.--By the end of a provisional registration period for a program, the registration agency providing provisional approval under subparagraph (A) shall review the program for quality and for compliance with the applicable standards under this subtitle and all other applicable program requirements under this Act, and--

``(i) if a registration agency conducting a provisional review determines that the program complies with the standards and requirements under this Act, the registration agency shall fully approve the registration of the program; or

``(ii) if a registration agency conducting a provisional review determines that the program is not conforming to the requirements or standards under this Act, the registration agency may continue the provisional registration of the program through the first full training cycle for program participants, and conduct an additional provisional review at the conclusion of the training cycle.

``(C) Failure to meet requirements.--If a registration agency conducting a provisional review under subparagraph (A) determines that the program is not in operation or does not conform to the requirements under this Act, the registration agency shall recommend technical assistance and corrective action for the program, or deregistration, in accordance with procedures established under section 131(b).

``(2) Certificate of registration.--

``(A) In general.--A registration agency that registers a program under paragraph (1) shall--

``(i) provide the sponsor of the program with a certificate of registration or other written evidence of registration;

``(ii) provide a copy of the certificate of registration; and

``(iii) provide a copy of the certificate of registration to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs or the applicable State veterans agency for the purpose of aligning the registration process with the process for approving such program for eligible veterans' use of supplemental educational assistance benefits.

``(B) Registration name.--A program shall be registered in the name of the sponsor, or if a sponsor enters into a partnership with an employer who registers the program, in the name of the employer.

``(3) Program participant registration.--A sponsor providing a program that is registered in accordance with paragraph (2) shall provide to an individual seeking to be a program participant the opportunity to apply through the sponsor, and shall--

``(A) enter into a written individual apprenticeship agreement described in subsection (g) with each such individual before the commencement of the program; and

``(B) individually register each program participant with the registration agency by filing a copy of the individual apprenticeship agreement with the registration agency or as otherwise required by the registration agency, and sharing a copy with the Secretary as appropriate, as described under subsection (i).

``(4) Transition process for previously approved programs.--With respect to the sponsor of a program that is approved for apprenticeship purposes as of the day before the date of enactment of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, a registration agency shall do the following:

``(A) If such program meets the requirements of this Act, take such steps as necessary to ensure such program maintains status as a program under this Act.

``(B) If such program does not comply with the requirements of this Act, provide technical assistance to ensure such sponsor is in compliance with this Act not later than 3 years after the date of the date of enactment of this Act.

``(k) Modifications or Changes to Youth Apprenticeship, Pre-apprenticeship, or Apprenticeship Programs.--

``(1) Sponsor proposal.--Any sponsor that wishes to modify a program shall submit the proposal for such modification to the registration agency for the program.

``(2) Registration agency requirements.--

``(A) In general.--The registration agency shall determine whether to approve the proposal and notify the sponsor of the determination by not later than 60 days after receipt of the proposal.

``(B) Approval of proposal.--If the proposal is approved, the registration agency shall amend the record of the program to reflect the modification , and provide the sponsor or program administrator with an acknowledgment of the modified program, by not later than 30 days after the date of approval.

``(C) Disapproval of proposal.--If the proposal is not approved, the registration agency shall--

``(i) notify the sponsor of the reasons for the disapproval and provide the sponsor with technical assistance to maintain the program as originally registered;

``(ii) provide the sponsor with the opportunity to submit a revised modification proposal, including providing appropriate technical assistance to modify the proposal in order to meet the requirements of this Act; and

``(iii) in a case in which the sponsor submits a revised modification proposal, not later than 60 days after receipt of such proposal--

``(I) approve the proposal; or

``(II) disapprove the program and provide the sponsor with technical assistance to maintain the program as originally registered.

``Subtitle C--Evaluations and Research


``(a) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is to establish performance accountability measures related to program completion and key indicators of performance under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.).

``(b) Reviews by Registration Agencies.--

``(1) Performance reviews.--

``(A) In general.--A registration agency shall annually collect performance data for each program registered under section 121 by such agency, to determine--

``(i) the performance of the program with respect to the indicators of performance under section 116(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3141(b)(2)(A)(i) or in the case of a youth apprenticeship program, section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii)) of such Act (29 U.S.C. 3141(b)(2)(A)(ii)), to the extent practicable and as applicable to programs under the national apprenticeship system; and

``(ii) the completion rates of the program.

