Wednesday, December 4, 2024
By Press release submission | Dec 7, 2022
Most council agenda items originate in one of council’s standing or ad hoc committees.
WE'RE HIRING! Applications are currently being accepted for the position of Senior Engineer in Utilities.
Meeting next week are council’s Finance Committee and the Elkins Sanitary Board.
By NC West Virginia News | Dec 6, 2022
Coolers from participating Randolph County Ace Hardware stores make great gifts for friends and families that love to camp, hike, or go on adventures.
By NC West Virginia News | Dec 5, 2022
Coolers from participating Marion County Ace Hardware stores make great gifts for friends and families that love to camp, hike, or go on adventures.
Coolers from participating Preston County Ace Hardware stores make great gifts for friends and families that love to camp, hike, or go on adventures.
Participating Randolph County Ace Hardware stores make Christmas shopping easy with a wide selection of power tools.
Participating Monongalia County Ace Hardware stores make Christmas shopping easy with a wide selection of power tools.
Coolers from participating Harrison County Ace Hardware stores make great gifts for friends and families that love to camp, hike, or go on adventures.
The arrival of winter in Taylor County doesn’t mean the barbeque has to be covered for the this holiday season.
Participating Marion County Ace Hardware stores make Christmas shopping easy with a wide selection of power tools.
Participating Taylor County Ace Hardware stores make Christmas shopping easy with a wide selection of power tools.
Participating Preston County Ace Hardware stores make Christmas shopping easy with a wide selection of power tools.
Coolers from participating Taylor County Ace Hardware stores make great gifts for friends and families that love to camp, hike, or go on adventures.
The arrival of winter in Randolph County doesn’t mean the barbeque has to be covered for the this holiday season.
The arrival of winter in Harrison County doesn’t mean the barbeque has to be covered for the this holiday season.
The arrival of winter in Preston County doesn’t mean the barbeque has to be covered for the this holiday season.
Participating Harrison County Ace Hardware stores make Christmas shopping easy with a wide selection of power tools.
Coolers from participating Monongalia County Ace Hardware stores make great gifts for friends and families that love to camp, hike, or go on adventures.
The arrival of winter in Monongalia County doesn’t mean the barbeque has to be covered for the this holiday season.