``(B) Reports.--The registration agency for a State shall annually prepare and submit to the Secretary a State performance report that includes, with respect to each program registered under section 121 by such agency--

``(i) information specifying the levels of performance described in subparagraph (A);

``(ii) the percentage of program participants in under-represented apprenticeship populations;

``(iv) the average time to completion for the program as compared to the description in the agreement under section 123(b)(1);

``(v) the average cost per participant during the most recent program year and the 3 preceding program years;

``(vii) information on the State's uses of funds;

``(viii) how resources, whether financial, time, or other were spent on the delivery, improvement, and expansion of program services, activities and evaluations; and

``(ix) the disaggregation of the performance data described in clauses (i) through (v) by--

``(I) the program type (apprenticeship, youth apprenticeship, or pre-apprenticeship program) involved; and

``(II) race, ethnicity, sex, age, and membership in a population specified in section 3(24) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102(24)).

``(2) Reports.--Not later than 60 days after receiving a report under paragraph (1)(B), the Secretary shall make such report publicly available.

``(3) Comprehensive program reviews.--

``(A) In general.--A registration agency shall periodically review each program registered under section 121 by such agency for quality assurance and compliance with the requirements of title I.

``(B) Timing of reviews.--A review described in subparagraph (A) shall occur not less frequently than once every 5 years.

``(C) Review.--The review shall be a comprehensive review regarding all aspects of the program performance determining whether the sponsor of the program is complying with the requirements of title I.

``(D) Reports.--

``(i) In general.--On completion of a review under this paragraph, the registration agency shall prepare and submit to the Secretary a report containing the results of the review.

``(ii) Public availability.--The Secretary shall develop and make publicly available a statewide summary of reports submitted by each registration agency.

``(4) Registration agency discretion.--The registration agency may modify the requirements of this subsection for small businesses or first-time sponsors who demonstrate a need for such modification.

``(c) Subsequent Action.--

``(1) Technical assistance.--The registration agency shall provide technical assistance to the sponsor and identify areas that require technical assistance, including assistance in the development of a performance improvement plan if the registration agency determines, pursuant to any review under subsection (a), that the youth apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, or apprenticeship program--

``(A) is not in operation;

``(B) is not in compliance with the requirements of title I; or

``(C) is achieving levels of performance on the indicators described in subsection (b)(1)(A) that are lower than the State goals.

``(2) Corrective action and deregistration of an apprenticeship program.--The registration agency may take corrective action, and if warranted, deregister a youth apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, or apprenticeship program, after making a determination that the program demonstrates persistent and significant failure to perform successfully, which occurs when--

``(A) the sponsor of the program consistently fails to register at least 1 program participant;

``(B) the program shows a pattern of poor results as determined solely by the registration agency on the indicators described in subsection (a)(1)(A) over a period of 3 years, given the characteristics of program participants and economic conditions in the area served, or are lower than the national or State average;

``(C) the program shows no indication of improvement in the areas identified by the registration agency and in the performance improvement plan under paragraph (1); or

``(D) the sponsor has not administered the program in accordance with the program's registration, as applicable, or with the requirements of this Act.

``(3) Notification and hearing.--If the registration agency makes a determination described in paragraph (2), the registration agency shall notify the Secretary and the sponsor of the determination in writing, and permit the sponsor to request a hearing by the Office of Administrative Law Judges. The registration agency shall transmit to the Secretary a report containing all pertinent facts and circumstances concerning the determination, including findings and a recommendation for deregistration, and copies of all relevant documents and records. If the sponsor requests a hearing it shall be conducted in accordance with the Office of Administrative Law Judges regulations. A party to the proceeding may petition for review of the final decision of the Administrative Law Judge. If the sponsor does not request the hearing, the registration agency shall deregister the program after the period for requesting such a hearing has expired.

``(4) Notification and treatment of apprentices.--Not later than 15 days after the registration agency deregisters a program, or not later than 15 days after the period for requesting such a hearing has expired, the sponsor or program administrator shall notify each program participant--

``(A) of such deregistration and the effective date;

``(B) that such deregistration automatically deprives the program participant of individual registration as part of such program, including the ability to receive a certificate of completion from the registration agency;

``(C) that the deregistration of the program removes the program participant from eligibility for any Federal financial or other assistance, or right, privilege, or exemption under Federal law, that--

``(i) relates to an apprentice; and

``(ii) requires the registration agency's approval; and

``(D) that all youth apprentices, pre-apprentices, or apprentices are referred to the registration agency for information about potential transfers to other programs under the national apprenticeship system.

``(d) Evaluation and Research.--For the purpose of improving the management and effectiveness of the programs and activities carried out under this Act, the Secretary shall conduct, through an independent entity, evaluation and research on the programs and activities carried out under this title.

``(e) Techniques.--The research conducted under this section shall utilize appropriate methodology and research designs.

``(f) Contents.--Such research shall address--

``(1) the general effectiveness of such programs and activities in relation to their cost, including the extent to which the programs and activities--

``(A) improve the skill and employment competencies of participants in comparison to comparably-situated individuals who did not participate in such programs and activities;

``(B) to the extent feasible, increase the levels of total employment, of attainment of recognized postsecondary credentials, and of measurable skills, above the levels that would have existed in the absence of such programs and activities;

``(C) respond to the needs reflected in labor market data in the local area and align with high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industries or occupations; and

``(D) demonstrate a return on investment of Federal, State, local, sponsor, employer, and other funding for programs under the national apprenticeship system, capturing the full level of investment in, and impact of, such programs under the national apprenticeship system;

``(2) best practices in increasing underrepresented apprenticeship populations' participation in programs under the national apprenticeship system; and

``(3) opportunities to scale up effective models under the national apprenticeship system.

``(g) Reports.--

``(1) Independent entity.--The independent entity carrying out the research under subsection (d) shall prepare and submit to the Secretary a final report containing the results of the research.

``(2) Reports to congress.--Not later than 60 days after the receipt of the final report described in paragraph (1), the Secretary shall submit the final report to the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate.

``(h) Public Access.--The Secretary shall make the final report publicly available no later than 60 days after the receipt of the final report.

``Subtitle D--General Provisions


``There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out sections 111 and 112--

``(1) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 2022;

``(2) $41,000,000 for fiscal year 2023;

``(3) $42,000,000 for fiscal year 2024;

``(4) $43,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; and

``(5) $44,000,000 for fiscal year 2026.




``(a) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is to expand access to, and participation in, new industry-led earn-and-learn programs leading to career opportunities in all occupations, particularly high-wage, high-skill, and high-demand occupations, including in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

``(b) Authorization of Apprenticeship Grant Program.--

``(1) In general.--From the amounts authorized under section 202, the Secretary shall award grants, on a competitive basis, to eligible partnerships for the purpose described in subsection (a).

``(2) Duration.--The Secretary shall award grants under this section for a period of--

``(A) not less than 1 year; and

``(B) not more than 4 years.

``(3) Limitations.--

``(A) Amount.--A grant awarded under this section may not be in an amount greater than $1,500,000.

``(B) Number of awards.--An eligible partnership or member of such partnership may not be awarded more than one grant under this section.

``(C) Administration costs.--An eligible partnership awarded a grant under this section may not use more than 5 percent of the grant funds to pay administrative costs associated with activities funded by the grant.

``(c) Matching Funds.--To receive a grant under this section, an eligible partnership shall, through cash or in-kind contributions, provide matching funds from non-Federal sources in an amount equal to or greater than 50 percent of the amount of such grant.

``(d) Applications.--

``(1) In general.--To receive a grant under this section, an eligible partnership shall submit to the Secretary at such a time as the Secretary may require, an application that--

``(A) identifies and designates the entity within the eligible partnership responsible for the administration and supervision of the earn-and-learn program for which such grant funds would be used;

``(B) identifies the businesses and institutions of higher education that comprise the eligible partnership;

``(C) identifies the source and amount of the matching funds required under subsection (c);

``(D) identifies the number of program participants who will participate and complete the relevant earn-and-learn program within 1 year of the expiration of the grant;

``(E) identifies the amount of time, not to exceed 2 years, required for program participants to complete the program;

``(F) identifies the anticipated earnings of program participants--

``(i) 1 year after program completion; and

``(ii) 3 years after program completion;

``(G) describes the specific project for which the application is submitted, including a summary of the relevant classroom and paid structured on-the-job learning students will receive;

``(H) describes how the eligible partnership will finance the program after the end of the grant period;

``(I) describes how the eligible partnership will support the collection of information and data for purposes of the program evaluation required under subsection (i); and

``(J) describes the alignment of the program with State identified in-demand industry sectors and occupations.

``(2) Application review process.--

``(A) Review panel.--Applications submitted under paragraph

(1) shall be read by a panel of readers composed of individuals selected by the Secretary. The Secretary shall assure that an individual assigned under this paragraph does not have a conflict of interest with respect to the applications reviewed by such individual.

``(B) Composition of review panel.--The panel of reviewers selected by the Secretary under subparagraph (A) shall be comprised as follows:

``(i) A majority of the panel shall be individuals who are representative of businesses, which may include owners, executives with optimum hiring authority, or individuals representing business organizations or business trade associations.

``(ii) The remainder of the panel shall be equally divided between individuals who are--

``(I) representatives of institutions of higher education that offer programs of two years or less; and

``(II) representatives of State workforce development boards established under section 101 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3111).

``(C) Review of applications.--The Secretary shall instruct the review panel selected by the Secretary under subparagraph

(A) to evaluate applications using only the criteria specified in paragraph (1) and make recommendations with respect to--

``(i) the quality of the applications;

``(ii) whether a grant should be awarded for a project under this title; and

``(iii) the amount and duration of such grant.

``(D) Priority and distribution.--

``(i) Priority.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give priority to an eligible partnership--

``(I) proposing to serve a high number or high percentage of participants who are from underrepresented apprenticeship populations; or

``(II) providing opportunities in high-wage, high-skill, or in-demand sectors and occupations.

``(ii) Geographic distribution.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall, to the extent practicable, ensure a geographically diverse distribution of grants, including a geographically diverse distribution among regions of the country and among urban, suburban, and rural areas.

``(E) Notification.--Not later than June 30 of each year, the Secretary shall notify each eligible partnership submitting an application under this section of--

``(i) the scores given the applicant by the panel pursuant to this section;

``(ii) the recommendations of the panel with respect to such application;

``(iii) the reasons for the decision of the Secretary in awarding or refusing to award a grant under this section; and

``(iv) modifications, if any, in the recommendations of the panel made to the Secretary.

``(e) Award Basis.--The Secretary shall award grants under this section on the following basis--

``(1) the number of participants to be served by the grant;

``(2) the anticipated income of program participants in relation to the regional median income;

``(3) the alignment of the program with State-identified in-demand industry sectors; and

``(4) the recommendations of the readers under subsection


``(f) Purposes of Awards.--The Secretary may award grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements to eligible entities on a competitive basis for any of the following purposes:

``(1) The creation of new earn-and-learn programs, including apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, and youth apprenticeship programs, or expansion of existing programs.

``(2) Encouraging employer participation in programs under the national apprenticeship system--

``(A) that target individuals with barriers to employment in youth apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, or apprenticeship programs, prioritizing underrepresented apprenticeship populations, such as women, minorities, long-term unemployed individuals with a disability, individuals with substance abuse issues, and veterans;

``(B) that are in high-need social service-related industries, sectors, or occupations, such as direct care workers and early childhood educators;

``(C) that target individuals currently or formerly incarcerated; or

``(D) among small- and medium-sized employers.

``(3) If the eligible entity is a qualified intermediary--

``(A) supporting national industry and equity intermediaries in establishing or expanding sector-based partnerships to support the delivery or expansion of programs under the national apprenticeship system to significant scale in the United States--

``(i) in key sectors, including manufacturing, information technology, cyber security, health care, insurance and finance, energy, hospitality, retail, construction, and other sectors identified by the Secretary; and

``(ii) for underrepresented apprenticeship populations, women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and individuals impacted by the criminal justice system; or

``(B) serving programs under the national apprenticeship system in a local or regional setting.

``(4) Strengthen alignment between programs under the national apprenticeship system and education and training providers with secondary and postsecondary education systems, including degree and credential requirements.

``(g) Use of Funds.--Grant funds provided under this section may be used for--

``(1) supports including marketing, national e-tools, and other expanded capacity and technical assistance supports;

``(2) the purchase of appropriate equipment, technology, or instructional material, aligned with business and industry needs, including machinery, testing equipment, hardware and software;

``(3) student books, supplies, and equipment required for enrollment;

``(4) the reimbursement of up to 50 percent of the wages of a student participating in an earn-and-learn program receiving a grant under this section;

``(5) the development of industry-specific programming;

``(6) supporting the transition of industry-based professionals from an industry setting to an academic setting;

``(7) industry-recognized certification exams or other assessments leading to a recognized postsecondary credential associated with the earn-and-learn program;

``(8) any fees associated with the certifications or assessments described in paragraph (7);

``(9) establishing or expanding partnerships with organizations that provide program participants access to financial planning mentoring, and supportive services that are necessary to enable an individual to participate in and complete a program under the national apprenticeship system;

``(10) conducting outreach and recruitment activities, including assessments of potential participants for, and enrollment of participants in a program under the national apprenticeship system;

``(11) conducting outreach, engagement, and recruitment with employers, industry associations, labor and labor-management organizations, qualified intermediaries, education and training providers, State or local workforce agencies, potential sponsors, communities with high numbers or percentages of underrepresented apprenticeship populations, small- and medium-sized businesses, or rural communities to establish or expand industry or sector partnerships and opportunities under the national apprenticeship system; and

``(12) conducting any activities as described in the application that would advance the purposes of the grant.

``(h) Technical Assistance.--The Secretary may provide technical assistance to eligible partnerships awarded under a grant under this section throughout the grant period for purposes of grant management.

``(i) Evaluation.--

``(1) In general.--The Secretary may reserve up to $500,000 from the amounts made available under section 202 in order to provide for the independent evaluation, which may be conducted by a third-party entity, of the grant program established under this section that includes the following:

``(A) An assessment of the effectiveness of the grant program in expanding earn-and-learn program opportunities offered by employers in conjunction with institutions of higher education.

``(B) The number of students who participated in programs assisted under this section.

``(C) The percentage of students participating in programs assisted under this section who successfully completed the program in the time described in subsection (d)(1)(E).

``(D) The median earnings of program participants--

``(i) 1 year after exiting the program; and

``(ii) 3 years after exiting the program.

``(E) The percentage of program participants assisted under this section who successfully receive a recognized postsecondary credential.

``(F) The number of program participants served by programs receiving funding under this section--

``(i) 2 years after the end of the grant period; and

``(ii) 4 years after the end of the grant period.

``(2) Publication.--The evaluation required by this subsection shall be made publicly available on the website of the Department within 90 days after such evaluation is completed.

``(j) Definitions.--In this section:

``(1) Earn-and-learn program.--The term `earn-and-learn program' means an education program, including an apprenticeship program, that provides students with structured, sustained, and paid on-the-job training and accompanying, for credit, classroom instruction that--

``(A) is for a period of between 3 months and 2 years; and

``(B) leads to, on completion of the program, a recognized postsecondary credential.

``(2) Eligible partnership.--The term `eligible partnership' shall mean a consortium that includes--

``(A) 1 or more businesses; and

``(B) 1 or more institutions of higher education.


``(a) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out only registered apprenticeship activities under this title--

``(1) $200,000,000 for fiscal year 2022;

``(2) $210,000,000 for fiscal year 2023;

``(3) $220,000,000 for fiscal year 2024;

``(4) $230,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; and

``(5) $240,000,000 for fiscal year 2026.

``(b) Special Rule.--Of the funds made available for this title, no less than $200,000,000 shall be provided from the H-1B Nonimmigrant Petitioner Account.''.


(a) American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act of 1998.--Section 414(c) of the American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 2916a) is repealed.

(b) Immigration and Nationality Act.--Section 286(s)(2) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1356(s)(2)) is amended--

(1) in the heading, by striking ``for job training'' and inserting ``for programs under the national apprenticeship system''; and

(2) by striking ``for demonstration programs and projects described in section 414(c) of the American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act of 1998'' and inserting ``to carry out title II of the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021''.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to House Resolution 85, the gentlewoman from New York (Ms. Stefanik) and a Member opposed each will control 5 minutes.

The Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from New York.

Ms. STEFANIK. Madam Speaker, for more than a year, America's workers have faced unprecedented challenges and unimaginable uncertainty.

Today, nearly 9 million fewer Americans are working than before the COVID pandemic struck, robbing mothers, fathers, friends, and neighbors of the dignity, purpose, and security of work.

As we help our Nation recover from the economic toll of COVID-19 and strive to restore the livelihoods of millions of America's workers, we have a responsibility to put forth solutions that strengthen the pathways to meaningful family-sustaining careers.

The apprenticeship model of providing paid work experience, coupled with classroom instruction and on-the-job mentorship, is a proven approach to equipping workers with the skills they need for lifelong success.

Individuals who complete high-quality apprenticeship programs enter into well-paying jobs and do so without the debt that so often saddles our younger generation of workers.

Yet, less than 3 percent of the workforce participates in the registered apprenticeship system, and the vast majority of the programs are concentrated in only a handful of industries. This leaves our strongest workforce development strategies vastly underutilized and emphasizes a blunt truth: Doubling down on this decades-old system won't change the trajectory during this historic time of need.

We must develop an apprenticeship system that is responsive to the demands of the 21st century workplace and accessible to job creators in emerging industry sectors.

Unfortunately, the Democrats' bill doubles down on a one-size-fits-

all approach that closes pathways into the workforce and stifles the employer-led innovation. For all the rhetoric about expanding apprenticeships, the most immediate impact of the underlying bill would be just the opposite, pulling the rug out from under new programs that are equipping healthcare workers to combat the pandemic.

My substitute amendment makes improvements to modernize and reinvigorate the national apprenticeship system, changes that will increase opportunities for workers and help bolster the Nation's economic recovery.

First, expanding apprenticeships to small businesses and new industries will require flexibilities for employers to design a program that fits their unique needs. Our amendment provides this flexibility by allowing small businesses to seek waivers to Federal requirements that don't match the nature of their business and would prevent them from ever developing an apprenticeship program.

Second, engaging more Americans in apprenticeship opportunities will require a robust pipeline of workers with the base skills and workplace competencies to succeed. Our amendment will help grow youth and pre-

apprenticeship programs, equipping them to prepare the next generation for a full range of workforce development opportunities and careers, not siloing them from the start.

Third, in order to empower American innovation, we must allow new models of work-based learning to thrive and let workforce leaders across the country inject dynamism into the age-old system. Our amendment preserves the ability for innovation beyond the traditional registered system to ensure that apprenticeship offerings can develop and adapt as quickly as our job market demands.

There is no clearer example of the promise of innovative models than the array of industry-recognized programs recently developed to educate nurses and healthcare professionals in the midst of the public health crisis we face.

I urge my colleagues to support this amendment to modernize the apprenticeship system and generate opportunities for American workers without the red tape and the roadblocks that remain in the underlying bill.

I thank Ranking Member Foxx, and I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Madam Speaker, I rise in opposition to the amendment.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Michigan is recognized for 5 minutes.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Madam Speaker, first, I include in the Record a letter from the Manufacturing Institute in support of the bill.

Manufacturing Institute,

February 2, 2021.Hon. Bobby Scott,Chairman of Ed & Labor Committee,House of Representatives, Washington, DC.Hon Brian Fitzpatrick,House of Representatives,Washington, DC.

Dear Chairman Scott and Representative Fitzpatrick: On behalf of The Manufacturing Institute (MI), the workforce development and education partner of the National Association of Manufacturers, I am writing to express our support of H.R. 477, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.

Manufacturers' top challenge continues to be the ability to attract and retain a qualified workforce, as noted in the NAM's Quarterly Manufacturers Outlook Survey. At the end of 2020, there were nearly 500,000 open jobs in manufacturing. The current health crisis in our country has left millions without jobs and exacerbated the need for individuals to receive training for the careers that are available now and in the future.

Registered Apprenticeship programs are one tool that can be utilized to support the business community in closing the skills gap and helping individuals enter a rewarding career. The National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, in addition to Congresswoman Slotkin's (D-Ml-8) amendment, addresses many of the challenges that manufacturers have long experienced in the Registered Apprenticeship system by streamlining the registration and approval process and providing a more direct means of support for the companies and education partners that wish to create or expand Registered Apprenticeship programs.

The National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 improves an established model of training and work-based learning that can help to close the skills gap that manufacturers face. We appreciate the bi-partisan agreement that has been reached on this bill and we support its passage.

Thank you for your consideration.


Carolyn Lee,

Executive Director.

Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Madam Speaker, this amendment undermines the core premises behind the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021, which would create 1 million more registered apprenticeship, pre-

apprenticeship, and youth apprenticeship opportunities over the next 5 years.

Registered apprenticeships represent a proven earn-and-learn program. Ninety-four percent of those who complete their apprenticeships are employed upon completion, and they have an average starting salary of


This substitute amendment is nothing less than an attack on the successful registered apprenticeship system. It makes deep cuts to funding in H.R. 447, which will result in sparse growth in new registered apprenticeships, while diverting scarce funds to untested and unproven programs run by third parties.

Instead, it gives the Secretary of Labor and State apprenticeship agencies open-ended authority to waive the quality and accountability standards in this act. Authorizing funding for a program without guardrails is not an approach Congress should be taking when working with the executive branch of either party.

Allow me to address the specifics of the substitute amendment.

First, it allows the Secretary of Labor to divert funds for unproven and untested programs, like the Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs, or IRAPs, created under the Trump administration. Unlike registered apprenticeships, there has been no evaluation of unregistered programs like IRAPs--none. When DOL proposed the creation of IRAPs, it received over 300,000 comments in opposition.

Congress should not be opening the spigots of taxpayer money for programs that lack broad public support, especially when there is no evidence that programs that do not meet registered apprenticeship standards are effective at all. This is an irresponsible use of taxpayer money.

Democrats are, in fact, leading on innovation. For example, an amendment offered by the gentleman from New Hampshire (Mr. Pappas), which was included in the en bloc amendments, allows the Secretary of Labor to fund innovation in apprenticeships by allowing demonstration projects in nontraditional sectors, subject to the recommendation of the National Advisory Committee on Apprenticeships appointed by the Secretary. These projects could even help with the COVID-19 response.

Second, the substitute amendment slashes funding for apprenticeship grants from $3.5 billion to $1.1 billion over the next 5 years. It cuts State apprenticeship formula grants from $475 million to $385 million over 5 years. States have asked us for funding certainty so they can scale up their apprenticeship efforts and have been documented to be an engine of success for the growth of apprenticeships.

This cut is a 77 percent reduction in total funding, resulting in only 219,000 new apprenticeship opportunities. This is an easy choice: 219,000 apprenticeship opportunities versus nearly 1 million apprenticeship opportunities that the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 provides.

We all agree that apprenticeships are a pathway to the middle class, so why would we want to eliminate the rungs of opportunity for hundreds of thousands of apprentices?

Third, this amendment eliminates the interagency agreement with the Department of Education to create stronger alignment between the education system and the national apprenticeship system. My colleagues on the other side of the aisle often talk about wanting to create pathways for students to pursue alternatives to a 4-year degree, but this amendment eliminates provisions of the National Apprenticeship Act that do that in a way that is sought by our institutions of higher education.

As I mentioned earlier, our community colleges strongly support the act as it is. Some say we are creating a one-size-fits-all approach with this bill, but that isn't true either. We include new apprenticeship models, such as competency-based and hybrid options, and expand youth apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeships, something employers have consistently requested.

This amendment is a step in the wrong direction. At a time when at least 7 million people have permanently lost their jobs due to the mishandling of the pandemic, and when the economy is facing a deep recession, the underlying bill is focused on getting people back to work with the best skills possible.

I urge my colleagues to vote ``no'' on this amendment, and I yield back the balance of my time.

Ms. STEFANIK. Madam Speaker, I yield 45 seconds to the gentlewoman from North Carolina (Ms. Foxx).

Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, I rise in support of the amendment offered by Representative Stefanik, a distinguished member of the Education and Labor Committee.

Modernizing the apprenticeship system in this country is more important now than ever, as millions are in need of reskilling.

This amendment would drastically improve the Registered Apprenticeship Program while also permitting DOL to pursue models of work-based learning outside the registered system, such as Industry-

Recognized Apprenticeship Programs.

The exclusion of this amendment would stop this innovative progress and scrap the 131 IRAPs that have already been recognized, the vast majority of which are for nursing credentials.

Unlike the Democrats' narrow-minded bill, Representative Stefanik's amendment recognizes the needs of students, workers, and job creators.

Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to support this commonsense alternative.

Ms. STEFANIK. Madam Speaker, how much time is remaining?

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentlewoman from New York has 15 seconds remaining.

Ms. STEFANIK. Madam Speaker, I yield myself the balance of my time.

Madam Speaker, I urge adoption of this amendment.

This is about getting millions of Americans back to work. This amendment supports small businesses. This amendment supports pre-

apprenticeship programs. And most importantly, this amendment supports innovation.

Madam Speaker, I urge adoption of this amendment, and I yield back the balance of my time.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to House Resolution 85, the previous question is ordered on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from New York (Ms. Stefanik).

The question is on the amendment.

The question was taken; and the Speaker pro tempore announced that the noes appear to have it.

Ms. STEFANIK. Madam Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to section 3(s) of House Resolution 8, the yeas and nays are ordered.

Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, further proceedings on this question are postponed.

Pursuant to clause 1(c) of rule XIX, further consideration of H.R. 447 is postponed.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 167, No. 22

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

House Representatives' salaries are historically higher than the median US income.



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